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Francis POV

I'm driving the car, Mary sitting beside me, both not talking about what just happened or what just could happen. We both were so caught up in the moment a few hours ago. I really thought it was going to happen, but it didn't. My phone went off, first one time, then the second time, and the fifth time I picked it up. I just wanted to turn off my phone and tell whoever is calling that the person should stop calling me, but it turned out to be my father. There was some kind of urgency where I needed to come back immediately, probably something happened with Diane or Bash. I didn't want to go, really not, I wanted to stay and be with Mary. Oh, Mary, she is sitting beside me scrolling through instagram. We haven't talked since... Well, then.

A few hours later we arrived back home. I dropped Mary off at her house, she will come tomorrow to pick her stuff up. I unlocked the door of my house and slowly walked upstairs to my father's office. It was past midnight when I returned back home.

"Father?" I questioned when I stepped into the room, peeking my head through a small opening and looked for him. There he was, sleeping on his chair. His head crooked. I didn't wake him up, I just turned off the light and walked up to my room.

I stopped for a while when I walked past Lis's room, I turned around and saw that the door was slightly opened. I opened it wider and looked over to my little sister who was dreaming. After a while staring I walked up to my room once more. Bash's room was empty. I came in and opened the window and balcony doors. I changed and got into bed. leaving everything wide open.

The next morning I woke up by my alarm, I set it at 8.30 AM so that I could freshen up and work-out a little.

"Francis," My mother said as she was standing in the doorway. I pushed myself up and turned to face her.

"I heard you came back late yesterday." She said, walking into the room. I stood up.

"That's true." I said.

"You're probably wondering why we called you to come back." She said, I was just about to ask.

"Just about to ask."

"Well, tomorrow is the funeral of poor Diane," She paused and walked through my room picking up stuff and then putting it down. She never liked Diane, my father cheated on my mother with her and got her pregnant with Bash, my mom of course tried to do whatever she could to make her life as miserable as possible. "Today we're making the last arrangements for the event, so you need to find a suit, take a guest if you'd like, and if you want to make a toast or something."

"Right, then I will check if I want to do any of those things." I said, forcing a smile on my face, hoping my mother would leave.

"By the way, did anything happen between you and your sister?" She asked.

"We got into an argument but it's no big deal." I said, lying. It was a huge deal, but I don't want to involve her in the entire thing.

"Okay, whatever it is, make it up to her." She spoke, then turned and left.

I changed, tidied my room a little bit and then walked downstairs to go get some breakfast. I walked over to the kitchen and there she was. Lis. She looked mad at me.

"I heard you came back." She said, leaning against the kitchen ilse drinking her tea. I turned my head.

"Yes." I said and turned back to make my toast.

"With Mary?" I knew where she was going with this.

"Yes." I said once more and then I finished making my toast and walked to the stairs, just before the corner I looked at Lis and smiled sarcastically.

After eating my breakfast on the balcony enjoying the view I went to my father who was making decisions about the funeral.

"Father, what is it?" I asked, coming into the room. He looked up from his laptop.

"Son, I need you to go to this atelier, there is a woman named Susann Marx, she has some designs that I need to get." He said.

"Oh, of course, send me the address and I'll be on my way." I said.

"And Francis take your sister with you."

"What, why?"

"She knows the woman, perhaps they can talk a way out of paying so much money for those designs." God, my father is a billionaire, but still everything needs to be cheaper if it's possible.

"Sure." I sighed, smiled and left the room leaving him back to his laptop.


Lis and I were driving in the car, not talking, and didn't expect anything else. I drove into the street where we had to be. I parked the car and we went into the building.

"Susann," Lis said and they hugged. I was waiting when the scenery would end. When they finally released the hug, Susann started searching for the designs.

"This is going to take a while, you can wait here." Susann said before leaving us. Lis and I nodded, showing her that it's alright.

"So you and Mary a thing?" Lis asked. Oh no not this again. I wasn't quite sure what to say, were we a thing?

"Not sure." I said truthfully. Lis turned to me, looking confused.

"Why her, Francis? Of all people, why Mary?" She asked, obviously irritated. God, please stop. I didn't answer, I just looked her in the eye, what irritated her more.

"Don't you hear me, why her? Why? Why?" She asked once more. Now, I am starting to get irritated.

"Mary? Really? Why-"

"Because I love her."


Chapter 14 :) Comment please, they give me motivation:) Soooo sorrryyyy for the late update.


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