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Cam woke up first the next morning and Andy was spooning him from behind holding him in a loose embrace. He felt a semi hard-on straining the older man's boxers and his own penis started to wake up in response. He slowly turned around to face Andy and placed a sweet kiss on his lips. Andy mumbled an incoherent response which Cam took as an encouragement and progressed to kissing the corners of his mouth to wake the sleeping man up. Andy turned on his back that provided easier access for Cam and he placed small kisses all over the other man's face, his eyelids, nose, he nibbled a bit on his left ear. His hand started roaming around Andy's lightly furry chest teasing both nipples and slowly following his treasure trail towards his groin. He reached into his boxers and grabbed Andy's fully erect penis. Andy's eyes opened wide and he took a deep breath which offered an opening that Cam took slipping his tongue between his lips. Andy was circumcised which Cam had some experience with so he thought he needed some kind of lubrication. He released the throbbing member and raised his fingers to his mouth ignoring Andy's protesting whimper at the lack of his touch and tongue, which he stopped immediately mesmerized as Cam put three fingers into his mouth lubricating them with his saliva. Cam reached down again into Andy's boxers.

"May I?" Andy hoarsely whispered. Cam nodded and the older man immediately turned back onto his side and reached into the youngster's pajama bottom to capture his erection. It was the first time he ever touched another man's penis and Cam's moans echoing in his mouth enhanced his pleasure, erupting after just a few minutes of strong jerks. Cam followed suit shortly spasming sweetly in Andy's embrace, his cum coating the older man's hand. He pulled Andy's hand out of his pjs and raised it to his mouth eagerly cleaning it off finger by finger. Andy watched the performance in fascination arousing him beyond words and commenced kissing the boy deeply tasting his own cum. "And good morning to you too," he whispered.

They showered separately this time because that simple activity might have taken all day otherwise. They both needed fresh sheets so they did laundry and cleaned the apartment. This time Cam allowed Andy to vacuum his room. They started to run short on supplies so they planned a shopping trip, made a list and separated it in the middle both taking half. They walked to the grocery store wearing masks and each took a cart going opposing directions to minimize the time they had to spend in the store. There were few other customers in the store, everybody keeping their distance and Andy missed seeing their faces, he never knew how comforting it was nodding to strangers with simple greetings and hoped that those times will return some day. They gathered everything quickly and returned to the apartment. Cam stocked the fridge while Andy put the rest into the cupboards. Cam tried to give him five dollars because his purchases cost slightly less but Andy dismissed the idea saying that he ate way more than the smaller man.

They started preparing lunch.

"Will you do a broadcast today?" Andy asked.

"I don't think so. It's not so much fun doing it alone anymore." The sentiment made Andy smile. "I mean if you maybe joined me again?" he said trying to entice the older man.

"I don't know. I don't believe I could get naked in front of a bunch of people. Kissing you was fantastic, but anything else...." He shuddered at the thought. "Though the way things are going I will be unemployed soon and I may not have a choice," he conceded it sadly.

After lunch Andy went to the bar alone, there was no need for Cam to join him, he was only doing some paperwork and it would not take more than an hour or so. Besides Cam said that he needed to take care of a few things of his own, he wanted to talk to Sarah and write a few emails.

"You can tell her about us if you want to, I don't mind." Andy stated it calmly, though his heart was beating fast as he basically consented to being outed to a coworker.

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