Thomas and the jet skateboard and the truth be revealed

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Chapter 9: [The Next Day on The Island of Sodor: Early Afternoon]

James was given the job of pulling a freight train of tar tankers. He spent all morning going around Sodor delivering them to their destinations, impatiently trying to get his job done and over with. James didn't like pulling tar wagons, it reminded him too much about the time he ran into a tanker and got covered in the gooey substance. But he had to complete his job. So, he rushed around trying to dispose of them as soon as possible so Sir Topham Hatt could give him a better job. After he was done, he went to go find Sir Topham Hatt. As James rode down the line, he spotted Harvey pulling Rocky the Crane from behind. Further ahead he noticed an engine had derailed from the tracks. When he got close to Topham and slowed a bit, James saw that it was one of the Scottish twins, Donald, who was derailed off the line. His brother Douglas was far behind pushing a set of trucks the two of them were hauling. The two twins were arguing about something James could faintly overhear. Douglas said "What will happen then, Donnie?" Douglas pulling up close to Donald. Donald said "Ye nearly took meh doun which ye this time." Donald scuffed. Donald said "What are ye on about?" Douglas said "Ye weren't lookin' where yer going is what i'm saying. Ye gone and thrown yeself off the line again." Donald said "Me eyes started gettin' fuzzy. I cod see da bend ahead of meh. Is not my fault. You should've applied the brakes tae stop meh." Douglas said "You didnae even try tae stop yeself.," "Is if ye be wantin' tae go off the tracks.," Donald gasped. Donald said "Is no'." Douglas said "Is." Donald said "Is No'." Douglas said "IS!" Donald said "IS NO'!" Douglas said "IS!" Unfortunately Harvey, Rocky and James had to Indoor Donald and Douglas fights at Tidmouth station. James said this is just great. I am stuck here arguing with Scottish engines! Rocky said do worried about James. I'll have your tracks in no time. Harvey said James bid you know that the fat controller and Steve hat are here meeting with the other countries around. James said Wait, I thought he was coming until later. Harvey said I thought so to James. Rocky said There you go James, our track is clear. James said think you, Rocky and Harvey. And see you later Douglas and Donald at Tidmouth sheds. James continued puffing while hoping Harvey and Rocky will get Donald back on the tracks safely. Things only started getting weirder when James puffed down the line. When James chuffed by a shunting yard, he saw that there was yet another derailed engine. Molly had gone off the tracks while shunting some trucks so Dennis brought Jerome and Judy to help pull her and the trucks back on the line. Molly looked disoriented, like she had no idea how she ended up off the tracks. James said "Maybe this whole job switching thing wasn't such a good idea.," As James continued puffing. At last, James arrived at Knapfort Station and found Sir Topham Hatt pacing about back and forth on the main platform. James said "Hello, Sir I completed my job like you asked. Can I pull passenger trains now?" Topham hatt was too busy looking over his clipboard. He was murmuring something to himself until he finally noticed James waiting for him. Topham hatt said "Oh, James. Done with your work?" James said "Yes, Sir. I'm ready to receive my next job," he tried to say cheerfully in hopes that he'll be given coaches to pull. Sir Topham Hatt was a little distracted by all of the reports in his notes, and so he didn't have a job planned for James until he remembered one that he also gave to Edward. Topham Hatt said "Ah yes, very well. Um, you can pull the Express today, James." James interrupted. James said "Oh yes, The Express. Finally! Thank you, Sir! I won't let you down." Before James could say any more Sir Topham Hatt continued. James said "With Edward!" James was baffled. James said "But, but, but, "This Express train the two of you will be pulling is much longer than a normal train. Therefore, it needs two engines to pull. Plus, with all delays and piles of visitors held up at the station, the coaches are going to be very crowded."But I can assure you, Sir, I'm much more capable of pulling the Express by myself." Topham Hatt said "Not this time, James. I want you and Edward to pull it for the rest of the day. We're a bit short on engines as it would appear. Not only do we need to pile all the Express coaches together now, we also need engines who don't have jobs yet and who aren't flying off the tracks to stay busy." James groaned in annoyance. He didn't want any help pulling the Express. He wanted to pull it himself so that everyone could see what a bright and shiny red engine he is. Instead, he has to pull it with Edward, who will more than likely take the front while James would be coupled up from behind. Suddenly, James felt something bump into him. It was Edward, parking five Express coaches behind his tender. Edward noticed the engine was James and smiled. Then he chuffed back to get the rest of the coaches. James said "Please, James," Sir Topham Hatt issued. "With all the recent accidents and Thomas gone missing, there aren't enough engines I can get a hold of to switch around even more jobs." James said to himself:"Wait, Thomas is missing? "Hmm. I've noticed that too," James pondered. "Where has that silly tank engine gone? "Hopefully somewhere safe for the time being. I'll have to send out a search party for him later. We're too busy as it is with all of the commotion and we can't afford to put business on hold until things start to slow down a little." Sir Topham Hatt sighed. And said "I hope so too, James, for his sake. I'm just worried something bad might have happened to him. "You mean like, getting derailed?" James said "I wouldn't be surprised at this point. Until then, every single one of you will need to pull their weight if we're to continue keeping this railway running smoothly and right on time." While they were talking. Edward shunted five more Express coaches behind James then chuffed back to get positioned in front of the train. Upon arriving, Edward backs up in front of James and shunts himself onto him. The two engines were coupled up and ready to go. Sir Topham Hatt turned to Edward. Topham Hatt said "Now be careful, you two. Engines have been going off the rails as of late and I wouldn't want either of you ending up in that same predicament." Edward said "We will, Sir., "Very good. Have a safe trip," he smiled while tipping his top hat. Sir Topham Hatt walked away while waving at the two engines. James and Edward waited for their passengers to board their coaches. The Express train being pulled today extends out to ten coaches, which means when arriving at a smaller station, they'll have to move a head a little so that passengers seated in the back coaches can get off. This was going to be a long trip, but James and Edward were both ready to do their Job; more so Edward enthusiastically than James was. James said "Why are you always so eager to be given a two-engine job, Edward?" Edward said "Don't you think it would be much better if it was just one engine, specifically me for example, taking the Express?"That's Impossible, James. I could never pull that many coaches on my own, and I don't think you could either. Besides, it's much better with two engines. It gets the job done more efficiently."James said "Well, if I wasn't stuck with you, I could be sailing down the line right now with everyone admiring my shiny red paint."Edward said "They can still see your paint, James," irritably. James said "Yes, but when they see me at the station, they should see only me and not another engine blocking my view. I work really hard to look presentable so that others can see how splendid I am. Now no one will see my shiny red paint in its glory. They deserve nothing but the best of me, which is every visible spot of red." Edward said "You know, James, I think you need to work on being a little more generous. There's more to giving back than just showing off how splendid you are. You and Gordon should realize there's no shame in helping others and giving back by working hard. That's why we do the work that we do; to make sure our passengers are happy."James said Edward. Do you know we're Thomas is at. Because he was not at Tidmouth sheds? Edward said will James? Maybe I think he is at Farquhar sheds, why do you ask James? James said Will you know Edward?'' Thomas wants there to be something like seeing this "Midnight" and Dealing with the Dazzling is dound to wear an engine out Edward. Edward said You could be right there then James. Uhm.........! I think I should go to Farquhar sheds to try and certainly up Thomas after this job. James just sulked. At last, all the passengers were seated in their coaches. The conductor blew his whistle, and the two engines took off with the Express. It was a difficult start at first. They had to pull ten Express coaches filled with tons of passengers. They pulled and chuffed, putting all of their strength into getting the Express out of Knapford. When at last they gathered enough momentum, pulling the Express became a lot easier as James and Edward puffed down the mainline while keeping at a good speed. They stopped at their first station. The two engines chuffed in carefully so as to not over shoot the platform and applied their brakes at just the right moment. Edward said "Heeerrress James!" James said "Heeerrress Edward!" After a second of silence, the two engines chuckled as passengers got off and on the train. James said "Hey, that's my line, Edward.," Edward chuckled. Edward said "Sorry. I couldn't help it." The engines looked over to one of the passengers examining them in an admirable gaze. People pointed and murmured among each other at how grand the two engines looked side by side. Edward said "See, James," "They still like you even when you're helping other engines." A small child pointed at James. The child said "This red engine isn't strong enough to carry all those coaches. He needed an old engine to carry it for him!"

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