Chapter Six

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
School had started back up again as soon as the Holidays were over and Winter was now turning to Spring and after classes were over, I decided to head to the Library to do any homework that needed to be finished until the thought of what’s been happening to me every month came to mind and decided not to leave, especially what Professor Snape taught us the first time Professor Lupin hadn’t taught the class so I immediately thought something was up but I didn’t want to ask anyone anything but I was soon brought out of my thought’s when Hermione sat next to me, “hey Genevieve, how was your Holiday” she asked and I smiled, “it was good actually I stayed at the Weasley’s, how was yours” I answered, “it was good, my parents and I went and stayed in a cabin for the holidays'' she said and I smiled, “that sounds nice” I said and she smiled until it soon went away, “I noticed something was bugging you before I got here, what is it” she asked and I sighed, “well, something about Professor Lupin seems off or is it just me” I said leaving out the part where I get pains ever since he he started missing classes, “well no that you think about it, I guess there could be something going on” she said as I could tell she was thinking about something else as if she’s keeping something, but I didn’t bother saying anything about it and we just hung out for a while longer before we decided to leave the Library for the day and soon headed down to the Great Hall for dinner. By the time we finished eating everyone headed back to their Common rooms for the night and I had gone to see my Aunt to see how she was doing. By the time I got to her Quarters and I knocked on the door, “come in” she said and I did so, “hello dear, how was your first day back” she asked taking a sip of tea, “it was good, how about you” I answered sitting down in front of her, “it was good, would like a cup of tea dear” she asked and I nodded, “yes please” I answered and she soon got up and brought everything over before she poured me a cup and we talked about our days before I started to feel tired and decided to turn in for the night, “well, I’m off to bed I’ll see you tomorrow” I told her before I got up from my seat, “good night sweetie, sleep well” she said before she gave me a hug and I soon walked out of her Quarters and went to my shared dorm to soon see that Hermione and Ginny already on their pajamas and I did the same before I got into bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I immediately fell asleep.

It was the next day and I was hanging out with both George and Fred in the Common room for a while until I felt someone tapping my shoulder and I turned to see that it was Hermione and I smiled, “hey Mione, what’s up” I said turning around completely, “Ron, Harry and I were wondering if you wanted to come with us to go and see Hagrid” She asked and I nodded before turning back to George and Fred, “I’ll see you guys later” I told them as I got up and followed the Trio to Hagrid's Home and as soon as we walked out the front, both Ron and Hermione started to argue about Hermione’s cat and Ron’s Rat, “Beautiful Day” she said and I laughed a little, “wait for it” I whispered to Harry as he soon looked at me with a confused look on his face, “you’ll see” I told him as we continued to walk, “Gorgeous, unless of course you’ve been ripped to pisces” Ron said, “and so it begins” I whispered to Harry before he spoke up, “ripped o pisces, what are you talking about” he said sounding confused, “Ronald has lost his Rat” Hermione told him, “I haven’t lost anything, your cat killed him” he said as he was trying to prove a point, “rubbish” she said, “Harry, Genny, you’ve seen the way that bloodthirsty beast of hers is always lurking about and Scabbers is gone” he said as we had just gotten to the bridge, “well maybe you should take better care of your pets” Hermione argued and it went on until I decided to say something, “alright the both of you just calm down, maybe Hermione is right Ron, maybe you should get a cage for Scabbers to play in or something like that when your not around so you he’s not disappearing all the time so you don’t have to worry so much about Crookshanks trying to chase after him” I told him and he sighed, “ya maybe you’re right” he said, “no can you try and put this aside and stop arguing about it so much” I said to the both Hermione and Ron and they both nodded, “alright now let’s go and see Hagrid” I said and we all smiled and made it across the bridge and made our way to see Hagrid.

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