Chapter Ten: Goblet of Fire

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
It was now the next morning and I was woken up by Hermione slightly shaking me and I sat up on the bed to see that Ginny was also just waking up as well as she was getting out of bed, “morning Mione” I said rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, “Morning Genevieve, breakfast should be done any minute so I’m going to wake up Ron and Harry” she said and I soon got up to get changed into a fresh pair of clothing before finally heading downstairs to be greeted by the smell of Mrs. Weasley’s cooking as it put a smile on my face and I sat down on the side the Twins are on, “good morning Genevieve” Mr. and Mrs. Weasley said, “good morning Mr and Mrs. Weasley” I answered back as the others soon came down and we all ate. By the time we all finished eating breakfast we all left the house and I walked with George and Fred until someone had called Mr. Weasley’s name, “Arthur, It’s about time son” the man said before Mr. Weasley spoke up, “Sorry Amos, some of us had a bit of a sleepy start” he told him as he looked to who I’m assuming was Ron before introducing the man, “this is Amos Diggory everyone he works with me at the Ministry” Mr. Weasley said before someone had jumped from the tree branch and we soon continued walking, “hey, the name’s Cedric” he said as he raised a hand to me and I shook it, “nice to meet you Cedric, you look familiar do you go to Hogwarts” I asked and he nodded, “yes I do, I’m in my Seventh year” he said and we soon made it to a Port Key that was disguised as a ragged old boot and everyone gathered around the boot before grabbing onto it and soon took off spinning, “let go kids” Mr. Weasley said soon after and that’s what we did and most of us landed harshly on the ground and, “Is everyone alright” I asked as I sat up and everyone just groaned as an answer until we all saw Cedric, Mr. Diggory and Mr. Weasley land gracefully on the ground, “how do you guys make it look so easy” I asked groaning and everyone just chuckled, “probably because we’ve done it more then you have Genevieve” Cedric said after helping Harry up and just as we took a short walked up the hill, that was when we saw it all everyone crowding the land with their tents and we all walked through the crowd of people and I just smiled as I looked around, “so what do you think of your first time coming Genny” Fred asked, “It’s amazing, I can’t believe there’s so many people” I answered and continued walking.

By the time we finally made it to our tent, everyone walked in and Ginny, Hermione and I made our way to the bunk beds and we giggled before hearing Mr. Weasley said something, “girls, choose a bunk and unpack” he said walking past us and we finally chose where we wanted to sleep before unpacking everything we brought with us and relaxed for a bit before leaving the tent and heading for the stadium where the game was being held and met up with Cedric and his father along the way. As we made it inside, we began to climb multiple flights of stairs until Lucius Malfoy began to speak to us, “well let’s put it this way, if it rains you’ll be the first to know” he told us and I just rolled my eyes and Draco began to speak as we continued to walk up the stairs, “father and I are in the Minister’s Box, by personal invitation by Cornelius Fudge himself” Draco said and his father stopped him before I spoke up about it, “you tell us this as if we care, all you do is shove it in our faces about how rich you are so why don’t you just leave them alone, I’m sure you have something better to do then make fun of them Draco” I said before walking away from the railing and before Harry could walk away Lucius stopped him, “do enjoy yourselves won’t you while you can and that friend of yours has quite the mouth it makes me wonder if she is really related to Professor McGonagall” he said to him before looking at me with a smirk on his face before walking away with Draco and we did the same until Ginny spoke up, “thanks for defending us even though you didn’t have to” she said before Mr. Weasley spoke up, “ya thank you Genevieve, you didn’t have to though you know” he said and I just smiled, “it’s alright, it was kind of getting on my nerves anyways that they keep showing off about all the money they have and stuff like that besides you guys are like family to me” I said with a small smile on my face  and we continued walking until we finally made it to our seats.

I was wearing a Green and White scarf like George and fred as I was also cheering for as the Irish team zoomed into the field, “it’s the Irish and there’s Troy and Merlin” the Twins began to say as everyone cheered, “here comes the Bulgarians” one of the twins said as the Bulgarian team flew through the Leprechaun shape Firework, “who’s that” we heard Ginny say as someone was doing tricks on his broom, “that sis, is the best Seeker in the world” one of the Twins said to her, “he’s amazing and his name is Viktor Krum”  shouted as everyone in the audience began to cheer and shout his name until everyone began to quiet down a little as the Minister of Magic began to speak, “good evening, as Minister for Magic It gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup, let the match begin” he said and it did. Ireland won the game and everyone later began to leave the stadium. By the time we all arrived back at the Tent, we were all goofing around until Ron mentioned Krum, “there’s no one like Krum, he’s like a bird the way he rides the wind. He’s more than an athlete, he’s an artist” he said as Ginny and I walked up from behind him, “we think you’re in love Ron” Ginny and I said at the same time and I chuckled, “shut up” he said to us before we started to sing, “Viktor I love you, Viktor I do. When we’re apart, my heart beats only for you” we began to sing before we heard loud bangs coming from outside, “sound like the Irish have got their pride on” I heard someone say before Mr. Weasly came rushing back into the tent, “stop, stop it” he said and I was confused as to why, “it’s not the Irish. We’ve gotta get out of here. Now” he said, rushing everyone out to soon see the commotion and everyone running away, get back to the Port Key everybody and stick together” Mr. Weasley told us as I grew scared, “Fred, George, Genevieve. Ginny is your responsibility, now go” he said and the four of rushed to the Port Key, “what’s going on, what are Death Eater’s doing here” I asked as we ran, “I don’t know but let's just focus on getting out of here first” George said and the four of us ran faster until we finally made it to the Port Key and waited for everyone else but when Ron and Hermione made it none of saw Harry with them, “where’s Harry” I asked them, “we don’t know we thought he went ahead of us and made it here” Hermione answered before running away again with Ron following her, “Hermione wait they might still be out there” Ron said to her as his voice grew faint. After a while, they finally made it back with Harry and we Used the Port Key and made it back to the Burrow.

Just as we walked through the front door, Mrs. Weasley spoke up about how it went, “how was it everyone” she asked before Mr. Weasley took her aside and told her everything that happened earlier that night and I soon decided to write to Aunt Minerva and to Sirius about what had happened as well incase she hasn’t heard already and by the time I had finished writing and sending it with m Owl, I just continued to sit there in a daze as I soon began to think about Remus as I wondered if he was alright considering the full moon had just recently gone by until I was brought out of my thoughts when Mrs. Weasley sat down next to me at the table, “how are you feeling sweety” she asked and I just shrugged, “just tired and confused about earlier I guess, I also just wrote to my Aunt about what happened as well” I told her as she lightly smiled, “that’s good dear and don’t worry, everything always gets better in the end” she said and I smiled knowing she was right, “now, let's stop mopping and you go into the living room with the others while I make up some tea and bring it out after you’ve cleaned up alright” she said and that’s what I did as I soon sat down on the floor with George and Fred and leaned my head against Fred’s shoulder as we talked about what Harry had seen earlier that night while we drank some tea before going to bed that night after we had all grown tired and wanted to sleep and just forget about what happened for a short while since they that what happened would be in the Daily Prophet sooner rather than later.

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