Chapter Seventeen

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
It was finally the day of the Third and Final Task and we were waiting and the Five of us soon walked out one by one and into the Stadium and both Harry and I walked out with Professor Dumbledore and I soon waved to my Aunt when I saw her in the Audience, “Sonorus” Dumbledore shouted and everyone began to quiet down, “earlier today, Professor Moody placed the TriWizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows it’s exact position. Now as Mr. Diggory” Dumbledore said before everyone going for Cedric began to cheer for him before they went quiet again and Professor Dumbledore began to speak once again, “and Mr. Potter” he said and others began to cheer for him before going quiet as well, “are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Miss. Genevieve, Mr. Krum and Miss. Delacour.” he said to the audience as they all began to cheer for the three of us, “first Person to touch, will be the winner! I’ve instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should at any point a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants gather around, quickly” he said and that’s what we did as I stood between Cedric and Harry, “in the maze, you’ll find no dragons creatures of the deep. Instead you’ll face something even more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh, find the cup if you can. But be very wary, you could just lose yourselves along the way” he sad to us before walking away and speaking up again, “Champions, prepare yourselves” he said and both Harry and I walked over to Professor Moody as everyone began to cheer loudly, “on the count of three. one-”Dumbledore began to say until he was cut off my the cannon going off and both Harry and Cedric had soon walked into the maze and  put two thumbs up as Harry looked back and the rest of us waited for our turn to enter, “now before you enter, I want you to keep an eye out, not just for yourself but also for Harry if you ever meet up with him alright” he said and I nodded and we soon were able to walked into the maze and I did what Professor asked me and kept an eye out as well as keeping my wand out as well. 

After a while I finally met up with Harry not long before hearing someone scream but before we could make it any further, we both saw Krum facing the other way until he heard us step on something as he quickly turned around pointing his wand at us as we stayed quiet until he finally went away and we soon went in the opposite direction, “so who was it that screamed” I asked Harry, “I think it was Fleur” he answered and we soon caught up to where it was and he was right as we saw Fleur being pulled into the hedge and Harry tried to do something but soon stood back up and flew a red spark into the sky, “periculum” he said but before we could go anywhere, heavy wind had picked up and both Harry and I began to run before the hedges began to close behind us until we were able to make a turn and make it out and I helped Harry up until we both saw the Cup at a distance before we started running until we heard someone and saw that it was Viktor and heard Cedric not long after, “both of you get down” he said and that’s what we did as Cedric shouted a spell pushing Viktor back and knocking Viktor out, but before Cedric could do anything else both Harry and I tried to stop him from hurting Viktor, “No, don’t! Stop, he’s bewitched, Cedric. He’s bewitched” Harry tried telling him before he pushed us off and ran and so did we as we tried looking for the cup until we did and as soon as we started running again, roots started coming up from the ground until they tripped Cedric and Harry and I soon stopped to see, “Harry, Genevieve” and continued to call our names until we finally ran to him and helped him, “reducto” we both said getting rid of the roots, “thanks” Cedric said as we tried to catch our breaths, “no problem” Harry answered, “you know, for a moment there, I thought you- you were gonna let it get me” he told us, “for a moment so did I” Harry answered, “to be honest I froze not knowing what to do for a second” I told him as well, “some game huh” Cedric said and I chuckled, “some game” Harry answered, “if we ever get out of here alive, Butterbear is on me” I said and we chuckled for a moment until the wind began to pick up again and the three of us ran as fast as we could towards the cup until we made it, “go on, take it. You saved me, take it” Cedric said to us, “no we do this together” I shouted over the loud wind, “together, One, Two Three” we said and grabbed the cup.

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