Chapter Nine

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
It was the next day and and the last day of classes and during my study Period along with the others, I decided to head to Professor Lupin's classroom to see how he was doing but by the time I got there, it looked like he had just started packing his belongings and just as I was about to knock on the door to his office he had spoken up, “I saw you coming” as I noticed the map on his desk, “why are you packing” I asked probably already knowing the answer, “you probably already know why but someone had let slip of my… condition to everyone and at some point tomorrow, owls will start arrive about parents arguments about me teaching their students” he said and I didn’t know what to say about it until I spoke up about it, “I don’t care what they think, you’re one of the best Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers we’ve had, everyone loves you, you should have been sacked because of this” I told him as he turned to face me, “I wasn’t sacked, I resigned and besides people like me don’t get very many chances at things like this and about last night. That was not how I planned on you know about me and us” he said as he mentioned the soulmate thing, “now that you mention it, will we ever see each other again” I asked as I he looked at me in the eye’s and sighed, “I don’t know, besides I’m to old for you, to poor you deserve someone better than me Soulmate Bond or not” he said and it hurt a little as he said that, “I don’t care if you’re rich or poor, old or young. But I’ll wait if that’s what you really want” and as I turned around I noticed Harry in the doorway, “he’s all yours” I said before rushing out of the classroom and headed to the Great Hall whipping a tear from my eye.

As soon as I walked into the Great Hall I noticed everyone I knew were gathered around a certain spot at one of the tables and as I got there I asked what was happening, “what's going on you guys” I asked as I looked at the long package, “it’s for Harry but it doesn’t say who it’s from, but I think I might know who sent it considering this came with it as well” Hermione said as she showed me a feather, “I think it might be from Sirius” she whispered to me so that no one would hear since they were to busy rambling about it and what it could be, “I think it could be” and not long after Harry came by and stood next to Ron and I, “let the man through, I didn’t mean to open it Harry, It was badly wrapped, they made me do it” Ron stammered pointing at the Twins And I chuckled, “did not” they said at the same time as Harry began to open it to reveal a broom but not just any broom, “it’s a firebolt” one of the twins said, “it’s the fastest broom in the world” the other said after, “for me, but who sent it” Harry asked looking around, “no one knows” Ron told him, “there was no name on it either” I told him before Hermione showed him the feather that came with it, “this came with it” she said and all of us rushed outside to front courtyard so that Harry could ride it and as soon as he got on the broom he suddenly took of in a hurry and everyone just clapped and cheered as he flew and as soon as he got back, another person or so took turns on it before we all headed back inside for the day and everyone had gone back to their dorms to pack their belongings before heading to the train, instead of going to the train, I was able to go home with Aunt Minerva as we had gone through the flew network as we finally arrived home, “you go unpack your things and I’ll make us a cup of tea, sound good” she said and I nodded with a smile, “sounds great” I said and headed upstairs and put everything away before going back down and spent some time with Aunt Minerva for the rest of the day.

It has been just over a months since we have been on summer vacation and I was just relaxing until something had hit the Window and I had gone outside to see that it was an owl not just any Owl, but the Weasley’s Owl and I had soon brought it inside before taking what it was holding a letter addressed to me and I immediately opened it and read it as Aurther had an extra ticket for the Quidditch World Cup and that Harry and Hermione were also coming along with them as well and that they would be leaving in a few days. Just as I finished reading it, I went to tell Aunt Minerva about it and I found her sitting outside reading a book while drinking some tea, “hello dear, how are you doing” she asked as she took a drink, “pretty good but I got a letter from Mr. Weasley telling me that I am able to go to the Quidditch World Cup with them along with Harry and Hermione who were also invited” I told her as she set her tea cup and book down along with her glasses, “you can go with them if you like, but be careful and stay safe when you do” she said and I smiled excitedly as I hugged her, “thank you, thank you, thank you, and I promise I will. So I’m going to go and pack then and I hope that it’s alright I go to the Burrow a few days early then” I said and she nodded with a smile before rushing back inside and brought the owl upstairs with me to write back to Arthur and told him that I will be coming and that I will be there before they knew it and gave it to the Owl and let it fly out my window before I started packing and decided to head out the next day since it was getting late when I had finished packing and making sure I had everything I needed.

It was finally the next day and I woke up in a hurry to get ready and double check to make sure I had everything before I said goodbye to Aunt Minerva and headed out as I evaporated to the Burrow and I knocked on the door as soon as I walked up as it revealed Mrs. Weasley, “hello dear how are you, we have gotten your letter early this morning about coming by a few days early in case you wondered” she said as we hugged, hello Mr.s Weasley and good to hear, how are you doing by the way” I asked as she sighed, “well considering that I deal with pretty much a house full of boys and one girl, I’d say it’s a Circus but other then that, I’m doing alright” she said with a smile as everyone else came rushing in and they each gave me a hug before Mr. Weasley did, “hello Genevieve, glad you could make it, how are you” he said after the hug, “I’m glad I could come along and I’m doing well thank you, how are you” I answered, “I’m doing great thanks for asking” he said before he went to Molly as they talked and I went to see George and Fred, “so how are you two doing and what pranks have you been pulling lately” I asked as I walked up to them as they just smiled, “we’ve been pranking mum the most to be honest” Fred said and I went wide eyed, “really, I’m surprised she hasn’t put you in the ground yet” I said as we laughed a little and we continued to talk and hang out. Another day went by and it was the night before we leave and I was sitting with Fred and George until we saw Harry walk in, “Genny, I’m guessing you’re coming to, to the Quidditch World Cup'' he said and I nodded, “yup, Mr. Weasley told me about it a day or so ago” I told him before he went to hang out with Ron and everyone just did their own thing for the rest of the night before we all went to bed for the night since we all had to get up early the next morning.   

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