Chapter Twenty: Order of the Phoenix

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
I have spent most of the summer at home and my shoulder was now fully healed but still a little sore until I had decided to finally go to the Weasley’s for the remainder of the Summer and after packing my trunk with everything I needed before heading downstairs and heard Aunt Minerva speak up, “now dear, you be safe alright and have a good time at the Weasley’s and I’ll see you at school” she said and I smiled , “I will Auntie and I’ll see you then” I said to her before Aparating to the Burrow and knocked on the door and it had opened to reveal Mrs. Weasley, “why hello dear, I thought you would never make it” she said as she let me in, I thought I wasn’t either until I finally got myself out of bed after a while” I told her as we chuckled a little until Mr. Weasley walked up to us, “why hello Genevieve, how are you feeling considering what happened” he asked and I shrugged a little forgetting that my arm was still sore, “I’m alright, my shoulder is still a little sore but it’s bearable” I answered until the Twins came rushing down, “Genny, you finally made it” Fred said before George spoke up, “we all thought you weren’t going to make it this summer” George said as I told them the same thing I had told their mother and before the three of us had gone upstairs to hang out, Mrs. Weasley spoke up, “dinner should be done soon” she said and I spoke up to Mrs. Weasley, “do you need help with anything after I put my stuff upstairs” I asked and she shook her head, “that’s quite alright dear, there’s not much else to do, now you go and get settled in” she said with a smile and I followed Fred and George upstairs and hung out for a while until they were called down for dinner. As we ate, we all talked with one another and laughed a little at a few things the twins had said as they told jokes before Mr. Weasley had spoken up, “so just to get this out of the way, we will be heading to 12 Grimmauld Place in a few days” he said and I spoke up, “why are we going to Sirius’s place, is something wrong” I asked and he shrugged a little, “well, it’s quite complicated to explain at the moment” he answered and I nodded as we continued eating and when we were done, both Ginny and I helped her mother clean up and with drying the dishes before relaxing for the rest of the night before going to bed.

It was now the day we were all going to Sirius’s home and we were told to bring our things since we would be sleeping there and we soon left the Burro and headed for Sirius’s place. By the time we got there we had all walked inside and made our way to the kitchen to see Sirius and Remus already sitting at the table talking and when Remus and I made eye contact, I soon looked away as I blushed a little and we all said our hellos to the both of them and when I hugged Sirius I began to feel the feeling of possessiveness before letting go, “hello Genevieve, how are you feeling” he asked and I shrugged, “I’m doing alright, how are you doing” I answered, “I’m doing well thank you” he said before taking me with him to talk, “when the others get here, and your Aunt will be one of them, I want you to go with Moody, Tonks Kingsley and a few others to get Harry since I know your one of the close friends he has and I know you know how he feels consider recent events of… Voldemort’s return. Can you do that” he asked of me and I nodded and he smiled and myself and the others had put our stuff away after Sirius had shown us our rooms and before I headed back downstairs, I was stopped by Hermion and Ron, “what did Sirius talk to you about” Hermione asked, “he asked me to go with Professor Moody and few others to get Harry and bring him here why, is Dumbledore still wanting you guys to not say anything” I asked and they nodded, “ya and to be honest, I’m willing to spill it out at this point” Ron said and I chuckled a little, “I’m sure you're not the only one, my Aunt Minerva was practically threatening to ground me if I said anything but anyways, I should head back downstairs” I said to them, "alright, see you later Genevieve” Hermione said and I waved as I went downstairs to see that more people have arrived and one of them being Aunt Minerva and also saw that Professor Moody was also there as well, “hello, you must be Genevieve, I’m Nymphadora but everyone calls me Tonks” she said as we shook hands and I smiled, “nice to meet you and you can call me Genny if you want, my friends usually call me that anyways” I said and we talked for a little longer until Professor Moody spoke up, “alright, who ever is coming with to get Potter, lets go” he said and we soon followed him and I was the last to leave and I felt a sense of worry and looked over to Remus and gave him a reassuring look and he nodded a little and looked over to Aunt Minerva and waved before finally catching up to the others and we soon had our brooms in our hands, “alright everyone, stay in formation, Genevieve you be behind Harry when we leave with him alright” he said and I nodded, “alright” I said and we soon left.

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