"My crush has a crush and it is not me?"

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Francis POV

I just came back from school. Wouw what a day. I was laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling, thinking about the words "The only thing we are, are friends." 'Friends, nothing more.' But what about the blushing, the eye-contact, the late nights, the tension between us and what her father was saying to me? Ahh, I don't know, we could be together if Lis wasn't so close with Mary.

I stood up and did my homework when I got interrupted by my beloved half-brother, Bash.

"Francis, we need to talk." He started, and sat down on my bed.

"What is it now brother?" I said, of course I knew what this conversation's topic was going to be 'Mary'.

"Mary," I knew it. "We both know that there is some tension between you guys but you can't work out on impulse, you have to focus on school, college for next year. And most importantly, Lis. She is her best friend." He continued, I hated when he was right.

"What if Lis would like the fact that I would be with Mary?" I said, I had to admit I already knew the answer.

"Don't make me laugh, Francis. Lis would hate the fact if Mary would come over here and stay the night for you. You would steal her best friend." Bash was right. Lis had always trouble finding friends, I was even surprised when she told us she had a 'best friend'.

"What would you do if you were in my position?" I asked him for some advice.

"I would try to make sure that I wouldn't fall in love with her, avoid her and start dating." I was shocked by his answer, I would never date a girl, never. But he was right about the first part though. Don't fall in love with her, avoid her.

Bash stood up and left, leaving me in my thoughts once more. I knew summer vacation was just around the corner. Mary will spend it with us, I have no idea yet where we are going, but how will I keep my distance there? Why is everything so complicated?!


I just woke Lis up, we are about to go to school, where everyone thinks I have something with Mary. I can't say I don't like that idea but it isn't true. I don't have any other friends than Mary and my sister. I don't need other friends.

"We can go!" Lis shouted as she walked down the stairs.

We sat down in the car and threw our bags in the back seat, we are right now driving to Mary's house.

"About who where you talking yesterday?" Lis asked when I drove out of the neighbourhood, I choked when I heard the question. I was speechless for a second.

"Wh-What?" That was the only thing I got out of my mouth.

"I heard you talking about a girl and 'dating', with Bash yesterday evening." She said with her innocent voice, only if she knew.

"That, uh, that can not be possible, sis." I said like everything was just as always and pretended not to understand a thing where she is talking about.

"Aah, so there is someone at school who caught your eye, who is it?" Lis stated. I didn't know what to answer.

"There is no one Lis." I tried to say as believable as possible.

"Okay, okay we will do it your way but... My brother has a crush on someone!" She screamed happily. I looked at her and thought 'Don't be so happy, you don't know the truth yet'. But what she screamed was true, I had a crush on someone. Mary.

"There is a lot of love in the air isn't there?" She asked. I sighed. I looked at her with my eyebrows raised.

"You will have someone, Mary will too." I choked at the end of the sentence. What? Will Mary have someone?

"Mary, what?" I was confused.

"She has a crush on this guy Louis, since forever, they have together History and Maths, today." What? My eyebrows raised and I looked at the road more concentrated than ever. How? What? When? Why do I feel that she is cheating on me? Why does this hurt so bad?

When we arrived I stayed in the car, Lis went to get Mary. I will try to do the thing that Bash told me, avoid her and don't fall in love. They walked to the car and I heard them giggling. I looked through the car mirror at Mary who just looked at me. I turned my head so the eye contact would be broken.

"Hi Francis!" Mary shouted at me, I looked at her.

"Good Morning." I said at her. She smiled and sat in the back seat.

When we started driving Lis shared the important information to Mary.

"Mary, you should know that my dear brother here likes someone!" She screamed in pleasure, I looked at Mary who was very surprised and confused. I could see it on her face.

"Wouw, which pretty lady caught your eye?" Mary asked. I felt a sharp stab in my heart. She felt nothing for me, I had hope that she would perhaps feel something but there was nothing. Empty.

"He doesn't want to tell me that! But we will find it out." Lis said and they laughed, I looked at Mary through the mirror and felt pain, just as yesterday 'The only thing we are, are friends.'.

We came to school and the first lesson was English. Mary sat next to me staring at the window, I was planning on keeping my distance but, no. We didn't talk much during that lesson. Next lesson, History, Louis. That was what I remembered. The guy Mary had a crush on was Louis and he isn't in class yet. Then he walks in, winks at Mary and she smiles at him, I hate him already. The lesson went fast, we had a break and I was sitting with Mary, Lis and Louis. He was talking about how he punched a guy in his face. Jerk.

"And then I punched him so hard he started to cry." He finished, how could Mary see something in him?

"Mary, can I ask you something?" Louis started scrolling through my phone and eating a sandwich. Lis was looking at what was about to come.

"Anything, Louis." She said. I hate how close they are to each other.

"Would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" I choked on my food and almost spit everything out, please say no Mary.

"Yes!" She screamed happily and kissed him. What. The. Fucking. Hell. I couldn't stand seeing them kissing so I stood up and left for the next class. She didn't deserve Louis. God, I don't think I have ever been more jealous in my entire life.


I really need to start writing longer chapters. Well, here is chapter 5! Comments are always appreciated. Tomorrow I can't post any chapters so I will try to write another one today. [<SPOILER>] Something will happen with Mary and Francis and then Louis gets jealous:)


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