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On Monday morning Cam was standing in front of his door eagerly waiting for the older man as he was coming out. "We are going running," he announced animated with excitement.

"I hate running, I'd rather do yoga the whole morning." Andy frowned at the idea.

"Absolutely not, we can finally go outside, it's a bit cold for yoga in the park, so running it is."

"Fine," Andy grumbled. Forty minutes later they got back to the apartment building, Andy was leaning on his knees while Cam looked as if he just warmed up ready for another round. "How much was this?" he asked panting loudly. "About three miles. I usually do at least five and a bit faster but I think you have had enough for the day," Cam answered smirking. They started walking up the stairs. "I hate you from the bottom of my heart. How can you do this so easily?" Andy wondered as they entered the apartment.

"I'm lithe, I'm sprite, I can beat you ass" Cam sang off key rejoicing at the discomfort of the older man. "Are you calling me fat?" Andy protested. "No.... just... big." Cam looked at him sizing Andy up. "I mean I'm fine that you are like a yard taller than me," he exaggerated, "but sometimes I find it totally unfair that you can reach the top shelf easily and you don't have to jump on someone's back at a concert just to be able to see the stage. Hit the showers big boy, you smell rank," he smacked Andy's behind and ran to his room before the taller man could retaliate.

Andy started walking towards the bathroom and he checked his phone that he left on the kitchen peninsula. He had a missed call from his uncle. He sat down with a heavy sigh and returned the call.

When Cam came out of his room twenty minutes later drying his hair with a fluffy towel, Andy was still sitting in the same chair forlorn. "What's wrong?" he asked suddenly worried.

"I just talked to my uncle. He is going to pay me to take a full inventory of the bar," he told Cam.

"That's great, at least you will have something to do and it means more money for you," Cam said.

Andy looked at him sadly. "We did a full inventory six months ago. I think he is preparing to sell the bar."

Cam looked at him horrified. "But you love that bar, what are you going to do?" he asked alarmed. "I don't know. Even if it stays a bar, the new owner will undoubtedly remodel it, turn it into a club or something, so I will be out of a job. Don't worry, I'll figure something out, I always do."

Andy returned to the apartment late afternoon, he paused for a second before opening the door and felt relief when he did not hear any music coming from Cam's room. He entered the living room and saw Cam sitting on the couch with his laptop open in front of him. He sat down next to the boy with a sigh.

"Roomie is here, hold on a second let me get something more decent on," Cam said to the camera. Andy just then realized that he was still broadcasting to almost four hundred users. Cam was wearing a skimpy T-shirt and boxers. "Oh, come on, you are fine as you are, I have seen much more." That drew a sharp gasp from Cam and a flurry of comments appeared on the screen.

sadlittleboy19 i knew it was him, i knew it

Andy looked at the youngster questioning. "They have been theorizing for a while who it was that walked in on me that one time. They found my reaction hilarious and keep reminding me every once in a while. The consensus is that it was you," Cam explained.

daddydearest349 tell us about it we need a firsthand account

sadlittleboy19 how can you stand not walking in on him 'accidentally' every day

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