Chapter Twenty Nine

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DISCLAIMER: There will by Smut in this Chapter, so if you don't like reading it, you can skip it if you want to

Genevieve's P.O.V
After being with the Weasley's for a couple of weeks, I have recently been spending the last few weeks of the summer with Remus and they were nothing but bliss as I thought about it while I lay here with him in bed as I had woken up before he had and I unknowingly traced shapes on his bare chest until I felt him gently kissing the top of my head and I smiled before looking up to see that he was awake, "good morning my darling" he said smiling, "good morning my love" I said as I kissed the nape of his neck and he lightly moaned and he soon rolled on top of me and I giggled, "you have know Idea what you do to me" he said and I bit my lip as he was position in between my legs, "I hope that's a good thing" I said and he smirked, "oh it's more than a good thing darling" he said and I continued to giggle as he started to kiss my neck also until the room was silent again as we both just stared into each other's eyes, "Marry me" he blurted out and I was speechless, "what" I finally spoke up, "Marry me" he said again and I smashed my lips against his, "I'm guessing that's a yes" he said and I giggled before kissing him again, "of course it a yes, yes I'll marry you" I said to him with the biggest smile on my face and we soon decided to get out of bed and get changed and ready for the day and just before I decided to write to Aunt Minerva about it, an Owl flew in through the window and an envelope landed in my hand and to see that it was from Aunt Minerva and I furrowed my brows as I opened the envelope and read the letter that was in it.

Dear Genevieve
I am writing to you because I was informed that there was an opening for an assistant at Hogwarts to whoever needs it and I thought you might be interested since you loved being there so much. It is up to you if you want to take up the offer and if you think about it, you will have about Two days or so to come up with an answer whether or not you want it.

P.S. I already know about Remus wanting to Propose to you as he had already asked me for my blessing a few days ago as I had also given him your mothers wedding ring to Propose to you with. Anyways dear, I hope you Two are doing well and I hope to get an answer soon so that I can let Professor Dumbledore know what you have said. Love you dear.

Love, Aunt Minerva

As I finished reading the letter, I turned around to tell Remus about what it had said but soon came into view was Remus down on one knee with the ring in his hand, "beat you to it I guess" he said as he gently put the ring on my finger, "Aunt Minerva had mentioned that you had asked for her blessing, I was going to ask you about that but I guess I don't have to" I said with a smile as he stood up as a smile had grown in his face as well, "I thought so anyways, what else did the letter say" he asked as I put it down, "she was telling me about a position that had opened up and that it was going to be an assistant for, I'm assuming, for any of the teachers" I told him as I sat down on the couch, "you should do it, you should take up the offer" he said as he sat down next to me and I sighed, "I don't know if I sould, I'll just be worried about you like I have been since you resigned over two years ago" I said with a little worry in my voice, "don't worry about me my love, I'll be fine" he said and I continued to think about it until I sighed, "alright fine, I'll do it. I'll take up the offer" I said and he smiled and I smiled as well, I should write to her and tell her my answer" I said and I went to grab some parchment and a Quill and wrote back to Aunt Minerva as I told her everything including my answer to her question. Later that day both Remus and I just spent time with each other not wanting to leave the other, "I love you, you know that right" I said as I laid with him on the couch as he read a book, "of course I do, and I love you darling. More than life itself" he answered back as he put the book down, "join me for a bath" I asked as I got up and held his hand and he soon followed me to the bathroom and soon got the tub ready before getting undressed and I leaned into Remus with a sigh as he continuously caressed my shoulders and arms and gently placed gentle kisses on my shoulders and I bit my lip every once and a while, "does it feel nice" he asked and I nodded, "love me" I whispered and I felt him stop, "are you sure that is what you want" he asked and I nodded, "yes, i want to make love with you, I want you to be my first" I answered as I positioned myself on his lap and felt him wrap his arms around me, "than let's make love my darling" he said and we both smiled before sharing a passionate kiss with one another and before I knew it, he gently entered me and I let out a breathy moan as he gently kissed my chest and neck before pressing our lips together and we continued to make love, "you feel so good my love" he said breathlessly, "you feel good to my darling, I think I'm going to come soon" I said as I felt myself getting closer, "me to darling, but I'm not wearing a condom" he said as I didn't feel worried about it, "it's fine, it's ok" I told him as we continued making love until we both reached our climaxes and I let out a load moan and he let out a few grunts himself as I felt him fill me as he hadn't pulled out and we were both breathing heavily as we stayed the way we are for a while longer, "that was amazing" I whispered to him with a smile, "yes it was" he answered before we finally got out of the tub and drained it before heading to his room, "round two" I said with a smirk and he returned it, "of course" he said and he kissed down along my stomach and I let out a few breathy moans until he stopped at my entrance and I looked down to see he was looking up at me, "don't be a tease" I said before he began to eat me out as I ran my fingers through his hair as I continued to moan as I reached my climax, "your turn my love" I said as I layed on the bed and I had done the same to him and kissed along his chest and stomach until I reached his length and began to stroke him for a while, "you're good at this love, you sure you've never done this before" he asked and I shook my head, "nope, you're my first" I said as I continued, "keep going, I'm almost there" he said and he soon came into my mouth and I swallowed and I straddled him as I soon lowered myself over his length and and we both let out a moan and I began to move up and down until I picked up the pace and the room was filled with our moans, "I close darling, so close" he said as he held me close as I continued to move until he filled me again as he reached his climax but I haven't reached mine yet as I kept moving, "G-Genevieve, I can't take it anymore, please" he began to say, "hold on a little longer, I'm almost there" I told him as I was close and I soon reached my climax and he filled me again as our moans were louder than before.

Later that night, we were both lying in each others arms in silence as I traced shapes on his chest as he soon spoke up, "do you think you'll get pregnant since I didn't where a condom and I came inside of you three times" he asked and I looked up at him, "if I do end up Pregnant, than that's fine with me, just as long as it's ok with you" I said as he looked down to face me with a gentle smile, "it will be alright with me, but what if ends up like me. A werewolf" he said sounding worried about the last part, "than I'll be alright with that, I will still love it anyways" I told him and he kissed my forehead gently, "I love you my darling" he whispered, "I love you to my love" I said gently kissing his cheek before we soon fell asleep that night. It was now the next morning and I woken up to see that Remus wasn't in bed next to me and I sat up as I covered myself as I began to remember the time we shared the night before as it brought a smile to my face as I shared my first time with the man I love and I was soon brought out of my thoughts when I heard him enter the room with a tray in his hands and my smile grew bigger, "what's this all about" I asked as he set it down, "it's breakfast in bed for you my love" he said and I just continued to smile, "you're to adorable, but thank you" I said and he kissed my forehead gently, "eat up darling, you're going to need it considering the amount of love making we did last night" he said and I giggled, "I wonder what Aunt Minerva would think if she found out what we did last night" I said with a smile on my face, "oh dear, she'd probably kill me" he said and we laughed a little, "no she wouldn't" I said as we ate the food he made before I decided to get dressed for the day. Later that day, an Owl had flown through the window and I noticed that it was Aunt Minerva's as it had dropped another letter and I opened it to read what it said.

Dear Genevieve

I have written to you to Inform you that I have received your letter and I am glad that you have taken up the offer to join. I also want to tell you that all teachers and staff must arrive the day before the students do so that they are able to prepare for the days to come. I hope you and Remus are doing well and that you are having a good time with one another, so if you do not mind that you come home soon for when we leave so that I can discuss it with you more in person.

Love your Aunt Minerva

After reading the letter from Aunt Minerva, I turned to see that Remus was leaning against the wall and I smiled a little, "it was from Aunt Minerva. She wants me to head home since she told me that the staff has to be there a day early then the Students and that she also wants to discuss it more with me in person but I don't want to leave" I told him and he nodded as he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me in a hug, "I love you, you know that right" he said and I gently nodded, "I love you to" I said back as we stayed the way we were for a while longer until he slightly backed away and held my face in his hands, "when I leave, Promise me you'll be safe" I asked and he nodded, "don't worry about me, I'll be fine darling" he said with a gentle smile before kissing me passionately and he soon helped me pack my things that I had brought with me and when we had finished, we both had said our goodbyes, "before I go, please write to me, especially before or after a full moon so I know you're alright" I asked him with a little worry, "I Promise I will now get going future Mrs. Lupin I'll see you soon" he said and I smiled and blushed a little when he mentioned the name Mrs. Lupin, "alright, alright, I love you" I said as he walked up to me and placed a kiss on my lips, "I love you to Darling" he said and I soon left by Floo Powder and made it back home. By the time I got there, I saw Aunt Minerva sitting on the couch reading the Daily Prophet, "what's the paper saying this time" I asked as I dropped my bag next to the stairs and sat next to Aunt Minerva, "still the same, the Trial for Daloros is still pending and they say they will hold off the Minister resignation until they find someone suitable enough to fill his spot" she said as she soon put it down to take a sip of tea, "now about that position, there is not much to say besides the fact that you most likely won't be doing as much as you think besides assisting the teachers in certain things that they might need help with. We will also be leaving tomorrow morning to get a good night sleep tonight if you will alright" she told me and I nodded, "alright Auntie" I said and we continued to hang out for a while longer as I also helped her with making dinner, "so I heard about the Joke Shop Fred and George are doing. Hows is that doing" she asked me, "it's doing alright as far as I know considering what's been going on in Diagon Alley" I said as I remembered what Fred and George had told me about how slow it has been lately, "oh I've heard about what's been going on there, it's terrible that it's not as lively as it used to be since the Death Eaters were there" she said with a sigh, "anyways, we should get to bed. We have to leave in the morning" she said and we both headed up stairs and as soon as I walked into my room, I had gotten ready for bed and had fallen asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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