Downfall of Gaea Everfree

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Chapter 40: Back to Earth 68 TAF: Since it's for Ulfstead Castle, the last day open on Sodor show a new heritage railway called Marston Heights Coal Railway send their engines to Ulfstead Castle. Neil said well I don't believe it's you Bloomer! Bloomer said hey Glen who are there's three engines? Glen said Bloomers this is Neil, Clive and Matthew. Bloomer said WHAT! Since when did you three change your paint work? Clive said we got this new paint work in 1965 when Marston Heights Coal got closed down. Bloomer said Wow Marston Heights Coal is closed man I'm missing out Sodor events so how is Adam, Colin, Lily and Mr. Star been? Eagle said Bloomer Adam, Colin, Lily and Mr. Star are died. But before Bloomer can react to what Eagle say, Connor, Caitlin, Pip and Emma come into Ulfstead Castle really fast. Eagle said wow Connor, Caitlin, Pip and Emma why are you guys and gals coming in so fast for? Then the Timberwolve showed up and Connor and Passenger named Filthy Rich said THAT'S WHY! Mille Driver and Fireman quickly shut the gate to Ulfstead Castle to keep out The giant Timberwolve, then the Sodor Search and Rescue Center engines avrried, but like Power Ponies and Steam Team Of Great Britain Sodor Search and Rescue Center are going to find out that fighting Timberwolve was not easy. Back to Power Ponies and Steam Team Of Great Britain vs Animal plants, Timberwolves and Gaia Everfree, our heroes were having lots of trouble with Animal plants and Timberwolves just came back. A animal plants elephant and birds attack One Punch Of Peace but One Punch Of Peace uses his Blackwhip float to lift Animal plants and then slam them to the ground. Thomas turned on his S.C.R and said ComputerSpike how many minutes can you figure out what these new Gaia Everfree weaknesses? ComputerSpike said I'm almost done analyzing Gaia Everfree magical Inhuman for any weaknesses, thinklys to this new Gaia Everfree magical Inhuman is so fast and powerful then Midnight clone Juniper Monster. So it will take 10 hours to 2 minutes to find New Gaia Everfree magical Inhuman. Rosie said 10 HOURS! ComputerSpike you are crazy this new Gaia Everfree is too powerful for all of us and Animal plants and Timberwolves are just a stupid problem for us. Thomas said I know Rosie that this Gaia Everfree and her Animal plants, Timberwolves are a problem for us. ComputerSpike has been analyzing Gaia Everfree magical Inhuman for weakness but her magical Inhuman is too powerful and faster than ComputerSpike can read. Rosie said Oh sorry ComputerSpike I don't know that you were struggling to find Gaia Everfree magical Inhuman weakness. ComputerSpike said That's okay Rosie you and everyone are just desperate and tired of fighting Animal plants, Timberwolves and Gaia Everfree powers and abilities. But next time I will upgrade my analysis so nothing slips by me again. Then a Animal plants that is a Mammoth charge at One Punch Of Peace and Miss American Rose but One Punch Of Peace and Miss American Rose tap team on Animal plants Mammoth Miss American Rose hold down tasks and break Animal plants Mammoth tasks and One Punch Of Peace used his Blackwhip to rapid round Mammoth and One Punch Of Peace and Miss American Rose did a team super move. One Punch Of Peace and Miss American Rose said Splish Splash Splosh! And the animal plant Mammoth went down, Clones master and Agent Bon Bon made anime still clones of miniguns and shot the same Timberwolves and animal plants. Meanwhile Mail float and Deathstring were fighting the same animal plants of chimpanzees, but it was only Deathstring fighting animal plants of chimpanzees. Deathstring said MAIL FLOAT! Why are you running and looking for the same rocks and not helping me fight these apps? Mail float said Do worry Deathstring I know what I'm doing, just hold off as long as you can. Deathstring said okay then Percy. Just know I have no Super Strength, Super Durability and Super Regeneration so I won't last fighting these apps for much longer. Some of the chimpanzees' animal plants of chimpanzees see Percy running and they begin to chase, Percy touches his shoes so that he can run faster. Percy looks back and can see animal plants of chimpanzees chasing after Percy with murderous intent. But Percy was not scared he had a plan to help Sweet Bell Both, Clones master, Agent Bon Bon, Deathstring, One Punch Of Peace, Miss America Rose, Red bloodhound, Blue pony Fairy, The lucky Mountain and me fight animal plants. Mail float said if they are counterparts of my friends and Thomas then there has to be? There it is. Mail float ran into Everfree Forest giant boulder with a face, Percy said even if your I counterpart of this earth 67 EG from earth 68 TAF the boulder that almost killed me in 1998. Now let's see if you still have the destruction power that you had all those years ago? And Mail float touched the boulder just as the animal plants of chimpanzees showed up, Mail float said hello monkeys, and goodbye, release. And the boulder rod to animal plants of Chimpanzees ran the other way but they still got run round. Back to Clones master and Agent Bon Bon: Clones master and Agent Bon Bon get done trying to kill the same animal plants, then Clones master can see a big boulder coming their way Toby said Agent Bon Bon get down! And Clones master tackled Agent Bon Bon to the ground to get out of the way from the boulder. Sweetie Drops said what was that, I had one idea that Camp Everfree had a big ass Boulder before? Toby said I don't know either Sweetie Drops but what I do know is that better than a crash then a squash.

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