Chapter Eighteen

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
By the time we arrived back at the start of the Maze, all I could hear was the buzz of everyone cheering as sweat streamed down my face as we soon heard the screams of Fleur and that was when everyone slowly stopped cheering and most to all of the teachers came to both Harry and I, and I felt someone touch my shoulder and I turned to see that It was Mr. Filch as I sat nearby, “for god’s sake Dumbledore, what’s happened” the Minister said before Harry spoke up about Voldemort, “he’s back. He’s back. Voldemort’s back. Cedric, he asked us to bring his body back. I couldn leave him, not there” he said to him, “is this true miss” the Minister asked me and I nodded as I couldn’t say anything as Professor Dumbledore spoke up, “it’s alright Harry and Genevieve. It's alright. He’s home. You all are'' he said as the Mister spoke up, “keep everybody in their seats'' he shouted before telling the rest to the teachers something else and Aunt Minerva knelt down next to me, “it’s alright dear, it’s going to be alright” she said as she tried to comfort me and hug me, “the body must be moved Dumbledore. There are too many people'' the Minister told him until we heard Amos Diggory come by and that was when I lost it and began to cry harder, “that’s my son. That’s my boy” he said before dropping to his knees and began to cry himself and both Harry and I were both dragged away by Professor Moody, “come on, get up, both of you. Easy, easy. This is not where either of you want to be right now. Come one” he whispered to us and we were taken away as the cries of Mr. Diggory began to fade the father we got from the crowd, “it’s alright you two, I got you” he said to us as we continued to walk away. 

We soon made it to his office as he opened the door and had us sit down and bent over, “are you alright you two” he asked and we both nodded, “does it hurt for either of you? That?” he asked as he mentioned the wounds we had, “no so much now” Harry answered, “it's just a numbing pain I guess” I answered after, “perhaps I better take a look at them” he said looking at Harry’s arm first before moving to check my shoulder, “the cup was a PortKey. Someone bewitched it” Harry told him before he slowly looked back towards him, “what was it like? What was he like” he asked us, “what” Harry answered, “are you talking about You-Know-Who?” I asked wondering, “yes the Dark Lord” he said as Harry snatched his arm away wincing, “what was it like to stand in his presence?” he asked again as he walked away and I was starting to think that my thoughts about him were right, “I don’t know” Harry answered as I began to notice his strange movements, “it was like I’d fallen into one of my dreams, into one of my nightmares” Harry continued as I continued to keep and eye on Professor Moody until he walked away and tried looking for something, “were there others? In the graveyard, were there others” he asked us and I remembered that we never mentioned the graveyard, “we never mentioned being at the graveyard” I whispered to Harry as he looked at me before speaking, “we… I don’t think we said anything about a graveyard, Professor” he told him and Professor Moody came back into the room looking at us, “Marvelous creatures, dragons, aren’t they” he said to us as he continued to look for something, “did you think that miserable oaf would’ve led you two into the woods if I hadn’t suggested it? Do you think Cedric Diggory would've told you two to open the egg underwater if I hadn’t told him first myself? Did you think Neville Longbottom the Witless Wonder could’ve provided either of you with Gillyweed if I hadn’t given him the book that led him straight to it? Eh” he said to us, “Genevieve was right about you, it was you from the beginning. You put our names in the Goblet of Fire but why her. You also Bewitched krum, but you-” he said before being cut off, “but, but. You both won because I made it so Potter. You ended up in that Graveyard tonight because it was meant to be so, and the girl, she was only there to see if he would tourture her to get you to do what he wants since he knows how close of friends the Two of you are. And now the dead it done." he said snatching Harry’s arms and digging his fingers into my shoulder and I screamed, “leave her alone'' I heard Harry say before he took his arm away, “the blood that runs through these veins, runs within the Dark Lord'' he said before walking away, “you’re not Professor Moody are you” I asked and he smirked as he walked towards the both of us, “Imagine how he will reward me when he learns that I have once and for all silenced the great Harry Potter” he said and as he point his wand at Harry, I was about to get in front of him before the door had flown off his hinges and soon revealed Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape and Aunt Minerva as the three of them rushed into the room, “do you know who I am” Professor Dumbledore asked holding him down, “Albus Dumbledore” he answered trying to make the words, “are you Alastor Moody? Are you?” he asked him, “No” he said, “is he in this room? Is he in this room” Dumbeledore asked twice until the man as Moody looked in our direction, “I think he’s in the chest here sir” I said realizing what he was looking at as I pointed to the chest, “Harry, Genevieve away from there” Dumbledore said and both Harry and I moved away from the chest as they soon opened it to later reveal the real Alastor Moody, “you alright Alastor” Dumbledore asked before he spoke up, “I’m sorry Albus” he said as he covered his left eye, “that’s Moody, But then who’s-” Harry began to say before Snape sniffed the flask he had in his hands, “Polyjuice Potion” he said, “now we know who’s been stealing from your store Severus” Dumbledore said as Snape looked at Harry and I, “don’t say we didn’t tell you so” I said before Dumbledore shouted, “we’ll get you up in a minute” he said and both Harry and I turned to the sound of groaning to soon see the potion wearing off, “that’s nasty” I said  to myself as Harry walked in front of him.

The Polyjuice potion had finally worn off the man in front of us had looked familiar and realized who he was and remembered seeing him in the Daily Prophet one day and it was none other the Barty Crouch Jr as he soon launched himself towards Harry and I as we were both dragged back, “Barty Crouch Jr” Both Dumbledore and I said at the same time, “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” he said lifting his sleeve to reveal the dark mark on his forearm, “your arm Harry” I heard Dumbledore say as he had looked at Harry’s arm, “you know what this means, don’t you? He’s back. Lord Voldemort has returned.” Barty said to us, “I’m sorry sir, I couldn’t help it and Neither could Genny, she was pinned against the grave by the shoulder so she couldn’t have done much either” Harry told the others, “send an Owl to Azkaban. I think they’ll find they’re missing a prisoner” Dumbledore said as he continued to look at Barty and Aunt Minerva came to me to check my shoulder as we walked out, “I’ll be welcomed back like a hero” I heard him say and I got out of Aunt Minerva’s grip on my arm and walked over to Barty not paying attention to what Dumbledore said as I soon punched Barty in the face with my good arm, “just remember that you shouldn’t be surprised if Voldemort kills you no matter what you do so consider this, he will not consider you a hero, nor will he welcome you back as one” I told him to soon see Professor Snape staring at me, “what” I asked and he shrugged, “oh nothing, I personally never thought you would do such a thing like this” he said and I sighed, “well now you do know that I will if I have to” I said before leaving the room, “why did you go back” Harry asked and I smirked, “punched him in the face for what he did, not just to me but what he he did to you” I said as we stood in the middle of the Hallway and noticed the smirks on both Aunt Minerva and Dumbledor’s faces, “good for you, I am glad your father taught you self defence” Aunt Minerva said and I smiled before we started walking again as both Harry and I we sent to the Hospital Wing to get checked on, “so how do you think Mr. Diggory is doing considering what happened to his son” I said remembering what happened, “I don’t know, he’s probably still grieving of course” he said and I nodded, “I just hope that everything turns out alright in the end for him and their family” I said as one of the nurses cleaned my shoulder before wrapping it in a bandage and we soon heard the rushed footsteps coming towards us and we saw that It was Ron, Hermione and the others, “oh my, are you two alright, “Hermione asked as Fred and George sat on either side of me, “well we could be better, all things considering” I said as I let out a sigh resting my head on fred’s shoulder as I thought about Remus hoping that he’s doing alright and knowing that he had probably felt what I had just been through with Harry.

After some time went by, both Harry and I were able to leave the Hospital Wing and I decided to get cleaned up after getting a few things to change into and went to the showers and by the time I was done and changed I decided to walk around the halls since I couldn’t go to bed right away and just stood in the hall as I looked out as thought of everything had passed through my head until I felt someone gently touching my arm and I turned to see Aunt Minerva and I smiled, “what are you thinking about dear” she asked and I sighed, “everything” I answered still looking out, “you know, no matter what you or anyone has been through, Hogwarts will always be your home” she said and I smiled, “that’s true, ever since mom and dad died this was where I always wanted to be. Besides being with you of course” I said with a smile before I soon thought about dad, “you know, your Mother and Father loved you dearly. Never forget that” she told me as a tear slipped down my cheek, “how about we go and have some tea” she said and we both headed for her room and we made the tea and shared a few memories until It started to get late and I headed back to my dorm for the night. As soon as I walked into the room, I saw Hermione sitting up reading a book, “hello Genevieve, do you feel any better” she asked as I got into my bed, “hey Hermione. I’m a little better than I was before” I answered her and she smiled a little before closing her book, “is You-Know-Who really back” she asked whispering to me and I nodded not really wanting to think about it anymore and she stayed silent and we both decided to go to bed for the remainder of the night not saying another word after that and I had fallen into a deep sleep as soon as my head had hit the Pillow.

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