Lady secrets

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Chapter 39: I was in the places at earth 1 PE Twilight turn into an Alicorn, walk back and forth I was worrying about accidentally keeping my Alicorn wings and Alicorn tail. I said Oh Celestia and Nigel why did I forget about my Alicorn wing and Alicorn tail when Timothy was looking at me. Urg!!! Look if Timothy asks about my Alicorn wing and Alicorn tail I'll just tell him, just some whoppers so he has no idea if it is true yeah that can work. Then I know in my universal Barb and I see that everyone is starting to wake up, I said will look like everyone is waking up, Haha! I just can make the same Lemonade after all their hard work. I changed back to my human form and made the same glass of lemonade. Back to Steam Team, Timothy, Liz, Proteus, Mane7, Spike, Starlight, Trixie, Sweetie Bot Bell, Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops were wake up and they had to go to the Power Ponies Training Room or P.P.T.R for shot. I said yeah Steam Team, Timothy, Liz, Proteus, Mane7, Spike, Starlight, Trixie, Sweetie Bot Bell, Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops I made the same glass of lemonade for you guys. Steam Team, Timothy, Liz, Proteus, Mane7, Spike, Starlight, Trixie, Sweetie Bot Bell, Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops said Think you Lady. After Thomas was done with his glass of Lemonade he said Ohm Lady there is something I did that went to ask you everything to return from the magic railroad after you help us when Diesel 10, Frankie, Splatter and Dodge attack Sodor. I said Yes Thomas what the question? Thomas said "Oh old are you Lady", ;I overheard heard that Sir Handel told me that Peter Sam is really; good at math and. I said So Thomas, you are calling me old. You know not to ask a lady about her age. Thomas said WHAT! No I'm just asking that, I know that you're not supposed to ask a lady who is their age. But when we found you it was in 1959 and I don't know when you were built date when Lilly stone built you. Then I bid something that Steam Team, Timothy, Liz, Proteus, Mane7, Spike, Starlight, Trixie, Sweetie Bot Bell, Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops never saw me do before started to laugh and cheeky. I said Ahahaha! Ahahaha! Ahahaha! Oh Thomas you have seen your face. Ahahaha, Ahahaha, Ahahaha, Ahahaha, Ahahaha, Ahahaha! Steam Team, Timothy, Liz, Proteus, Mane7, Spike, Starlight, Trixie, Sweetie Bot Bell, Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops were confused or scared of me, because they never saw me in any other emotion besides generically happy and super angry. So when I bid to show this emotion to everyone it had all of them confused or scared, Fluttershy said I had no idea Lady had emotion besides being genetically happy and very wise. Henry did you know that had emotion besides happiness when you guys helped her? Henry said No Fluttershy, I don't know Lady had an emotion besides happiness, in fact when, Lady yelled at Midnight Sparkle and when we were at Sodor and all were freaking out when Thomas left to here. And when Diesel 10, Frankie, Splatter and Dodge attacked Sodor, Lady shut down Pinche and she disintegrated Diesel 10 wheels. Fluttershy said oh my Lady sounds like she is even stronger and terrifying. Then Steam Team, Liz, Proteus, Mane7, Spike, Starlight, Trixie, Maud Pie, Sweetie Drops and Lyra Heartsrings look at Timothy for the same answers about Lady. Timothy said Uhm what, why are you guys staring at me? Edward said Timothy did you know Lady is that power and she has emotion besides happiness? Timothy said Edward all I know that she told me that she made all   the Non-Faceless Vehicles and that is. I just assumed Lady emotion was just being happy. I said Ahahaha! Thomas it's okay to have questions about me but for this one, I want you to agathe old me. Thomas said oh will ok Lady, I'll try my hardest. Sci-Twi said Hi Thomas can you come to my place? I went to study your Gold Dust Magic. I said Sci-Twi, I told you that Gold Dust Magic is very dangerous in the wrong hands it can do a lot of dangerous things. Sci-Twi said Do worry Lady, I will be responsible for your Gold Dust Magic and Thomas will not get hurt. I said okay Sci-Twi, just be careful and Thomas your Gold Dust Magic Training will start the next day after tomorrow. Thomas said ok Lady, Sorry Percy if you want to spar with me. Percy said that's okay Thomas go and have fun and do worry about us ComputerSpike telling us when a Midnight Sparkle clone shows up. Thomas said okay Percy. Then Thomas and Sci-Twi went to Sci-Twi house, as everyone else went back to what they were doing Timothy had something on his mind that he went to tell me. Timothy said Hi Lady why did you had a wings and a tail back when we were tripping in the magic mirror? Now to say I was scared was a hold understatement, I thought Timothy with his old age of 812 would fought seeing my wings and tail, I guess he has a good memory for Non-Faceless Vehicles with his age. I said Uhm Timothy I have no idea what you are talking about. Timothy said Lady, stop telling the same whoppers don't think I don't know you back in 1913, so don't tell me whoppers about you Lady. I did not want to tell Timothy about me and what I'm, so I teleported out of Power Ponies Tower to get away from Timothy. But Timothy was not so easily avoided; he used his ghost powers to leave Power Ponies Tower.

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