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They stayed like that for a couple of hours, Cam sleeping, Andy embracing him. They eventually got up and made lunch both feeling the need to stay close to each other, constantly touching, unnecessarily helping out if one of them was getting something from the fridge. They opted to eat on the couch, knees connected, not talking but occasionally glancing at each other with a smile.

"I need to go to the bar to continue with the inventory," Andy proclaimed with a sigh already regretting the unavoidable separation.

"I can come help," Cam offered. "That should speed it up a bit."

"What about your show? Isn't this the usual time when you get started?"

"Ugh. I completely forgot. I don't think I want to do that today though." Cam was considering this for a while. "Say, how long were we on last night?"

"I don't really know to tell you the truth," Andy answered. "I lost track of time and when I finally looked up the timer was still counting down and I just shut down the laptop."

"Let's check it out," the young man suggested and pulled up his computer. "You can do that?" Andy asked. "Yes, the whole session is automatically saved on my computer so I can report it if there was any problem. There is even a log of all the comments separately," Cam explained. He logged on to his account and stared at it disbelieving for a minute.

"What?" Andy asked worried. "We had over four thousand viewers and we made almost two grand by the end." He showed Andy the numbers and they both sat there stunned. Cam scrolled through the comments. "We apparently made it to the front page of the website somebody says here. They tipped so much that there were more than ten minutes left on the timer when you shut it down."

"Well, you'd better thank them then."

Cam started a new broadcast and soon most of his regulars joined the room. He started thanking them profusely for all the tips last night and they kept praising them both writing that it was the hottest show they ever saw on the site. "Sorry guys, I am not going to be able to do another show today, we have to go somewhere soon, I just wanted to log on to thank you." He read a few comments and looked at Andy. "They are asking if you are here." The older man sheepishly sat down on the couch next to Cam and thanked the viewers for last night. Cam skillfully diverted all the questions directed at Andy and apologized again that they would have to leave shortly.

katie123456 can you at least put up a video of yesterday's session?

Andy looked at him not understanding. "You can put up videos of earlier sessions or part of a session if you want to, set a price and they can watch it again if they like," Cam explained. "Would you be okay with that?"

"They have all seen it already, so what's the point? But I don't mind actually," Andy assented.

Cam started working on his laptop editing the video. His face filled up the screen completely and Andy was glad that he could not read the comments and thus was not expected to reply. "Wow! We were kissing for almost forty minutes. And I fell asleep on your shoulder." He exclaimed fast forwarding to the end of the video. He finished the edit, named the file 'The Kiss' and uploaded the video to his page setting a price of 250 tips per download. "There you go guys, have at it if you like and thank you so much again. Good bye!" he said and logged out. "That was unexpected," he remarked. "The money or the forty minutes?" Andy asked. "Both, I guess."

They went to the bar together enjoying the bright spring afternoon and the slight breeze ruffling Cam's hair as they walked. Andy missed his touch so he reached down and took Cam's hand lacing their fingers together. Cam happily obliged and they quietly made the short trip in a few minutes. They were extremely efficient working alongside each other and they finished the work that, in Andy's estimation, would have taken him about three days. There was a little administrative work left but Andy had enough and they walked back to the apartment hand in hand.

Cam cooked dinner which they ate in comfortable silence. Andy cleaned up and they sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Cam took his hand. "Do you mind if we just sit here and do nothing much tonight?" Andy raised their enjoined hands to his lips and kissed the boy's knuckles. "You select something, no rom coms, please," he answered.

Cam chose a cop show and they were silently watching it but Andy could not really concentrate, his eyes kept wandering to stare at Cam. "Is there something on my face?" the youngster asked.

"Is it all right if I sketch you while you watch the TV?" Andy asked. Cam chuckled and nodded. Andy stood up, got his pad and proceeded to draw several sketches. After two episodes, Cam got bored. "Let's go to bed."

"Okay." Andy assented immediately sounding eager. Cam stood up and started walking to his bedroom with Andy on his heels. "Where are you going?" he asked amused.

"Listen Cam, there are two options. One, I go to my own bed, toss and turn around until I sneak into you room in the middle of the night. Two, we skip the tossing and turning and you let me in your bed right away."

"Nothing is going to happen."

"I know."

"I don't sleep naked."

"That's unfortunate. I do, but as a compromise I can keep my boxers on."


They entered the room and Andy immediately stripped down to his boxers discarding his clothes carelessly on the floor and hopped on the bed. Cam sighed and picked up his clothes, folded each item separately and set them down on his dresser. Andy found this entertaining.

"I am changing in the bathroom," Cam announced pulling out clean pajamas.

"I have seen you naked."

"I am changing in the bathroom," Cam reiterated with a scowl and went there shutting the door behind him carefully. Andy took it in stride and got under the covers. When Cam came out he pretended to be fast asleep even snoring a little bit but as soon as Cam got onto the bed, he snuggled close to the boy and gave him a good-night kiss on his cheek. He felt something under Cam's pillow and he pulled it out. It was his hoodie.

"Sorry, I meant to wash that." Cam explained.

"But why is it under your pillow?" Andy asked.

"I sleep with it. It smells like you." Cam turned around and shut the light off. They lied there quietly listening to each other breathing.

"I have a vague memory of us taking a bath together in your tub."

"Yep, that happened."

"I'd like to do that again at some point."

"That's doable. How about now?"

"At some point. Good night, Andy."

"Good night, Cam." The younger man turned towards Andy and climbed onto his chest to his now customary place. They fell asleep in a couple of minutes.

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