Final and to a new Battle

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Chapter 32: After Steam Team Of Great Britain and Power Ponies defeated Equalizer, Hero Killer and Death Vines. Mane7, Spike, Starlight, Trixie Lululemon and Maud Pie give a surprise for the Steam Team. Thomas said Uhm Rarity, why do I have to wear these blindfolds? Rebecca said I don't mind us wearing blindfolds. It feels like my puffing throws Henry tunnel. Nia said I'm worried about not bumping into anything wearing these. Then Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Toby, Duck, Donald, Douglas, Oliver, Toad, Emily, Nia, Rebecca and Rosie walk into Power Ponies tower and Starlight said you can take your blindfold off now. The Steam Team take there blindfold and Sunset, Sci-Twi, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Spike, Trixie, Starlight, Maud Pie, Juniper Montage, Sweetie drops and Lyra Heartstrings said SURPRISE HAPPY SODOR DAY PARTY! And the Steam Team can see the inside of Power Ponies tower was decorated in party decorations but all the party decorations had everything Sodor related every the table had the Sodor flag. Edward said wow you Mane7 bid all of this? Fluttershy said Will Edward it was all Sunset idea. Thomas said Wait a second Sunset you did all of this. But why? Sunset said Will Thomas after everything that's happened with Diesel 10, Splatter, Dodge and Frankie causing trouble and Fighting the Dazzlings in Equestrian city. I thought giveing you a eventful end for your lost day but then your friends came and Equalizer declared war on everyone. So I have to be prepared for the party. Sci-Twi said bid Sunset and I did it all alone she had help. Henry said thank you Mane7 and Spike, Trixie, Starlight, Maud Pie, Juniper Montage, Sweetie drops and Lyra Heartstrings for patry. Gordon said Now that's a big cake of us! Gordon was looking at a giant cake of the Steam Team, Duck said how are we going to eat that? Pinkie Pie said WE ARE EATING THIS GIANT CAKE! The Steam Team and Mane7 and Spike, Trixie, Starlight, Maud Pie, Juniper Montage, Sweetie drops and Lyra Heartstrings eat same cake and ice then after that Steam Team, Mane7 and Spike, Trixie, Starlight, Maud Pie, Juniper Montage, Sweetie drops and Lyra Heartstrings. Are getting a group picture but Starlight was controlling the camera but Starlight is used to pony equestria cameras because she can use her magic to control the camera. But now that she in the human world Starlight can't use her pony magic to work the camera and manage to accidentally take a picture of herself instead of Sunset, Thomas, Sci-Twi, Edward, Flutteshry, Henry, Rainbow Dash, Gordon, Rarity, James, Pinkie Pie, Percy, Applejack, Toby, Trixie, Duck, Spike, Donald, Sweetie drops, Douglas, Lyra Heartstrings, Oliver, Maud Pie, Toad, Juniper Montage, Emily, Nia, Rebecca and Rosie. But they still managed to get a group photo and they also played a few games as well like pan the hat on the fat controller. And they drank the same apple cider that she brought over, Rainbow Dash said so Gordon you crash into two stations? Gordon said yes Rainbow Dash had to me crashing through the two stations. Rainbow Dash said will Gordon I never had embarrassing moments. Spike said so, is getting beat up by Aria in an embarrassing way? Starlight said Or made a better with Pinkie Pie and lost the better. Rainbow Dash said haha besides those things. Nearby Thomas, Sunset and Sci-Twi were taking, Thomas said so Sci-Twi you studied this magical radiation? Sci-Twi said yes Thomas, I bid to test magical radiation after we dealt with The Children Of Malcontent. But there was something on my mind when Twivine Sparkle said? Thomas what did Equalizer say to you? Thomas said Will Equalizer told me that she wants to kill me and the mane7. Sci-Twi said interesting. Because if Equalizer wants to kill you then, why did she come to Thomas world when she was after us? Starlight said Maybe the robot colognes and Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie may know why Equalizer came to earth 67. Sunset said unlikely Starlight that Equalizer, Twivine Sparkle and Hero killer were already here before the robot and colognes Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Nia said So if Equalizer was supposed two's go to our earth, how brang Equalizer, Twivine Sparkle and Hero killer get in Mane7, Spike and Starlight earth? Nia change into a house cat and she laid on Edward lap as Steam Team, Mane7, Spike, Trixie, Starlight, Maud Pie, Juniper Montage, Sweetie drops and Lyra Heartstrings we're trying to think who brang Hero Killer, Death Vines and Equalizer to earth 67? Then Mane7, Spike and Starlight came to occlusion, Mane7, Spike and Starlight said OPALINE! Steam Team, Trixie, Maud Pie, Juniper Montage, Sweetie drops and Lyra Heartstrings said Uh who is Opaline? Sunset said Opaline is Malcontent mother and she showed up when we were fighting The Children Of Malcontent in their base. Oliver said That's all we need, another terrorist trying to take over the world. James said hi if this "Opaline" and other terrorists have to face us they have to deal with us with new powers! And James mabe a red construct of his old superhero name rail rocket. Gordon said James never did that again, before I died of cringe.

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