Chapter Twenty Three

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
There was now Snow on the ground and it was now the weekend and Harry, Hermione, Ron and I headed through Hogsmeade Village to a meeting place that we have thought of, “this is mad. Who’d want to be taught by me or Genny, we’re nutters, remember?” Harry said as we arrived at Hogs Head, “look on the bright side, you can’t be any worse than old toad face” Ron told us and I laughed a little at the name, “thanks Ron” Harry said sarcastically, “I’m here for you mate, for the both of you” Ron said, “who’s supposed to be meeting us then” Harry asked and I began to wonder the same thing, “Just a couple of people” Hermione said as she opened the door, “Lovely spot” Ron spoke as we looked around, “I thought it would be safer somewhere off the beaten track” Hermione said as we soon walked in and waited for whoever is coming to arrive. When everyone finally arrived the room was silent for a while until Hermione finally spoke up, “um, hi. So you all know why we’re here. We need a teacher. A proper teacher. One who’s had real experience defending themselves against the dark arts.” Hermione said until a boy spoke up, “why?” he asked and I sighed a little as Ron spoke up after him, “why? Because You-Know-Who’s back you tosspot” Ron said to the boy, “so he says” he said, “so Dumbledore says” Hermone spoke up as they continued to speak amongst one another, “so Dumbledore says because they say. The point is, where’s the proof” he asked until another boy with dark hair spoke up about Cedric, “if Potter and Genevieve could tell us more about how Diggory got killed” he mentioned and I began to feel annoyed and Harry noticed and stood up, “neither of us is going to about Cedric, so if that’s why you’re here, you mine as well clear out now” Harry said to everyone as they all stayed quiet before whispered to Hermione until Luna spoke up, “is it true that the both of you can produce a Patronus Charm?” she asked and I spoke up, “yes, we can” I answered her, “I’ve seen it” Hermione said, “Blimey Harry and Genevieve, I didn’t know that either of you could do that” Dean said before Neville spoke up, “and he killed a Basilisk, with a sword, in Dumbledore’s office.” he said to everyone, “it’s true” Ginny answered before Ron spoke up, “In third year , he fought off about a hundred Dementor’s at once” Ron said to everyone before Hermione said something again, “last year they really did fight off You-Know-Who in the flesh” she said to the group, “hey let's not sugar everything, considering what you’re all saying sound great and all, but it never usually happens the way you think and besides, I wasn’t able to do much anyways at the time when, You-Know-Who came back last year considering the amount of blood loss” I said whispering the rest before Harry spoke up, “wait. Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that but the truth is, most of that was just luck and besides Genny’s right I knew she wanted to help but wounded or not I wouldn’t have let her anyways. Now I didn’t know what I was doing half the time. I nearly always had help” he began to say until Hermione spoke up, “they’re just being modest” she said, “No Hermione, We’re not. Facing this stuff in real life is not like school. In school, if you make a mistake, you can just try again tomorrow, but out there when you’re a second away from being Murdered or watching a friend die right before your eyes, you don’t know what that’s like” he said to everyone, “it’s like you’re a completely different person after that and you don’t know what to do with that whether or not you have friends or family that are willing to help you recover from something like that but in reality, I don’t think you could” I said and everyone just stayed Quiet until Hermione spoke up, “you’re right Harry and Genevieve, we don’t. That’s why we need your help. Because if we’re going to have any chance at beating, Voldemort” she said as she took a minute to say the name until Nigel spoke up, “he’s really back” he asked and Harry and I just nodded not saying anything for a bit until Hermione spoke up, “Alright then, if any of you that would like to actually want to learn how to defend yourselves, there will be a sheet for you to write your name on” she said to everyone in the room and they soon lined up and had soon begun to write their names down.

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