Chapter 18

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Sarah P.O.V

Since the past week, work pressure had been so intense that I hardly noticed the Annual Gala was tonight. Thankfully, Ester had taken care of everything—she coordinated with Adrian's assistant regarding our outfits and the logistics. Since I would be getting ready at the office and meeting Adrian directly at the Gala, our assistant made sure we arrived at the venue at the same time.

I wound up my last meeting of the day, dismissed my staff, and made my way to my cabin. Sitting on the cushion, I slipped off my heels and propped my legs up on the table, allowing myself a brief moment to relax. While heels do lend a sophisticated touch, they're hardly comfortable for an entire day.

My brief respite was interrupted when Ester burst into my cabin, flanked by two others: one holding my outfit and the other, the makeup artist, with a vanity box in tow.

"Get up, Sarah! You need to move; it's already late," Ester exclaimed as she grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I glanced at the clock and saw it was already a quarter to seven.

Reluctantly, I followed their instructions. The makeup artist went to work, and it took nearly an hour to get my makeup and hair done. Ester handed me the dress and urged me to get changed. After I slipped into the Caftan one-shoulder velvet mermaid dress, with its high split revealing a generous amount of leg, I emerged from the restroom.

"You look stunning in that dress! You should be grateful I chose this outfit for you," Ester said, patting herself on the back.

I had to agree; Ester had impeccable taste. The dress fit me like a glove, accentuating my figure perfectly.

"Thanks, Ester! You really saved me today," I said, giving her a hug.

"I know that. Now hurry up; it's already 8 p.m. You need to be at the venue by now," she replied, tugging my arm. We made our way to the lobby, where the driver was waiting for us.

"I wish you could come with me tonight. I don't want to be surrounded by all these rich snobs," I pouted.

"I would have loved to join you, Sarah, but I need to visit my parents tomorrow morning. I would have cancelled it, but my dad isn't doing well," Ester explained.

I nodded, understanding. I got into the car, and as we drove, I received a text from Adrian informing me that he had already arrived at the venue. Despite our improved communication, our relationship remained strictly business.

After about 20 minutes, we arrived at the Gala. Stepping out of the car, I was met with a flurry of camera flashes. I posed for a few pictures and made my way inside the grand, ornately decorated ballroom. The room was filled with elegantly dressed guests enjoying themselves. I spotted Adrian, engrossed in conversation with a group of people. He was clad in a black tuxedo, his hair impeccably styled, making him look incredibly handsome. I sighed and approached him.

"Hey," I said softly to catch his attention. He turned, his eyes scanning me appreciatively.

"Hey, you finally arrived," he said, sliding his arm around my waist. He introduced me to several business associates, presenting us as a happy couple.

Almost an hour had passed, and Adrian hadn't left my side, keeping me close as he mingled. Currently, he was engaged in conversation with Mr. Groff, a forty-year-old business tycoon who was staring at me with an unsettling intensity. Feeling uncomfortable under his gaze, I leaned in and whispered to Adrian.

"I need a drink; I'm heading to the bar," I said.

"Okay. Just don't embarrass me. Behave well," Adrian replied, releasing his hold on my waist. I nodded and headed to the bar, finding a seat.

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