Chapter Twenty One

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
It was now the next morning and I had woken up to someone stroking my hair I I smiled as I looked up to see that Remus was already awake, “good morning my love” he said kissing my forehead, “good morning my darling” I answer as I kissed him and after laying in bed together for a while, we both decided to finally get out of bed and head downstairs to see Mr and Mrs. Weasley, Harry, Sirius, Hermione and Ginny were already up as they sat at the table while Mrs. Weasley made everyone Breakfast, “good morning you to, how did you sleep” Mrs. Weasley asked, “good morning and I slept well thank you. Do you need help Mrs. Wealsey” I asked as she was mixing something, “yes please if you don’t mind dear” she said and I walked over to her and helped her finish making breakfast while Ginny and Hermione were told to get Fred, George and Ron up and I brought the plates out to the table and handed them ou to everyone as Mrs. Weasley brought the food out to the table and everyone who was already there had helped themselves as they thanked Mrs. Weasley and Ron, Fred and George soon came down with Ginny and Hermione as the five of them soon sat down at the table and ate themselves as we all had our own conversations with one another until we had finished eating, “well, Harry and I best me off and we will see you all later” Mr. Weasley said and we all said goodbye, “good luck Harry” I said and he nodded and I rested my head on Remus’s shoulder for a bit before I decided to get changed for the day and Remmus had done the same thing and we both headed back downstairs for a while and Remus had felt like taking a walk, “do you want to take a walk with me darling” Remus asked and I nodded and I went to grab my things before the both of us walked out the door and went for a walk. We were walking hand in hand until we had walked up to a bookstore and both Remus and I had decided to go in to look around and after a while I met back up with Remus with a book or two in my hand, “did you find any you like yet” I asked and he nodded as he grabbed one, “ya, it’s about Hamlet, what did you pick out” he said with a smile, and I showed him what I picked out, “Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth, you really like Shakespeare don’t you” he said and I nodded biting my lip, “Romeo and Juliet is my favourite” I told him as we walked up to the counter and just as I was about to get my money out to pay for my stuff, he had stopped me from doing so, “here, I’ll get it for you” he said to me, “no it’s alright, you don’t have to” I said trying to reason with him, “no let me, I will keep it up until you let me” he said with a chuckle, “alright then” I said as I allowed him to pay and we soon left the shop when he did and we headed back to Sirius’s place.

By the time we got back, Harry and Mr. Weasley were still gone and when they did come back not long after Remus and I had gotten back ourselves, they had soon told us what had happened, “well the good thing is that Harry is still able to go to Hogwarts this year” Mr. Weasley said and I was glad but I also knew that people would talk about this and about him behind his back unless Malfoy was around then he would just say it to his face, “well I’m glad your still able to go at least” I said trying to at least cheer him up a little bit but I could tell it didn’t really do much and everyone had just done their own thing for the rest of the day as I spent most of my time with either Fred and George or Remus and when everyone had gone to bed that night, both Remus and I were laying in bed as he had read and I fell asleep to the sound of his voice as I faintly heard him stop reading and wrap his arms around me pulling me closer to him as I smiled before finally falling into a deep sleep. It now the next day and I had slowly woken up to an empty bed and I looked around as Ibegan to feel sore throughout my whole body and after a while I had finally gotten out of bed to see where Remus had gone only to find him on the couch downstairs while the others were in the kitchen and I gently caressed his cheek remembering that last night must have been a full moon as he soon woke up with drowsy eye and I smiled a little before speaking, “How are you feeling” I asked kissing his forehead gently, “I’ve been worse, but better now that you’re here” he said with a small smile, “why don’t we get you back up stairs” I said as he slowly got up with a few groans and soon went back up stairs and he soon laid down on the bed, “are you hungry” I asked and he nodded, “alright, I’ll be back  with some food”  said kissing his forehead again and headed back downstairs to get him some breakfast and something to drink, “good morning dear, how are you feeling” Mrs. Weasley asked with a small smile, “I’m alright, just going to bring up some food for Remus” I said to her with a smile, “how is he doing now that you mention it, I didn’t want to bother him since he was asleep due to what happened last night” he said, “he’s a bit sore but he’ll be fine” I answered, “well I’m glad that he’s alright, come back down when your ready alright, we should leave for the Train soon” she told me and I nodded and headed back upstairs to see Remus reading a book before he noticed me and he smiled and I soon handed him the food and tea, “do you feel any better” I asked and he shrugged before he started eating, “when you’re done eating you should go back to sleep if you need to” I said to him, “I sleep better when you’re with me but I know you have to leave for Hogwarts” he said to me, “is that a good or a bad thing” I said with a chuckle,”oh definitely a good thing,it’s just before you know, the bond thing, I didn’t sleep as well until now” he said as I gently moved his hair out of his face and he soon finished up and he soon fell asleep and I had gotten changed and ready for the day and by the time I was done and had something to eat, I decided to leave a note for Remus informing him that I would promise to write to him and that he should do the same just so we can know that either one of us is doing alright and by the time I finished writing it, I had left in on the nightstand next to him and gently kissed his cheek, “sleep well my love” I whispered to him before leaving the room and headed to the train station with Harry and the others.

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