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The rest of the week went by fast. Since there was little left to do in the bar, they spent most of their time in bed exploring every nook and cranny of each other's body. Saturday morning Cam woke up early and silently watched his lover sleeping peacefully. His life had changed utterly in the last couple of months and the giant hole in his soul caused by the gradual and nearly total collapse of his existence had been slowly but surely patched up by Andy. Still, he knew that without his parents, the life they had been building could be perfect, but not complete. He got up and made breakfast for two.

He carried the tray back to the bedroom filled with French toast and fruits and looked at the sleeping beauty spread out all over the bed. The older man must have had an enjoyable dream sporting the beginning of a morning wood. Cam smiled mischievously and set the tray on the bedside table. He pulled the sheets off Andy's naked body and swallowed his half erect penis whole that woke up the older man moaning with pleasure. Cam was relentless until he came with a cry, the youngster swallowing his seed without spilling a drop.

"Good morning," he greeted his lover. "I've had my breakfast, yours is next to you on the table."

"You think you are so funny." Andy tackled the cackling youngster, tore his pajamas off and returned the favor mercilessly.

They lay in the bed satisfied and Andy turned to his boyfriend. "I've been thinking..."


"I want to make love to you without condoms. Would you be all right with that?"

"I guess. I mean I never used condoms with Timmy not knowing any better, but I always did with everybody ever since. Sam was meticulous about that. I do think now that he must have been cheating on me. You know what? I would love that. You just came out of the hospital so they probably tested you for everything, but I can go to the clinic and get tested, the results should be back in a couple of days."

"I will go with you and get tested as well," Andy replied kissing his lover happily.

They devoured the breakfast and went for a run in the warm spring morning. Well, more of a fast walk as Cam was still restricting Andy's exercise regime to slowly get back to their pre-ruptured-appendix levels.

"I sweat more in the bedroom," Andy complained.

"You bet you do," he chuckled. "All right, we can start doing yoga again tomorrow if you feel up to it."

"You had to bring up the y-word, didn't you?" Andy sprinted the last fifty yards to prove his point.

They got to the bar in good spirits. The red car was already parked in front of the bar empty, Cam's father was apparently already inside. Andy gave a quick hug to the youngster before they entered. "Just one word from you and we can leave. I will be next to you if you wish every step of the way."

Cam thought about it for a minute. "I think I want to talk to him alone. I don't mind you hearing anything but it may be easier for dad if he only has to deal with me first."

"Fine, though I don't really care about your father to tell you the truth," Andy agreed reluctantly. "Give me a look and I will come to you in a second."

They entered the bar hand in hand. Cam's father was sitting in a corner booth with Sarah, she was talking with animated gestures while his father was listening to her sheepishly. unable to stop the vehement amazon.

Abraham Garcia Reyes was born forty two years ago into very difficult circumstances. His parents, just out of high school, basically still teenagers, welcomed their first child living in a tiny room at his parents' small house at the outskirts of Manila. Abe's father had five different jobs and worked long hours to provide for his family until the unexpected death of a distant relative provided him with a modest inheritance that enabled him to open his own repair shop. Hard work and long hours grew that small shop into a successful business that contributed to a comfortable middle class lifestyle for the Reyes family. The early years were harsh but full of love in their growing household. Abe was the oldest of seven siblings by far, when the second child arrived, he was almost six years old just before they moved into the house on a small estate they still owned today. His parents cared for their children the best they could. Although they were considered well to do in their neighborhood, they would hardly scrape the bottom of an American middle class existence.

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