Big three vs Equalizer! War to end all wars.

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Chapter 32: One Punch of Peace, Masked Matter-Horn and Phoenix heard Equalizer and they were surprise that Equalizer survived the explosion. One Punch of Peace said how can an Equalizer survive my punches? Masked Matter-Horn said Equalizer must be really durable to survive your punches, Phoenix said Sci-Twi can you get ComputerSpike to call all the heroes to this location. Sci-Twi said No Sunset I can't contact ComputerSpike after I did my energy attack on Twivine Sparkle, that means I won't be able to communicate with anyone but I can still have access to my suit. One Punch Of Peace said Will that bad and without Timothy I won't be able to fly and keep up with you too. Phoenix said we can still do this despite everything we can still win this together because with the magic of friendship we can do anything.

Equalizer was to start absorbing the Twivine Sparkle and Masked Matter-Horn energy magic and giving Equalizer a new Magical Inhuman that Victor Flame even knows

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Equalizer was to start absorbing the Twivine Sparkle and Masked Matter-Horn energy magic and giving Equalizer a new Magical Inhuman that Victor Flame even knows.

New Magical Inhuman: Apocalypse.

Magical Inhuman Power and Abilities of Apocalypse are: Unique Physiology, Limitless Strength, Super-Leaping, Self-Evolution, Accelerated Healing, Immortality, Invulnerability, Energy Absorption, Energy Resistance,

Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Reflexes, Regeneration, Resurrection, Adaptation, Toxikinesis, Doomsday Conversion, Murderous Possession, Molecular Reconstruction, Unlimited Stamina, Telescopic Vision, Teleportation, Incredible Senses, Doomsday Virus, Energy Manipulation and Extra-Dimensional Punch.

Equalizer used her Energy Absorption to make a giant explosion of energy. Phoenix said SCI-TWI GET BEHIND ME! Sci-Twi said no need for Sunset. And Sci-Twi used Nano-shield and protected herself from Equalizer energy absorption. One Punch Of Peace, Phoenix and Masked Matter-Horn were still standing from Equalizer absorption energy. And One Punch Of Peace, Phoenix and Masked Matter-Horn charged at Equalizer to make their stand, Phoenix and Masked Matter-Horn shot heat vision and energy beams at Equalizer. And One Punch Of Peace bid his Platinum Dust Smash on Equalizer but Equalizer caught One Punch Of Peace punch and she give One Punch Of Peace one of her I wanna attack by using her Black Dust Smash. Back in earth 1014: Opaline was watching One Punch Of Peace, Phoenix, Masked Matter-Horn and Equalizer fight throws her universal Barb. Misty said Uhm, Opaline, you want to see me? Opaline said yes Misty came in, you bid on earth 68 TAF for so long and we never had any time with each other!? Misty said wow Opaline I didn't know you miss me that much and. Ouch! My bloody back, stupid train form. Misty sat next to Opaline, Opaline said "Misty, did I ever tell you are like a daughter to me rather than a soldier?" Misty said I think you're Opaline. I didn't expect you to give me praise and wow I love being like your daughter. Opaline said so Misty why bid you didn't know that me son that you, Professor Midnight, Father Edward and Nightmare Thomas all say that he will be a failure but he was the only one that told my that Princesses Goddess Celestia, Luna, Cadance and Twilight Sparkle are still life and Lady is life too. Misty started shaking in her boobs, she didn't know that Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Twilight Sparkle and Lady are still life and Malcontent out of all the Dark Order that had to be Malcontent. Misty said Haha! Who knows that your son Malcontent was the one to discover that? Opaline said Now I want to know why you helped Thomas, Percy, Toby and Duck kill one of my best man evil Santa! Then Misty says something to Opaline that let's just say Opaline stare can look like it could kill Misty. Misty said Will Opaline evil Santa was the weakest one out of all of us, hell Evil Santa can best Malcontent with his arms behind his back.

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