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Saturday morning started with the now customary yoga. Andy felt he was doing much better, but deep down he suspected that Cam was going easy on him that morning. He decided to mess around a little with the younger man making him attempt one-handed pushups next, but Cam did not say a word although he was visibly struggling with some of the exercises. They decided to clean up the apartment together, Cam scrubbing the kitchen while Andy was vacuuming his bedroom and the living room. As he was approaching Cam's bedroom, the younger man suddenly unplugged the machine. "No, not going in there," he said snatching the vacuum cleaner from Andy. "I'm sure I have seen worse," Andy tried to take it back from him, "you should have seen our room in college, it was a pigsty."

"We are not in college and you are not going to pick up my dirty underwear from under my bed," asserted the younger man visibly upset by the idea.

"Too bad, I would love to see your underwear," Andy joked around. Cam's eyes opened wide looking scared and alarmed all of a sudden. "I am just messing with you, sorry!" Andy tried to placate him.

Cam pivoted scowling and finished cleaning the kitchen. They did laundry afterwards together in the basement of the apartment building and by the end they were back to their usual easy banter each folding his own clothes satisfied with the day's work.

After lunch they settled on the sofa, Andy had his sketchbook, Cam was flipping the channels on the TV trying to find something watchable. He settled on a gameshow and put the remote down folding his hands together in his lap. Andy was drawing something completely absorbed in the process and Cam tried to turn to him to get a peek at what took his attention.

"DON'T MOVE!" barked the older man. Cam froze up. "Why not?" he asked. "I am sketching your hands and the light is just perfect, so stop moving around for a bit." Cam looked slightly uncomfortable. "Please?" Andy pleaded. "All right, just for a bit" Cam complied.

Twenty minutes later Cam was feeling restless. "How much longer? I have some work to do today..."

"Work?" Andy looked up surprised. "It's Saturday!"

"Well, the company I work for is launching some new product and we have a deadline or something on Monday and they asked us to put a little bit of extra time in today as my boss is worried that we will not be able to complete everything on Monday and I don't think it will take more than a few hours, I am sorry, I know you thought we can spend the afternoon together..." he kept rambling.

"Of course, it's okay," Andy interrupted him. "Work is work and you are the man of the house at the moment, you make much more money than I do." Cam blushed at this assertion. "Can you give me another five minutes? I should have enough by then for a start and I can work on some of the details alone," he asked.

"Sure, why not." Cam grudgingly agreed.

When Andy finally let him go, Cam went to his room and almost immediately turned on his music. The older man did not mind, he was enjoying whatever Cam was listening to and the music provided a fitting soundtrack to his art. He put a bigger piece of paper on the easel and got his charcoal to draw a larger version of the sketch he did on his pad. Copying his own pencil strokes focused his mind, the act of creation immersing Andy in a sort of trance he hardly ever felt before when an unexpected noise snapped his concentration away from his drawing. He looked around perplexed not understanding where the noise might have come from. He cleaned his hands with a rug he kept next to the easel for that purpose, opened the front door and looked outside but nothing seemed out of order. As he returned to his easel, he heard it again. A deep guttural cry was coming from Cam's bedroom eclipsing the booming music still playing. He tried knocking on his door and called out his name, but the music was loud and he doubted that Cam even heard him. He was afraid that the youngster might have hurt himself somehow and was asking for help. Another loud moan made the decision for him and he opened Cam's door to see what was going on. And he froze.

Cam was lying on his bed buck naked, his eyes closed, legs spread wide open. His left hand was massaging a huge erection while his right was holding a massive dildo thrusting it deep into his asshole. Almost immediately he cried out again spurting copious amounts of cum all over his chest and abdomen. He opened his eyes and saw Andy standing there petrified. He shrieked loudly and scrambled for his sheets to cover himself. That startled Andy out of his immobility and he rushed out from the room banging the door shut loudly behind him. Outside the door Andy slumped down the wall, shocked, unable to move, his heart beating rapidly, panting loudly. A few minutes later he heard the shower turning on, which jostled him enough to move. He got up and escaped into his own bedroom.

Andy closed the door of his room and turned on some music which he hoped Cam would recognize as the (obviously) universal sign of do not disturb. He lied down on his bed, his mind jumbled with conflicting thoughts unable to shake the image of Cam pleasuring himself. He realized that he had a hard-on straining his pants uncomfortably and the feeling disturbed him greatly. He never got turned on by another man before and although he watched porn like everybody else, he always focused on the women. He decided it had to be the lack of release. He had not had sex for almost a month and he did not even feel like masturbating ever since the start of the lockdown. He opened his laptop, searched for some porn and settled on a scene with a beautiful woman seducing a younger man. Andy started stroking himself but, although the man looked nothing like Cam, his mind kept substituting the actor with the image of the youngster as the woman was riding her lover thrusting in and out. Andy came after a few minutes stifling his moan with a pillow he grabbed for that purpose alone. He cleaned himself up with a towel, spread out on his bed exhausted and fell into a fitful slumber.

A couple of hours later he woke up feeling the need to use the bathroom urgently. He turned off his music and approached the door listening to any sound coming from the living room. Hearing nothing, he opened the door quietly. Dusk already settled, Cam's door was closed and the living room was deathly quiet. Andy quickly went into the bathroom, did his business and headed back to his room. On his way, he noticed a plate of sandwiches Cam apparently made for him and he was touched by his consideration. He took the plate back to his room and devoured the food.

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