Just another hero Arc part 3. The Phoenix, One Punch of Peace vs red dust!

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Chapter: 11 Back to Starlight glimmer, Trixie and Maud Pie. Starlight said And so that who Thomas and Timothy are And why they are here. Trixie said The Great and Powerful Trixie knows the truth because Thomas and Timothy told us! Maud Pie said Please Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, Cranky Doodle and Cheerilee you have to believe us if we do not find Diesel 10, Splatter and Dodge. Who knows what the Dazzlings wood to them! Cranky Doodle said So let me get this stretch you three. You three are saying that Thomas, Timothy, Diesel 10, Splatter and Dodge are from another world? Cheerilee said And this world is full with talking trains, boats, helicopters, planes and more. And Thomas is the Guardians of the Magic Railroad in another world? Vice Principal Luna said And Dazzlings want Thomas and Timothy earth. And broke Diesel 10, Splatter, Dodge and Frankie out of rail gate prison? Principal Celestia said And we don't find who is killing earth 67; both Sodor and earth 67 will be destroyed? Starlight, Trixie and Maud Pie both nodded their sheepishly Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, Cranky Doodle and Cheerilee could not believe what Starlight, Trixie and Maud Pie just said. Principal Celestia knows that Starlight and Sunset are both from pony equestria. But this was different now I ain't that there could be another world out there besides pony equestria sound and terrifying to her. Principal Celestia said ok Starlight, Trixie and Maud Pie. I help you three find Diesel 10, Splatter, Dodge and Frankie and get them back to sodor. Vice Principal Luna said oh no Celestia I am helping too! Cranky Doodle and Cheerilee said some here Celestia! But before Celestial can say anything, substitute teacher Mr Percival ran into the faculty and said Celestia bid you see Terence news?! Celestia said No Mr. Percival. Why? Mr. Percival said Will you need to see this! And so did Principal Celestial, Vice Principal Luna, Cranky Doodle, Cheerilee, Starlight, Trixie and Maud Pie. Walk out of the faculty room and into the main offices Where all the other stafa are watching Terence news. Mr. Percival said this is what is going on in the equestrian city Celestia. Starlight said WHAT NO THE POWER PONIES THEN! A janitor named George said There, getting their ASS Handed to them by the God Sirens that what Starlight?! Sandy said GASP! George, you are not supposed to say that in front of the students! George said Will Sandy what am I supposed to say then?! A PE teacher named Elizabeth said George and Sandy shut up. We need to evacuate CHS students now! A CHS bus driver named Bertie said I can take the CHS students somewhere but you guys have to tell me where to take them. A history teacher Eagle said can we take the CHS students to Zephyr heights city?'' Zephyr Heights city is far away from the equestrian city so we can go there. A music teacher named Bertram said I think that is a good idea, Eagle. Eagle said thinks Bertram, I just thought it up?! Myself at the back of my head. Luna said Oh Starlight you mint want to see this? Starlight said ok Luna. Starlight looks at the monitor TV and GASPS at what she sold.

Starlight said to herself: Come on Timothy, Thomas and Sunset find Diesel 10, Splatter, Dodge and Frankie

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Starlight said to herself: Come on Timothy, Thomas and Sunset find Diesel 10, Splatter, Dodge and Frankie. Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Spike. I need you three out there, we all need you three. Meanwhile at the trophy case Inscribed the crown Twivine was trying to get the pony Twilight Sparkle crown. To avoid drawing attention to herself she pulls and destroys the fire alarms making all of CHS students think that it is a fire drill but in reality it's not. Twivine said Almost there, almost there. Then the Hero killer showed up and said hi Twivine. Twivine said WHAT THE! HERO KILLER WHY ARE YOU HERE! Hero killer said wow Finally you were called by my villain name instead of my real name. Twivine said It was just a nice fancy. But seriously why are you here Hero killer. Hero killer said Equalizer is growing impatient with you. So she told me to come and help you. Twivine said what no! Evil Trixie doesn't need your help getting Princess Twilight Sparkle crown. Hero killer said ok Twivine but are you not going to listen to what I want to say to you Twivine? Twivine said Since I'm going to be here a while opening the stupid lock you might as well tell me evil Trixie?! Evil Trixie said will Twivine as you were trying to fitin this High school. I was looking for the Power Ponies and One Punch of Peace. That's why I ran into this person named Coco Pommel. Who used to be a Malcontent lawyer but now she is a team chooser or whatever that means. Twivine said OS YOU BREG COCO POMMEL IN EQUALIZER HIDEOUT! Evil Trixie said "What" Twivine I did not take Coco Pommel to Equalizer hideout. No, I just pot Coco Pommel sleep and lind her down outside of CHS. She potted a good fight but. Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! She was to wake. Twivine said will Hero killer will have fun. Then One Punch of Peace, Timothy and The Phoenix arrived where the Hero killer is. One Punch of Peace said HERO KILLER STED DOWN NOW AND GET OUT OF CHS! Hero killer said Oh! One Punch of Peace and The Phoenix i'm so happy to see you heroes. I went to fight the strongest heroes in the world. The Phoenix said,''Why don't you go and fight other heroes somewhere in equestrian city or Zephyr Heights city?! Hero killer said Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! The Phoenix, why would I waste my time to find a superhero like Spitfire Wonderbolt Armor run by the government. No, I am here to fight superheroes like you to One Punch of Peace and The Phoenix! One Punch of Peace Timothy and The Phoenix were scrod because the Hero killer said that she went to fight heroes like them. That means she is not leaving until she gets a fight from both One Punch of Peace and The Phoenix. One Punch of Peace said Timothy grad the crown from Twivine. Twivine said YOU WENT THIS ONE PUNCH OF PEACE! COME AND GET IT'S! Then Twivine veins turned into a veins fist and punched One Punch of Peace and made him fly out of the fight. The Phoenix said ONE PUNCH OF PEACE NO! Twivine said Ahhh! Ahhh! Cap on The Phoenix don't think about your lover One Punch of Peace. And focus on the fight between me and the Hero killer.

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