Chapter Fifty

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
Out of nowhere, the room had gone cold and the room had gone dark and dull until we began to hear Voldemort's voice in our heads and you could tell that Harry wasn’t going to be the only one hearing what he has to say but everyone’s attention went to a girl who had started screaming and Harry went to see what was going on as another girl started to scream as well and another had done the same until we all began to hear his voice and realized that it was Voldemort talking, “I know that many of you will want to fight. Some of you may even think that to fight is wise. But this is folly. Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded. You have one Hour.” he said to everyone as we all just looked at one another not knowing what to do before looking at Harry, “what are you waiting for. Someone Grab him” Pasny said as she pointed to Harry and Ginny and I were the first to stand in front of him, “if anyone touches him or even lays a finger on him, it won’t end well for either one of you” I said as they stayed where they were as the others who were on Harry's side, stood with him until we began to hear Mr. Filch, “student’s out of bed, students out of bed. Student’s in the corridor” he shouted as he came rushing into the Great Hall and I chuckled a little as I shook my head, “they are supposed to be out of bed you blithering idiot” Aunt Minerva said to him, “oh. Sorry Ma’am” he said as he held his cat as he stood in the middle of the room, “as it happens Mr. Filch, your arrival is most opportune. If you would, I would like you to please, lead Miss. Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin House from the Hall.” she asked him and I chuckled with George as I stood next to him, “exactly where is it I’ll be leading them to Ma’am?” he asked her, “the dungeons would do” she said and everyone in the room began to clap and cheer and both Fred and I smiled at each other knowing we wouldn’t have to deal with them for a while and I followed Harry to Aunt Minerva, “I presume you have have a reason for returning, Potter. What is it you need?” she asked him, “time Professor. As much as you can get me” he asked her, “do what you have to do. I’ll secure the Castle.” she told him before looking at me as we just nodded at each other, “Potter. It’s good to see you” she said to him, “it’s good to see you to Professor” he said to her before turning and walking away, “hold the fort Neville, Genevieve” he said to Neville and I, and I nodded, "be careful you hear" I said to him and he nodded before walking away.

Not long after, everyone was rushing around the Castle as I was walking with Aunt Minerva along with Neville and Seamus along with a few others, “let me get this straight Professor. You’re actually giving us permission to do this” he asked her, “that is correct, Longbottom.” she said to him as we continued walking, “to blow it up? Boom?” he asked her, making sure, “Boom” she said and I smiled a little, “wicked. But how on earth are we going to do that” he asked, “Ask Seamus. I don’t know how he does it but he tends to blow everything up” I said, “she’s right. Why don’t you confirm with Mr. Finnigan. As I recall, he has a particular proclivity for Pyrotechnics.” She said to Neville, “I can take it down,” Seamus said, “that’s the spirit. Now away you go” she said to the three of us and we went back inside, “be careful you to” I said to them as they ran off and I went to find Remus. After some time of looking for him, I finally found him on the Astronomy tower and I ran to him and jumped into his arms as I hugged him, “where are the twins?” I asked him, “they’re with your Uncle. They’re safe” he answered before we began to notice what was hitting the Shield that was Protecting the Castle and for now all we can do is watch. I began to feel scared and worried as I felt a tear slip down my cheek, “I love you and our children. More than anything” I said to Remus as we watched the Shield fall apart, “I love you to my darling” he said as we both looked at each other and held out my hand before looking back and our finger touched before we were able to hold hands and before we knew it Death Eaters and other Wizards and Creatures began to attack us and we fought back as I helped Arthur with fighting one of the Death Eaters as they kept coming and felt like it was never ending as everyone continued to fight.

After a while, as it felt like forever, I began to feel like something was clawing inside my head until I began to hear Voldemort’s voice and noticed that I wasn'trhe only one who had as well, “you have fought valiantly, but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonour. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me.” Voldeort said to everyone and every Death Eater, Witch, Wizard and Dark Creature had withdrawn and left the Castle before I realized that I couldn’t see Remus anywhere. After some time of looking around in worry, I finally found him and rushed over to him and jumped into his arms and sobbed into his neck, “I thought I lost you when I didn’t see you anywhere” I said to him before I kissed him passionately, “so did I. when I couldn’t find you I thought they have killed you” he said as he held my face in his hands and after a while, we soon went to the Great Hall to see people carrying bodies and setting them down and I soon noticed Oliver Wood, “Oliver, is that you” I asked as he turned around to face me and the both of us hugged, “Genevieve Long time no see, considering how we are meeting each other again” he said as he moved away from the hug, “well I’m glad you’re doing alright” I said before he walked away to help a few people and I looked around until I saw the Weasley’s crowding around someone and I walked up to them but stopped until I saw him lying there lifelessly and I fell to my knees and began balling my eyes out.

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