A great discovery for The Dazzling

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Lady said Chapter one: Equestria! A place filled with mysterious and wondrous magic. It is a kingdom inhabited by magical ponies and other talking creatures, such as griffons, dragons, and many other animals and strange beings. Equestria is co-ruled by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, who reside in a palace in the capital city of Canterlot. All ponies play a part in spreading harmony throughout the land, possessing unique and special talents that set them apart from one another, but at the same time are connected through the magic of friendship. While Equestria is a very peaceful kingdom, there are magical creatures who use their abilities to instill chaos and disharmony. These attempts were prevented by Twilight Sparkle, an Alicorn Princess of Friendship studying under Celestia's wing, and her pony friends the Mane 6; usually with the power embedded in the Elements of Harmony. The Elements were six supernatural artifacts representing subjective, elemental aspects of harmony and friendship. They can only be activated if the wielder possesses the corresponding trait and if all six are used in conjunction. Twilight and her friends have wielded them on rare occasions, particularly during events marked by danger and anarchy as a last resort to restore and enforce peace and order. One time, Twilight Sparkle visited a place mirroring a world very much like her home Equestria, only in a completely different light. Instead of being ponies, they were humans, living in an ordinary-looking land similar to our own. Twilight was sent to this strange world to retrieve an artifact possessing an Element of Harmony. A crown is known as the Element of Magic, which was stolen by Celestia's former pupil Sunset Shimmer. While there, Twilight met and befriended the counterparts of her pony friends. With their help, Twilight was able to find and retrieve the crown back into her possession. Sunset wanted to use the tiara's power to gain control of the human world and invade the Kingdom of Equestria itself. This was prevented when Twilight and her friends tapped into the Element of Magic and defeated Sunset by showing her there's more to its magic than just power; that friendship is the most powerful magic of all and is the only element that can unite everyone in harmony. While the crown safely returned to Equestria, the magic left behind opened a whole new world of possibilities. A lot has happened since then. Enemies became friends, magical abilities began manifesting within the Mane 6, and more secrets about their Equestria like the world are being uncovered. For Twilight's friends in the human world, things will continue to get even stranger as they continue learning about magic and how it works. One day in a purple house on earth 67 humans Twilight Sparkle means a machine that can track Magic from outside of their world.  Twilight Sparkle said Eureka I did it I made a machine that can track Magic from outside of our around and outside of Equestria too! But I am sorry to say, Spike woke up when Twilight Sparkle said Eureka! Spike said Twilight Sparkle can you please come down! Twilight Sparkle said how sorry Spike I didn't mean to wake up with my excitement! Spike said just asking Twilight Sparkle why to bid you make the thing? Twilight Sparkle said simply, Spike to figure out the other magic from other worlds and to find out what was causing those earthquakes! Spike looks social what Twilight Sparkle says. Spike said Twilight, please that my you are a joke! Do you remember the last time when you did that? You turn into Midnight Sparkle the last time you bid. It was through the Friendship Games that Twilight Sparkle met her would-be friends, Sunset Shimmer and Mane 5 of Equestria's human counterpart dimension. Although, they didn't become friends at first. Twilight crafted a magic tracking device that can contain aberrations upon catching it in use, and accidentally drained all the magical essence residing within the Girls. It got to a point where the locket couldn't contain anymore. Once it was released, the magic turned Twilight into a monster bent on power-crazed destruction. With the help of Sunset Shimmer and the others, they returned Twilight to normal and prevented the annihilation of both Canterlot High and Equestria. Despite her actions and misguided meddling, the Girls still accepted her as one of them and forgave their new friend with open arms. Twilight decided she wanted to learn all about the magic of friendship. So, she transferred over to Canterlot High where she now attends alongside Sunset Shimmer and the Mane 5. Twilight Sparkle said Spike Don't worry. I went over the ramifications and made sure it can't contain magic this time. Its only function should be scanning for unusual elements."Spike said ok Twilight but Why did you design it to suck up magic in the first place?" Twilight Sparkle said "I thought I could understand it better by collecting a hands-on analysis. I would've been guaranteed a spot in Everton if I could provide concrete information for the source of Canterlot High's strange anomalies." Twilight paused then exhaled a dejected sigh. "I wasn't ready to handle that kind of approach. And after the last time, I tried studying its magic, I'm not sure if I still am." Twilight eyed the purple Geode Crystal held in her hand, concealed in a mini locket with a chain attached to put around her neck. And Twilight said, "But now that I have this Geode, I can still use magic to study its effects and have a hands-on approach that doesn't involve keeping so much of it in one little device." Spike jumped onto Twilight's lap and laid himself down while she pets him. Spike said "No harm done. Now that's the Twilight Sparkle I know and love." Twilight said "Oh, Spike!" hugging him. "You're the best canine companion a friend can ask for!" Time had passed as Twilight sat in her lab petting Spike while examining her Geode Crystal. Her Geode was contained in a tiny locket with a chain to wrap around her neck. The locket was purple with crystal facades and a star on the front. Sitting and theorizing about the Geodes origins of a good while, Twilight's phone began vibrating. She picks it up and stares at the time with eyes widened. Then Twilight looks at them and gasps. The clock shows 01:30 the same time that the Equestria Girls go to Sweet Shoppe. Twilight said Oh No! No no no! We're Late! We were supposed to meet the others at the Sweet Shoppe five minutes ago!" Spike jumped off to let Twilight get her things organized. She headed back inside her house and ran up to her room while removing her lab coat, gloves and goggles. In her Room, Twilight fixed her hair from a bun into a long ponytail and switched into her casual clothes. She sports a light blue, short-sleeved buttoned-up shirt with a white collar and a pink bow tie, a pink vest with a purple belt, a purple skirt with frills at the hem, a print of a large pink star overlapping another light star diagonally, and a smaller white star on top beside it. She then slips into some light blue socks and purple Mary Jane shoes. Twilight examined herself in the mirror. Finally, she puts back on her black-rimmed glasses and gleefully pushes the stem into place. Grabbing her phone, backpack, and magic tracker, Twilight runs out the front door while putting Spike inside her backpack as they hurry down the sidewalks to the Sweet Shoppe where their friends are meeting. But when Twilight and Spike run out of the Twilight house, they run into Adagio Dazzle, Aria, and Sonata.

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