Chapter Twenty Four

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
The Holiday had finally arrived and I was at Sirius’s place with the Weasley’s and Hermione. We were all in the Kitchen, “here we go. Daddy’s back” Mrs. Weasley said as Mr. Weasley sat down at the end of the table and we clapped, “sit down everybody, sit down. That’s it, now Presents” Mrs. Weasley said as she began to hand out Presents to everyone, “and a nice big box for Ron” Mr. Weasley said and Mrs. Weasley tried giving the twins their gifts and I laughed a little when she gave the wrong ones as they switched them, “come on open up, I want to see your faces” she said as we began to open them and I opened mine to see a sweater with my initial on it and I smiled, “thank you Mrs. Weasley, I love it” I said and she smiled, “you’re welcome dear, I’m glad you like it. Come on then everybody. Let's clear this away” she said as we cleaned up the wrapping paper until she began to say Harry’s name, “oh Harry, Harry. There you are” she said walking up to him and I noticed both Sirius and Remus behind him and I smiled at Remus before I got up from my seat and walked up to Reamus and gave him a hug, “hello darling” he said smiling as he looked down at me, “hello my love and Merry Christmas” I said with a smile before giving him a kiss until we heard Mr. Weasley spoke up, “a Christmas toast. To Mr. Harry Potter without whom I would not be here. Harry” he said as everyone soon raised their glasses and said the same thing and we all hung out and ate and had a few laughs with one another until we had finished and both Remus and I had headed to our shared room, “Remus, how are you feeling you’ve been looking tired the whole time you were here” I asked as I sat down next to him on the bed and gently held his hand, “ya I’m alright dear, just been feeling tired since the full moon is close'' he said as I gently rubbed his back, “have you been able to make Wolfsbane at all” I asked and he shook his head, “no, Sirius doesn’t have the ingredients, and to get them are expensive” he said and I began to think about making it for him, “how about I try making for you, or see if Snape can continue doing it” I suggested, “I know Severus won’t continue with it so don’t bother with him” he said and I just sat there holding his hand before I remembered getting him something for Christmas, “where are you going” he asked as I stood up and walked away to get it, “getting your present” I said with a smile before going into the closet to get it and soon came back and sat next to him as he opened it to reveal a new Cardigan and a few books, “do you like it” I asked blushing a little, “like it, I love it. Thank you darling” he said placing a gentle kiss on my head, “I’m glad you do” I said with a smile and I soon kissed him and it soon turned into a makeout session bed when we were on the bed he soon stopped, “I can’t, not yet. I want it to be special for you especially” he said and I nodded as he stayed on top of me and I smiled a little before he laid next to me as we stayed like that in silence for a while until I unknowingly fell asleep in his arms.

Remus’s P.O.V
After sometime, I had noticed that Genevieve had fallen asleep and I gently got out of bed before gently planting a kiss on her forehead before quietly walking out of the room and headed downstairs, “how is Genevieve” I heard Mrs. Weasley say, “she’s fine, she fell asleep though” I told her and she smiled a little, “she is a sweet girl, been best friends with Fred and George as soon as they met on the first day of Hogwarts for their First Year and they have been inseparable ever since, them lot. And ever since, she would always come by for a bit during the summers and Holidays and sometimes go along with Fred and George’s pranks and play Quidditch with them” she said with a chuckle and I did the same, “but I can tell she is different when she’s with you, I may not understand the bond the both of you have, but I can tell she cares for you and that she loves you more than anything, no matter the age and no matter whether you’re a Werewolf or not” she said to me and I nodded knowing that she was right and after talking with Molly I had gone back upstairs to see how Genevieve was doing to see that she was just waking up, “where did you go” she asked in a raspy like voice as I went to sit on the bed, “I went downstairs Darling, how did you sleep” I said to her moving some of her hair out of her face, “I slept alright” she said as she hugged me and buried her head in my neck, “Cuddles” she said and that's what we did for a bit before Sirius had walked into the room, “hey you two love birds, the Weasley’s are getting ready to leave” Sirius said and I was about to get until I felt Genevieve continued to hold onto me, “Darling, it’s time for you to get going now” I told her as she looked up at me, “but I don’t want to leave yet” she answer and I chuckled, “come on Genevieve, we mustn't keep them waiting” I told her and she soon let out a heavy sigh, “alright then, fine” she said as she had let go of me and  helped her get everything ready, “I’ll go let them know you’ll be down in a minute” Sirius said before he left the room and headed back downstairs and we soon finished packing her things and I went downstairs with her as she carried her bag that she had brought her stuff in, “is everyone ready to go, do you all have your things” Mrs. Weasley had asked them and they all nodded and Genevieve walked up to me and kissed me, “I’ll see you soon” I said and she smiled, “I love you” she said, “and I love you” I answered back before she walked away again and left and I stayed with Sirius for a while longer before the both of us had decided to head to bed for the night.

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