End of the battle but not the war!

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Chapter 41: One's James broker the phone and doth him and Rarity defeat Midnight Sparkle clones of Vignette Valencia, our heroes return back to Power Ponies Tower were James and Rarity had a lot of explain too do: Rarity and James said we are sorry for what we says back at Hollow Shades city. James said and Nia for what I saying to you Nia. Nia said in Swahili or Kenya: Unachosema kwa James wangu kilikuwa kibaya sana. Lakini kujua kwamba ulimaanisha unachosema wakati wewe na Rarity Midnight Sparkle clones wa Vignette Valencia, In english I forgive you James. Emily said And it's not just you too who I want apology my and Applejack. Applejack said We're sorry James and Rarity. James and Rarity said that okay Emily and Applejack. James, Emily, Applejack and Rarity start to group hug, Meanwhile Sunset, Sci-Twi and Thomas help Starlight put an unconscious Spike in one of the hero's sleeping quarters. Starlight said I hope Spike is going to be okay? Sci-Twi said do worry Starlight Spike would be okay. Thomas said how so Sci-Twi, Spike has Dragon poisoning in him. Sci-Twi said Dragon poison is not poison it's just a sleeper drug that pads dragons to sleep, with just some rest Spike will be good in on time. Starlight said that is good to hear. Sunset said hi Thomas quick questions to ask, did Lady know who made these Geode Crystals and post them in Camp Everfree? Thomas said I don't know if Lady made or posted Geode Crystals in Camp Everfree, did Twilight Sparkle made or post Geode Crystals in Camp Everfree. Sunset said Starlight told us that Twilight Sparkle could make or post Geode Crystals. Because Twilight Sparkle was dealing with Queen Chrysalis antics and trying to be the best princess. Thomas said Uhm, that's a good answer Sunset. And Thomas, Sunset, Sci-Twi and Starlight left Spike to rest, Donald said Hahaha! We decided on all the Midnight Sparkle clones. Douglas said Like to see that woman child face when she sees us getting stronger and powerful and that woman child. Percy said now you think about it guys and gals it's going to be our last days in Equestrian city. Nia said man i'm going to mess Equestrian city, Mane7 and our Magical Inhuman. Liz said will then you Steam Team and the Mane7 have fun in the Friendship Games. Proteus said it's a real same that me, Liz, Lady, Maud Pie, Sweetie Drops, Juniper Montage, Lyra Heartsrings and Owlowiscious can't participate in Friendship Games. Then Thomas said Hi Liz and Proteus can you two turn on our S.C.R for a minute? Liz and Proteus said sure Thomas. And Liz and Proteus turn on their S.C.R, Liz said so Thomas what do you want to talk about? Thomas said You two know more about Gold Dust Magic then I do, so can you two tell me why every time I do a Gold Dust Smash or use my Gold Dust Magic. My hands and my arms always hurt every time I use it? Proteus said will talk about weaknesses, yeah to be discovered. Hahahaha! But in all seriousness Thomas, we don't know what your Gold Dust Magic is hurting you every time you use it. Thomas said what do you mean you two don't know, you two have hid Gold Dust Magic before me? Liz said Remember Thomas Lady gave her Gold Dust Magic back when Diesel 10, Frankie, Splatter and Dodge tried to destroy Sodor. Well my and Proteus work on our Gold Dust Magic, you may have the power of Gold Dust Magic but. Proteus said but my and Liz have good knowledge about Gold Dust Magic, Hahaha! At least you didn't get the Adam treatment back in the 2000s. Thomas said Come again? Liz said Proteus doesn't Thomas that's not needed to know that! Proteus said Thomas doesn't need to know so he does not make that mistake like you and Adam did in the 2000s. Thomas said I'm so confused, I know there were two engines on Sodor named Adam. But why was Adam LB&SCR E4 was in the magic railroad and why was he fighting you Liz? Proteus said you might as well get to talking Liz, there's no going out of this. Liz said I know Proteus, anyway in 2000s during what you and Steam engines and Diesel engines fighting incidents, I was training Adam E4 to use his Silver Dust at Vicarstown goods yard. But when Adam  accidentally used his Silver Dust and accidentally changed Me paint work from light blue to bright red and I in retaliation used her Silver Dust and changed Adam paint work from dark blue to purple. And let's just say Lady scolded both Liz and Adam for almost destroying Vicarstown goods yard. Thomas said oh so that's what happened to Adam E4 back in the 2000s too 2019. Liz said Thomas did you ask Lady what was with your Gold Dust Magic? Thomas said oh cinders and ashes I should have done that before. Just please Liz and Proteus not tell my friends or Sunset friends. Liz and Proteus said Sarah Thomas but why? Thomas said because Mane7 literally has the entire world on their shoulders battling dangerous animes like Demon Shimmer, Gaea Everfree, Dazzlings, The children of Malcontent and more and I do want Sunset to worry about me on top of the entire world hating her after what she did. Proteus said Okay Thomas me and Liz lips are sealed.

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