Chapter 42

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Sarah P.O.V

"I see you already have sorted your broken marriage with your husband now." I heard a familiar deep voice.

I slowly lifted my eyes, to see the last person  I expected to be here.


Because of the dim lighting, I could hardly see his clear face but I was sure he wasn't in a good mood.

Why is he mad now?

Did he see what happened on the dance floor?

I slowly walked ahead when I saw his face a bit more clearly. He was wearing a royal blue tuxedo with his silky black hairs were effortlessly slicked back. His stubble has grown, enhancing his facial features.

"Tell me, Sarah, Are you and Adrian back together." He asked in an irritated tone

"We are not together.."

" Why did you fool me by saying you needed some time to think about us when you wanted to stay with Adrian?" Alessandro asked in between, as I felt my heart contract at his words.

"You are taking everything in the wrong way, Alessandro, I am not planning to move back with Adrian."

"I saw you both kissing in front of everyone back there, What does that even imply? "He roars in a hard voice which I never hear from him. His body rippled with enraged power that made him step back from him.

I felt a feeling of disappointment and hurt when he didn't trust me

 It is quite easy to see that this whole universe competently is against me.

"I was about to move with the divorce formalities from Monday, I wasn't planning to be with Adrain, and I never will."

"Yet you both were kissing there in front of 100 people. This is not how two people act when they are about to split. Just tell me did you sleep with him?" He snapped at me fiercely, and my heart cracked a bit, I tried to find my voice but I wasn't able to say anything.

Sadness and immense pain was the only thing I felt as I replayed his words.

Among everyone, I never thought Alessandro would do this to me

"You know Alessandro, I thought that you were better than those people, but you are not, you are just like the others who choose to hurt me before knowing the truth." It came as low as a mere whisper. I could feel my vision getting blurred due to the tears forming in my eyes.

"Goodbye, Alessandro. It was nice knowing you" I said with a small smile, trying to keep my face void of the emotions that I was feeling.

I didn't wait to listen to his reply or see his reaction. I quickly turned on my heel and strode out from the hallway before I broke out in a full-fledged cry.

If he didn't trust me then he has no right to see me vulnerable too.

Wiping my eyes my tears from my eyes, I composed myself as I walked towards the Presidential Suite, where I would be staying for the next two days.

I carefully walked through the corridors, trying my best to keep my steps steady but the pit of uncertainty in my stomach and painful tugging in my heart was making me stumble frequently on my way.

"Sarah! Wait !!"  I heard Alessandro's faded voice, which was mainly coming from the end of the hallway.
Ignoring his voice I continued walking ahead while holding my gown gingerly.

As I reach the door of the suite, I quickly swipe the keycard into the door but before I could push the door open I felt a large hand getting slammed onto the door. I was still facing the door as I felt Alessandro's heavy breaths on the nape of my neck. 

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