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Andy took off his hoodie and covered the sleeping boy. He sat on the armchair and started thinking about the situation. The sight of the usually cheerful youngster so distressed disturbed him greatly. His first instinct was to somehow get Cam out of having to do porn but he could not come up with a viable way to do it. He had a little nest egg saved but that would only last six months tops with the future so uncertain and he doubted Cam would accept it anyway. He cringed at the idea of so many people looking at the boy lustfully but he actually understood that someone would pay for that. The image of Cam naked on his bed was burned into his mind and he got a little turned on even thinking about it again. He looked at the sleeping boy and realized how beautiful he was. He never thought of him in those terms, but he must have gotten awfully good genes from his parents to turn out like this. Although small in stature, he was perfectly proportioned with a lean runner's body, not too muscled but hardly an ounce of fat on him. He knew from doing yoga together that he was incredibly flexible which surely came handy in porn. His face almost completely symmetrical, his slightly slanted eyes the deepest brown he had ever seen, his lips full and lush. Andy's eyes wandered to his easel where a drawing he was working on the previous afternoon proved that even his hands were enticing enough to make him draw it. He looked at Cam's naked feet on the couch and felt the immediate need to get up, bring a blanket and cover them so they would not get cold. As he tucked the boy in carefully, he got close to his face and brushed a small lock of hair off his eyes. "We will figure this out somehow," he promised.

Andy felt restless but he did not want to turn the TV on or make any noise, so he got his sketchbook out and sharpened a pencil. He sat down on the armchair opposite the sofa and looked at the slumbering face of Cam. He started sketching him discarding several attempts until he was finally satisfied that he did justice to his beauty. Several hours passed and Andy was getting hungry. He went into the kitchen but did not feel up to making anything, so he decided to order in again. He opted for Thai because he knew that Cam liked his food spicy and ordered enough for both of them. He paid with his card, put some money in an envelope for tips and taped it to the outside of his door. Soon he heard a knock and opening the door he found a couple of boxes with a smiley drawn on the receipt. He took the food to the kitchen and saw Cam stirring on the couch, the knock or fussing around in the kitchen must have woken him. He put the food onto plates and took it to the living room.

Cam was sitting up on the couch, weary, his eyes puffy from crying. He seemed lost and helpless and Andy inclined to hug him again but held back fearing an adverse reaction. "We need food," he said placing a plate in front of the younger man. "What is this?" Cam asked warily.

"Relax, I didn't make it, this would far surpass my culinary abilities. I ordered Pad Thai from the place around the corner" he chuckled. Cam ate there a couple of times before so he knew it should be good. He did not really feel like having any food so he was just picking on it even though he had not eaten since lunch the day before. Last night when he finally came out of his room resolved to talk to Andy, he found his door shut, music playing and he did not have the courage to knock on the door. He made a few sandwiches but could not eat any so he left them all out for Andy. The enticing smell of the Thai food or most likely just his hunger soon overtook his emotions and he finished the whole plate. Andy smiled at him contentedly and took their plates to the sink. He returned to the living room and sat down in the armchair.

"I was thinking about this all day," he started looking at Cam intently who would not meet his eyes. "First of all, let me make something abundantly clear: you did nothing wrong! You should be able to live your life the way you want to, earn your living the way you choose and no one has any right to make you feel guilty. Yes, you didn't tell me about it, but really, it's none of my business and honestly, I shouldn't have barged into your room yesterday."

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