Chapter Nineteen

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
It was the next day and I had just finished getting ready for the day before heading to the Great Hall. by the time I got there with Fred and George, the three of us sat with Ginny as her and I sat on either side of the twins as we waited for everyone else to walk in and sit down and when that happened everyone had gone silent as Dumbledore sat in his chair thinking of what to say before speaking, “today, we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as you all know, exceptionally hard working, infinitely fair-minded and most importantly, a fierce, fierce friend. Now, I think therefore, you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort! The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so, I think would be an insult to his Memory. Now the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, and reminds us, that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events, the bonds of friendship we’ve this year will be more important than ever. Remember that, and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that, and we’ll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brave and true, right to the very end.” he said to the crowd and I just sat there as the events of that night played through my mind as a few tears slid down my cheeks. After some time had gone by, everyone was able to leave the hall and I was just slowly walking off to the side as others walked past me and just before I was about to walk into the Common room, I was stopped by Fred and George, “your Aunt wants to see you in her office” Fred said and I nodded, “ok, thanks” I said before turning around before I was stopped again, “before you go, we were wondering how you were feeling since what happened and that you are planning on coming over at some point during the summer” George said and I shrugged, “I’m alright I guess and I might but I’m going to be staying at home for the most part though” I said not knowing what else to say at this point, “ok, just let us know and I’m sure mum would try and do something to cheer you up as well” Fred said and I smiled a little, “I know she will, she always does” I said and they smiled a little as well before we went our separate ways for now and I soon headed to Aunt Minerva’s Office.

By the time I got there and walked in the first thing I noticed was Aunt Minerva, “Fred and George said you wanted to see me” I said walking up to her, “ah yes I did, there is someone here that would like to see you” she said as she pointed to none other than Remus and I stood there shocked not knowing why he’d come back, “I’ll leave you to alone” she said before leaving her office, “um, hi” I said looking down blushing a little as I fiddled with my fingers, “how are you, I came to see if you were alright” he said looking back up to face him, “I’m assuming you felt what I felt after what happened to Harry and I” I said and he nodded, “to be honest, I’m glad that you’re alright and safe” he said, “did you hear about Cedric Diggory, Im guessing Aunt Minerva told you” I asked him and he nodded, “yes and also Arthur had mentioned it as well and that both you and Harry had brought his body back” he said, “ya we did, we also found out that Barty Crouch Jr was the one who put our names in the Goblet of Fire and used Polyjuice to become Alastor Moody” I told him until the room fell into a comfortable silence, “so now that you're here, I want to pick up where we left off from the last time we saw each other” I said and he sighed, “look, before you say the same thing as before, I don’t care if you're too old or poor or a Werewolf, you were never a monster to me or even Harry for that matter. This Soulmate thing means more to me than my own life and the one thing that hurt me the most was that you, especially my Aunt, had kept it from me until Hermione had said something about it that day” I said trying to hold back the tears as he stayed quiet and before I knew it, my lips were on his as I shared my first kiss with him and after what seemed like forever we broke apart and rested our foreheads together, “please don’t push me away” I whispered not being able to hold back the tears anymore, “promise me” I said to him as he held my face in his hands, “I promise” he whispered and we soon pressed our lips together in another passionate kiss until breaking apart again not long before Aunt Minerva had walked back into the room with a smile on her face, “I see that you Two have made amends” she said and I nodded looking at Remus with a small smile on both of our faces and I soon walked up to the door before I heard Remus speak up, “tell Harry and the others I say hello for me” he said and I smiled, “I will” I said before leaving the room and went to look for Harry and the others.

I finally found Harry walking out of the Common Room and I walked up to him to see how he was doing, “so how are you doing” I asked as we walked, “could be better I guess, I just feel like it’s my fault that Cedric was killed” he said and I thought of what to say, “you know, I doubt he would think it was your fault for what happened to him, there was nothing either of us could have done and we wouldn’t have known what was going to happen either, so stop blaming yourself for it, it was Voldemort's fault, not your’s, not mine, not anyone’s but his and whoever follows him, do you understand” I said to him and he nodded before looking at me, “thanks for that, I guess I needed it” he said before we both walked and as we made it to the front CourtYard to see everyone from all three schools were talking and saying their goodbyes to one another. After a while, both Ron and Hermione came to Harry and I and I smiled, “do you think we’ll ever have a quiet year at Hogwarts” Ron said with a smile, “No” Harry and Hermione said, “I doubt it” I answered as well, “no I didn’t think so. Oh, well. What’s life without a few Dragons” Ron said and I chuckled a little as we walked a few steps before stopping to turn to see Hermione still standing where we were, “everything's going to change now Isn’t it” she said smiling and we walked back to her, “yes” Harry said resting his hand on her shoulder, “Promise you’ll write this summer. The three of you” she said and I smiled, “you know I will for sure” I said as we walked, “I won’t. You know I won’t” Ron said and I laughed a little, “ya that’s because you sleep until the afternoon” I said as we laughed, “Harry will, won’t you” Hermione said facing Harry, “yeah, every week” he answered and we continued to laugh a little more until we made it to a balcony and waved to the other Two schools, “oh and before I forget, Remus says hello” I said and they looked at me confused, “Professor Lupin” I said as they now know who I was talking about and the three of us continued to hang out for a while before heading back to the Common room and to our dorms to finish unpacking.

By the time Hermione and I made it to our dorm we soon started packing while talking before Ginny got in to do the same thing, “so what are you two doing this summer” Hermione asked as I finished up, “I gonna be at home for most of it and I might go to Ginny’s at some point though” I said as I put the last of my things in my trunk, “I’m probably going to be doing the same and I really hope that you do Genevieve, mum loves it when you’re around” Ginny said with a smile, “what are going to be doing Hermione” I asked as we sat on our beds, “I’m not sure yet, but I’m sure my parents have something planned” she said and we soon grabbed our things and left the room and made our way downstairs, “I’ll see you guys when I can and have a great summer” I said before seeing Aunt Minerva and took the Flu Network back home.

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