"Let's try."

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Bonjour! (Nope I'm not French) I wanted to tell you that I'm planning to change the cover just so you know.

Mary's POV

I just woke up. It's 8:40 AM and everyone is probably still asleep. I get up out of my bed, well actually, Bash's. I walked down to Lis's room where I put my clothes in her closet yesterday. I take a shower and change. I walk downstairs and open the doors that go to the garden, the sweet smell of grass and sun make their way into the house, even though it is only 9:00 AM it's already warm outside. I make some tea and make my way to the garden where I open the parasol so that a spot is shadowed by the pool, I sit down there and rest my feet into the water. Yesterday I almost kissed Francis here. Almost.

I open my phone and see a dozen unopened messages about school and Louis. Oh yeah, damn I have a boyfriend. Totally forgotten. Lis, Francis, Bash and I planned to skip the rest of this week. Because all we do in school now is talk about summer vacation, we have zero concentration and it's better to just stay home. So that explains all the messages from Kenna and Greer. Then we have Louis.

'I have a surprise for you PS: I'm waiting by ur locker : )' Oh god now I want to know what he wanted to give to me.

'I'm waiting here for more than 10 min R U even coming?' Why do I even feel bad for him? He must've thought that I could've walked down the main hall to him every second.


'Bae?' No. No. No. He can't call me that! God, I need to break up with him today.

'Louis HI I'm not at school if U didn't notice can we meet? I have to talk to you.' I text him.

'Mary? God is everything alright. I am worried like hell. Yeah we can meet what about MU 3 PM?' He texted me. MU is a cafe close to school. I lunch there with Kenna after school.

'OK see you then' I texted.

'Bye bae.' He needs to stop calling me that!

I put my phone on a small table close to me. I got out of the water and lay down on the grass and stared at the sky. I couldn't see a lot because the sun was shining in my eyes. I heard someone walking on the grass to me.

"Hey there," It's Francis. Just breathe.

"What are you doing here lying on the grass?" He finished. I tried to look at him, but the sun was burning my eyes. He stepped in front of the sun so that I could open my eyes properly.

"Trying to relax." I said, it was true. He held his hand out so that I could get up, I took it. We walked to the house.

"Oh and are you relaxed?" He asked when we got in the house.

"Not really, I have to leave around 2:00 PM, I will return but I'm meeting Louis." I said honestly.

"Ah, what are guys planning on doing?" He asked.

"I'm breaking up with him," He choked on his tea.

"Are you alright?" I asked. He stopped choking.

"Yeah, all fine." He said and took another sip of his tea.

"So you were saying, you're breaking up with him because...?" He said making another cup of tea and grabbing sandwiches from the fritch. The question felt personal but I didn't want to lie to him.

"Because I don't think that he's the man, you know what I mean?" I told him. It was true, but there were far more reasons.

"Ah, yeah I get it." He said coming closer to me and staring through the window.

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