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The next morning Andy went to the bathroom to clean up while Cam made coffee and warmed up a couple of English muffins from the freezer for breakfast. He was in there for a long time and the youngster got anxious. He went to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Is everything all right in there?" he asked.

"Umm, yes... I just need a few more minutes..." There was a small crashing sound coming from the bathroom, something clattering to the tiles. "Actually, could you give me a hand with something?"

Cam entered the bathroom. It was a complete mess in there, towels on the floor, shaving foam smudges on every surface. Andy was standing in the middle naked, leaning on the bathtub with one hand for support, the other holding a razor, his ass half covered with shaving foam. It looked completely ridiculous and Cam could not help bursting out with a laugh. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Well, I tried shaving myself like you do, but I have no idea how you manage alone, I can't see what I'm shaving and I keep missing spots and it just feels weird."

"All right, give it to me, let me do it for you." Cam took the razor from Andy and finished the job he started with quick and efficient moves. "You need a little practice with it and I am more flexible than you are, that doesn't hurt either. You shouldn't twist around much anyways though your scar looks pretty much healed. What brought this along? You are perfect as you are, you don't need to shave for me."

"Ever since you told me you shave, I can't stop thinking about it. I just wanted to try it, plus I need to be nice and clean down there."

Cam took a towel and wiped Andy's ass from the remaining foam. "Really... and why is that?" he asked with a chuckle.

Andy blushed and gulped hesitating. "I'd like you to fuck me."

Cam froze his clean-up efforts. "No, Andy, that's a horrible idea. I am a total bottom, you are a top, a very good one if I do say so myself, and that's it, why mess with what works?"

"You seem to like it," Andy protested.

"I love it, but everybody is different, some people are just tops, you never even had as much as a finger up your ass."

"So why not let me try it? Maybe I will like it too. I did some research, cleaned myself very thoroughly and I am ready for it."

"I... I've actually never done it that way," Cam stuttered.

"You're kidding me. Are you saying you've never topped before?"

"I tried it once with Timmy but I didn't even manage to get the tip in before he stopped me and it never even came up with Sam, but I didn't mind it, I love getting fucked."

"Don't you think it's time you tried?"

"I don't know. What if I hate it? Or you do..."

"Then we will stop and never attempt it again. I really want to but only if you agree." Andy looked at the youngster with lust in his eyes.

Cam touched Andy's ass, his hand caressing the smooth, clean skin gliding over his hole lightly which produced an involuntary shudder from the older man and gave him a small kiss. "I want to try it too," he agreed flushed and slightly breathless. "Let's go to your room," he suggested.

"I think it's time we stopped calling it my room. We hardly sleep in the other room anymore. I was planning to clear up some space in the closet for you so you don't have to run back and forth every time you need something," Andy asserted.

It was a slow journey as he impatiently started undressing Cam in the bathroom, his hands roaming all over the boy's body and threw his clothes around the place as they proceeded to the bedroom. The youngster let him, he would tidy up later. By the time they managed to get to their bed, they were both naked.

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