Thomas and Timothy more then meets the eye

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Chapter 7 Pinkie Pie said We are back readers with some more. Thomas and Friends X Equestria Girls a wheel for another past 2 two worlds one family! This time in Chapter 7 Let's see how things turn out shall we now. Starlight glimmer run over to Thomas and said THOMAS! THOMAS! THOMAS! PlEASE SPEAK OR DO SOMETHING! Starlight glimmer tried vigorously to shake Thomas awake to no avail; he was completely out cold. Starlight glimmer, The Phoenix, Masked Matter-Horn gathered around him wondering why out of nowhere he just fight Midnight Delta Brony. Timothy said "What's wrong with him? Is my Brother okay? Masked Matter-Horn said ''I don't know,''''He was fine a moment ago!" Spike runs a diagnostic on Thomas to see if he is alive. Spike said ok Twilight Sparkle. Uhm Thomas is still alive it's just He's out cold and there is this dark shadows stuff. All over him preventing my scanners to see what else is wrong with them. Splitescond said"Is he sick?" Wait let me rephrase that "I hope Thomas is not sick." Wait, we can take Starlight glimmer and Thomas back to your base and see if we can heal them up. Masked Matter-Horn said Wait No out of the question Splitescond! If we breg Thomas back to our base heal back up to health. He's going to know our identities a minute we take our suits off. If we take Thomas to the Hospital where a doctor can check up on him we won't expose ourselves. As Masked Matter-Horn, Starlight glimmer and Splitescond We're arguing about where they should take Thomas too? Sunset looked over Thomas for any sign as to what might've caused him to blackout. Her forearms locked together as she grew more worried for him. Sunset felt it was her responsibility to save all magical inhuman form Malcontent. Because she Felt like it was her fault for bringing in the magic from Equestria into the human world in the first place. Starlight glimmer said "We should call the hospital." Sunset Shimmer said "First we need to get him out of here," Pulling him up she grabbed Thomas' left arm and wrapped it around her shoulder while struggling to stand and carry Thomas. Starlight glimmer said The Phoenix "Where are we taking Thomas?" The Phoenix said I'M AM TAKING THOMAS BACK TO OUR BASE SO WE CAN HEATH THOMAS HELP! AND STARLIGHT GLIMMER IF YOU WANT TO GO THEN HELP SPLITESCOND FREE E.C.P.D POLICE FORCE! And Sunset Shimmer flies away with Thomas on her back. Masked Matter-Horn, Starlight glimmer and Splitescond wrong about Sunset Shimmer. She doesn't usually get this mad unless she has to. Starlight glimmer said what was wrong with The Phoenix! Splitescond said Oh no The Phoenix was thinking about Malcontent. That it was The Phoenix got so mad. Masked Matter-Horn said I will talk with The Phoenix about this Malcontent thing and tried to help her with this. And so Masked Matter-Horn opened out her wings and flew after The Phoenix and tried to help her. Back to The Phoenix knew then that something strange such as this isn't just a simple illness, but the work of a terrible, manipulable magic. The Phoenix said "I don't think a doctor is gonna be able to fix that." No don't wrong about that now Sunset you just hurry and get Thomas to the Power Ponies base. The Phoenix did a jump over a building to building before landing on the last building running into Masked Matter-Horn.

 The Phoenix did a jump over a building to building before landing on the last building running into Masked Matter-Horn

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Thomas and friends x Equestria Girls a wheel for a another part 2 Two world one Where stories live. Discover now