Chapter Fifty One

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
As I walked closer to what the Weasley’s were crowding around and stopped when I noticed Fred lying there not moving and I fell to my knees as I began to cry when I saw his lifeless body before I felt someone wrap their arms around me but I didn’t care at the moment when all I cared about was finding out that I had just lost my best friend. After a while, I had finally calmed down and remembered that someone had their arms around me and I turned to see that it was Remus and I hugged him tightly as I lightly cried in his arms, “it’s alright love, everything is going to be alright Love. I’m right here” I heard him whispering in my ear until I completely stopped crying and soon stood up and went over to Georgie and hugged him tightly until he moved away from the hug and I turned to see him hug Ron before he knelt down next to his mother and began to cry himself at the loss of his older brother as I stayed by Georgies side as we gave each other a side hug before going to hug Mr. Weasley, “I’m so sorry” I whispered to him, “thank you Genny and I’m sorry as well” he said to me, "there’s no need to be sorry Mr. Weasley, I’m not the one who lost a son” I said to him, “and I’m not the one who lost a best friend” he said before we hugged again before I noticed Ant inerva walking by and I followed before I was standing next to her as we stopped in front of Harry, “Harry” I said but he didn’t look up all he did was walk away, “oh Dear, I’m so glad you’re alright” Aunt Minerva said as we hugged each other, “I’m glad that you’re alright to Auntie” I said to her before we moved away from the hug, “I am so sorry about Fred dear. I know that the both of you including George were very close” she said to me and I just nodded as I remembered all the memories I shared with Frieddie and George, especially the prank we pulled when Umbridge was here when she was overseeing the students that were doing their O.W.L’s exams that year and I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard someone calling my name and saw that it was George as the both of us sat next to each other and noticed Remus sit down on the other side of me and I held his hand and rested my head on Georges shoulder.

Harry’s P.O.V
After looking through  Snape’s Memories, I moved away from it and sat down on the steps leading to his desk and thought to myself about what I had just seen before leaving the office and seeing Ron and Hermione sitting side by side on the stairs and walked up to the both of them before they noticed me as they both stood up and faced me, “where’ve you been” Hermione asked, “we thought you went to the forest” Ron said and I spoke up, “I’m going there now” I answered him as I continued to walk past them, “are you mad? No” I heard Ron say, but I still continued walking, “you can’t give yourself up to him.” Ron said and I stopped walking and just stood there, “what is it Harry? What is it you know” Hermione asked as I turned around to face her, “there’s a reason I can hear them, the Horcruxes. I think I’ve known for a while. And I think you have too.” I said to them as Hermione began to cry, “I’ll go with you” Hermione said but I couldn’t let her, I couldn’t let either of them come with me, “no, kill the sake. Kill the snake and then it’s just him.” I told her before she came up to me and hugged me and I hugged back and I looked at Ron before Hermione and I moved away from the hug and I soon walked away as I made my way to the forest. After a few minutes, I had stopped at a clearing and looked around before taking the Snitch out of my pocket and looked at it as the writing appeared, “I’m ready to die” I said to myself before kissing the Snitch and it soon opened to reveal the Resurrection Stone, “the Resurrection Stone” I said to myself before I grabbed it and began to think about my Parents, Sirius and Fred and when I opened my eyes I saw the four of them standing there looking at me as I saw my mother raise her hand out towards me and I walked up to her to try and grab it but hand went right through her’s, “you’ve been so brave sweetheart.” she said to me and I began to wonder why they were here, “why are you here? All of you?” I asked looking around, “we never left.” my mother said as she smiled a little before I looked over to Sirius, “does it- does it hurt? dying?” I asked him, “quicker than falling asleep” Sirius answered before I heard my dad speak up, “you’re nearly there, son” he said to me, “I’m sorry. I never wanted any of you to die for me. And Fred, your brother, your family and Genny” I said turning to face Fred, “they’ll know that I died laughing, tell them that I’ll always be there watching, especially Genny and her kids” he said and I turned around and looked at everyone before I spoke, “you’ll stay with me?” I asked looking at my father, “until the end” he answered, “and he won’t be able to see you?” I asked before looking at my mother, “no. we’re here you see” Sirius answered as I turned to face him, “stay close to me” I said to them, “always” my mother said before I soon saw that they had disappeared after the stone had fallen out of my hand and I knew that in that moment I knew I was ready and I made my way to Voldemort.   

Genevieve’s P.O.V
After some time had gone by I was walking about with Neville and noticed that he was looking inside the Sorting Hat, “what is it. Is there something inside it or something” I asked as I stood next to him, “I don’t know I think it’s the Sword of Gryffindor” he said before looking up and I did the same to see someone with many others walking along the bridge, “who in the bloody hell is that” I said before realizing who it was, “go tell the others” Neville said and I rushed back inside, “everyone. He’s here” I shouted and everyone before heading back outside and went back to stand next to Neville before Ginny was next to me, “who is that Hagrid’s carrying” Ginny asked and I didn’t want to answer and I can tell Neville didn’t want to either, “Neville, Genny who is it” she asked again, “I don’t think you’d want to know and I know he will answer that for you no matter what” I said to her as I felt someone rest their hand on my shoulder and I turned slightly to see that it was Remus, “Harry Potter , is dead” Voldemorted shouted for everyone to hear, “No! No” Ginny shouted as she tried to run at him but both Arthur and I pulled her back, “if you do something like that, he’ll kill you to without question” I whispered to her, “Stupid girl. Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith In me.” he said looking at everyone before turning to his Death Eaters, “HARRY POTTER IS DEAD” he shouted to them as they all laughed, “and now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us. Or die.” Voldemort said, “Draco” his father called out and everyone moved their attention to him, “Draco, come” his mother had said and I just looked back and forth not knowing how to react before I noticed him walking towards them, “no wait. You can’t just force him to do this” I said and he just hugged Draco before looking at me, “you think I care what he wants, what any of them want” he said and I just stayed quiet before noticing Neville limping towards them and I was speechless, “well, I must say I’d hope for better” Voldemort said and everyone who was on his side laughed, “and who might you be young man” he asked Neville, “Neville longbottom” he answered him, “well Neville, I’m sure we can find a place for you in our ranks.” Voldemort said just before Neville spoke up again, “I’d like to say something” he asked and Voldemort looked annoyed, “well Neville, I’m sure we’d all be fascinated to hear what you have to say” he said and there was a moment of silence, “it doesn’t matter that Harry’s gone” he began to say, “stand down Neville Seamus told him before he continued, “people die everyday. Friends, Family. We lost Harry tonight. But he’s still with us, in here. So’s Fred, and Tonks, all of them. They didn’t die in vain. But you will. Because you’re wrong. Harry’s heart did beat for us, for all of us. This is not over” Nevielle said as he pulled the sword out from the hat and I was in shock at what had happened next.

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