Chapter Forty Three

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
It was now the next day and the first day of classes and I was helping Aunt Minerva with making sure that everyone got to their first class of the day until Neville came up to me with Ginny and Seamus, “what is it, are you three alright” I asked and they all nodded, “yeah we’re fine, we just wanted to tell you about what happened on the train yesterday when we were on our way here” Seamus said, “what do you mean, what happened” I asked before Neville spoke up, “a few Death Eaters had searched the Train for Harry but some of us tried to tell the that he wasn’t there but continued to search anyways” Neville said and I sighed, “bloody hell, someday they’re going to take over the whole damn world at some point. Wizarding world or not” I said as I looked around to see if we were being watched, “yeah, I heard they have already taken over the Ministry” Ginny said, “yeah I’m sure everyone has by now and Harry’s on the front page of every paper of the Daily Prophet as well” Seamus said, “well there’s not much we can do about it right now but I’m sure we can and will when we are able to, but if and when we do we would have to do it in secret like when we did when we formed Dumbledore’s army before Umbridge found out, but for now the three of you need t get to class otherwise we might not like what they might do to you when your late for class” I said and the three of them nodded, “she’s right though” Ginny said as the other Two nodded, “don’t worry we will al figure something out about all of this” Neville said as he had become determined and I smiled a little, “damn right we will now get going” I said and they soon rushed off to their classes for the day and I walked with Aunt Minerva as she headed to her classroom for the day, “I’ll see you when I can alright” she said and I nodded before hugging each other and walking away until I had bumped into one of the new Professor’s whose name was Amycus Carrow, “um, sorry Professor” I said nervously, “no need, Severus has told me and my sister about your position and that you have recently started working in this position is that correct” he said and I nodded, “yes sir, I started last year” I told him as he propped an eyebrow up, “good because I need your help during my next class if you don’t mind so when this period is over be at my classroom a few minutes before the next class begins and don’t be late. Do you understand” he asked, “of course sir, I understand” I told him as he smirked, “good, I’ll see you later then” he said before walking away and I let out a shaky sigh before walking myself.

Not long before the second class of the day had started, I had made it to Professor Carrow’s classroom to see him sitting at his desk until he noticed me after I had knocked on the door, “please come in” he said after looking up from writing something down, “what is it that you need help with Professor, if you don’t mind me asking that is” I asked as I stood next to his desk well if you don’t know Headmaster Severus Snape has changed the name of the class to Dark Arts now so I will mostly be teaching the Seventh year Students about One of the Three Unforgivable Curses and possibly Fiendfyre” he said so If you don’t mind doing an example of one of those for me so they can understand what it or they can do” he said as he stood up from his seat, “O-of course Professor” I said just as the Seventh Year students began to walk in and I soon saw Neville and Seamus the first to walk in the room and they just nodded, “good morning class. Today we will be learning how to conjure the Fiendfyre and as much as I want this to happen, we should all head outside for this so that we do not burn down the Castle with everyone in it” he said and we had all gone outside and I let out a sigh, “we’re assuming he has asked you to demonstrate this curse” Neville said as himself and Seamus walked beside me, “yes, he asked me to before the class started” I told them, “Bloody hell I hope this ends sooner rather than later” Seamus said and I sighed, “don’t we all but for now we just have to wait it out until we figure out what to do alright but when I leave for the rest of my pregnancy, either one of you or someone else like Ginny should write to me or anyone else that you trust about what’s going on alright and keep my Aunt Minerva informed as well cause I’m sure she would want to know to incase something goes the wrong way” I told them and they both nodded, “congratulations by the way” Neville said and I smiled a little, “yeah, congratulations, do you know how many you’re having” Seamus asked, “yeah, I’m having twins” I told them as we soon made it to where the rest had stopped and I soon stood next to Professor Carrow, “what is your name” he asked me, “Genevieve sir” I answered and he nodded before continuing with the class, “I have Informed Miss. Genevieve here to help me today about how to conjure this curse. Now would you please demonstrate it for us if you will” he said and I moved away from the others before doing what he had asked me to do and I soon conjured it as a huge fiery snake came from my Wand for about a minute or so before it was gone and everyone lightly clapped as I stood next to Professor Carrow again, “thank you Miss. Genevieve for the Demonstration today. Now I would like everyone to say thank you to Miss. Genevieve for her participation before she leaves” he said and everyone clapped and I nodded to Seamus and Neville and they had done the same before I left and headed back to the Castle. By the time I had finally gotten back as I walked inside, I had gone to my room to see if if I had gotten anything from anyone and when I entered, I saw Snow standing on my desk and saw an envelope with my name on it and I quickly opened it and began to read the letter that was inside it.

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