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Chapter Nineteen


Taehyung sat on the couch as he waited for Jimin to wake up. He sighs, mentally preparing himself for the outcome. Any minute Jimin will wake up, he's been asleep for an hour now. He ran his hand through his hair. He hears footsteps going down the stairs he instantly looks at his lover.

Jimin sees him on the couch, and he walks over slowly. Taehyung patiently waits for the other. Jimin stops right in front of him, so he stands up.

Once their eyes met, Taehyung couldn't look away. There was sadness and confusion in Jimin's eyes. "So, is it true?"

Taehyung continues to stare at him, he doesn't think much as he replied, "Yes."

Jimin's lower lip quivered, Taehyung noticed his eyes were puffy and red. He must've woken up earlier and cried, apparent from his red nose and eyes. Jimin was on the brink of crying again, "Did you lie to me?"

Taehyung opens his mouth slightly it takes a few more seconds before he spoke, "I lied about who I am but not my feelings so please don't misunderstand."

Jimin looks at him with doubt, "I want to believe you, but I don't even know you!"

Taehyung shifts his gaze to the floor, "I wanted to run away and for some reason, after the accident, I woke up in this body. I decided that we should continue our lives until we can come back- Back then I didn't know you and I made a selfish decision, I'm sorry."

"I hate you-" Jimin states as he hits Taeyung in the chest lightly. "You made me love you as Taehyung." He mumbles as his face crumpled and then he burst into tears. He keeps hitting Taehyung's chest lightly and buries his face in the latter's shoulder.

Jimin continues to cry uncontrollably. Taehyung was hurt seeing him in this state, he knows he caused this, and he feels lost. He made Jimin cry again, and he hates feeling this way. Taehyung wraps his arms around him trying to console him, but he pushed him away gently.

"If you want me to leave," Taehyung starts, his eyes glimmering as tears threatened to fall. "I can leave because I know what I did was wrong however I didn't lie about loving you. I fell for you Jimin and I love you so much-" He chokes as he swallows a lump in his throat. It tears him up inside seeing his loved one cry this much, he clenches his jaw and tries to continue, "My feelings for you are real and it's genuine-so even if you call me a liar at least know that this is true, it's the most real thing about me-it's you."

Jimin looks away, head down as he brings his trembling hand to cover his mouth. Taehyung watches as Jimin wipes his tears and looks at him, eyes still fresh of tears, "I don't want you to leave-Taehyung-"

Taehyung shakes his head and corrects him, "My name's Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook."

Jimin thinks about it, blinking away his tears. "Jungkook..." He speaks almost inaudibly, his voice was weak and it sounds more like a question.

Taehyung's heart starts to pound in its constraints. Hearing Jimin speak his name sent shivers down his spine. But at the same time, it makes him nervous and sick he might throw up. It gave him hope too, that maybe, just maybe Jimin has feelings for him too.

Jimin shakes his head slowly, "No matter what you say I only see Taehyung-"

Taehyung opens his mouth, but no words came out. He can hear his heart break, crashing to the floor like broken glass. He looks elsewhere as tears welled from his eyes, he bites his lower lip trying to smile. "It's fine-I know that I'm just stupid at this point."

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