"He's my best friend's brother, I can't like him!"

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Mary's POV

I'm in class, it is pretty boring. Usually I would have my friend Lis, but I think she's not coming, otherwise she would be 30 minutes late. I'm listening at my teacher he is talking about Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland. It is a really interesting subject but I get distracted by everything, every move, every sound echoing inside my head.

I twirl my pencil in my hand when someone knocks on the door, it is Lis. She walks in the classroom and looks at the teacher with a sarcastic smile on her face. 35 minutes late.

"Elisabeth Valois, what is your excuse?" The teacher said back to her and made the same sarcastic smile she had on her face.

"I was helping a girl out, she couldn't find her class and I wanted to help her." Lis lied. Damn she was such a good liar, even though I'm sure the teacher doesn't believe her.

"And that took more than a half an hour?"

"Apparently." Lis slowly nodded her head up and down, and then looked at the ground.

"This time Miss Valois, only this time I will see through it." Lis looked up and when she turned away from the teacher you could see a grin on her face.

"Now you're gonna tell me the truth." I said when she sat down next to me and grabbed her books.

"My brothers, they came back from boarding school." Lis said with the same sarcastic smile as before.

"Oh, so I guess I'm not coming over then?" I asked, we usually would spend the weekends together one weekend at her place, the other at mine, but now her brothers came back so perhaps we would just skip this one.

"What? No. My brothers came back from boarding school and I haven't seen them in five years. That's not such a big deal." Lis replied and started drawing.

"For me it sounds like kind of a big deal, I wouldn't want to interrupt, well you know 'Family time'."

"You are practically family!" Lis cried out a little too hard.

"Ladies! If you want to share something, please share it with all of us." The teacher reacted at both of us and neither of us replied anything.

The class finished and Lis and I were both eating from our plates.

"My brother will be sitting here with us next week." Lis started as soon as we finished eating.

"You're brother? Where will the other one be?" I asked.

"Bash, he will be going off to college," She drank from her smoothie and continued "Francis just turned 17, he will be coming with us here."

"Ah, now I understand."


The last lesson finished early because the teacher needed to leave, so we were free. I was going home to get my stuff and then running off to Lis. I really wasn't sure what I could be expecting, but we'll probably have dinner or something so I changed my clothes to something nicer and then I went to my friend.

I rang on the door bell and Lis opened it.

"You came!" She screamed out and hugged me. I went upstairs to put my things in her room. When I came down the table 'Wow' I don't know how much you can eat and afford but I'm sure they don't really care.

"Mary, meet my brother Sebastian-"

"But everyone calls me Bash." Bash cut her off and finished. We shook hands. He is handsome, really handsome but not my type.

"Alright, Mary meet the other one." I shook his hand, he is so adorable, I hate the fact that he is my type, and I'm scared that I'll blush. His beautiful golden curls cuddling his neck, his ocean blue eyes where I'll drown in.

"I'm Francis." He said, also a manly voice. No get the fucking thoughts out of your mind. This is your best friend's brother, who I will see everyday of every week. I won't have any control. I got out of my trance.

"Mary, Mary Stuart." I answered and tried to smile in a nice way, not the flirty one.

"Pleasure meeting you." He said and let go of my hand

"The pleasure is all mine."

I sat down next to Lis and in front of me sat Francis and in front of Bash. I thought Lis's parents would be joining but I didn't see them. They are probably out somewhere, so it is just the four of us.

"So tell me Lis, still no boyfriend?" Bash asked, teasing her.

"I don't have time for guys." Lis answered as politely as possible.

"I take that for a no," Bash continued "What about you Mary? Do you have a guy on your mind?" Bash asked. It felt personal.

"No, I don't." I answered. His eyes widened and I wasn't sure how to respond to his reaction.

"Well I'm sure that you'll make a man soon very happy." I wasn't searching for a boyfriend, well now I have a crush on my best friend's brother, who was very quiet and just listening to what all of us have to say, but I don't want a boyfriend, well except him. No, don't think that way!

We all finished dinner, and as I thought there were a lot of leftovers.

"There are a lot of leftovers." I said and looked at the food.

"More for tomorrow, our parents will be back on thursday." Francis said, and grabbed a few plates and wrapped them in foil and put them in the fritch.

"Your mother, and our father." Bash corrected him. Francis rolled with his eyes in response.

"What will we do now?" Lis asked and cleaned the table.

"I have no idea, why don't we just sit in the garden?" Bash asked and pointed to the garden. They have a huge garden, and by huge I mean like huge. It was already dark and it was almost 11 AM. Lis and I shared a blanket and Francis and Bash said that they weren't cold. Such Gentlemen. We didn't talk much, we just all laid down on the grass and stared at the stars.

"I think I'm going to bed." Lis said and I woke up out of my trance, I was thinking about the stars and how to forget about Francis as soon as possible, he was laying next to me.

"Alright, I will join you shortly." I answered, I wanted to lay here a little longer and stare at the beautiful stars.

"Mary, could you come with me? Please?" Lis asked, I knew it. I heard Francis sigh as if he was irritated, I don't know but it felt like he also wanted me to stay. I stood up and wrapped the blanket tighter around me. Francis and Bash stood up as well.

"See you guys tomorrow." I said and turned around to walk up the stairs to the house.

"Goodnight, Mary." Francis said. I turned around and smiled at him.

I walked up to Lis's room and she was in the bathroom brushing her teeth. I came in to let her know that I came. I went to the other bathroom and changed into my nightgown. Yes, I wear a nightgown. I find it very comfortable and I like the materials. I came out and Lis was on her phone waiting for me.

"Goodnight." I said and turned off the lights I laid down next to her and before I even knew it she was asleep.

I couldn't fall asleep. I wasn't tired even though it was 12 AM. Probably Bash and Francis are already asleep. I walked downstairs to get some tea.


Chapter 1 first I wanted to make this chapter around 3000 words but Wattpad didn't show the part after this chapter's ending so chapter 2 will be post now! Hopefully you like it, the next chapters are better I promise!


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