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Back at the apartment, Andy unpacked the remnants of their picnic but Cam just sat down on the couch refusing to help. He pulled out the gifts, found the one from Sarah and gave it to the younger man to open. Cam just ignored the box and looked at his fiancé expectantly.

"Do you need anything else?" Andy asked eventually.

"I'm waiting."

"For what?"

"My dance."

"Oh, God, you didn't forget," Andy groaned and jumped on the couch grabbing the youngster and started tickling him.

Cam tried to escape giggling hysterically. "You promised," he squealed.

Andy let him go and pulled the coffee table to the side clearing a little room for his upcoming performance. "You'll be so sorry..." which just made the youngster laugh harder. Andy pulled out his phone, connected it to the loudspeaker, opened his music player and pushed the button that selected the next song randomly. It was Metallica's 'Enter the Sandman'. "Perfect," he said with a glint in his eyes.

The ominous opening chords of the song aptly foreshadowed the manic energy of Metallica. Andy slightly resembled a young James Hetfield with his hair all grown out, his intense stare burning a hole into Cam's soul. The youngster watched him mesmerized as Andy was slowly rocking to the beginning. He knew the song by heart and mouthed the lyrics in perfect lip synch: "Say your prayers, little one" he sang keeping a resolute eye contact with his lover. His movements became faster jumping up and down to the rhythm of the song. The first time the chorus started, he ripped open his shirt, buttons flying all around the living room howling "Exit light / Enter night / Take my hand / We're off to never-never land". The guitar solo in the middle provided him with the perfect opportunity to show off his air guitar skills, a poor substitute for the real one, but lacking an actual talent for playing any instrument, he put a lot of energy into studying rock stars in high school to cultivate his imitation. It was a long, concert version of the song, the roar of the crowd felt like encouragement spurring him to a delirious rhythm. The hems of his open shirt were flying all around showing off his perfectly smooth chest he shaved that morning anticipating some action on Cam's birthday, beads of perspiration flowed down his face and body, his scar glistened in the dimness of the room. "So hot," the youngster murmured incapable to take his eyes off the older man. Andy finished the song with a thunderous animalistic howl and fell on his knees in front of the sofa exhausted, panting loudly, his eyes never wavering from Cam's.

"This was the sexiest thing I have ever seen," Cam exclaimed. He slid off the couch next to his lover on his haunches. He climbed onto Andy's lap oblivious to his perspiring body and wet clothes, planted a kiss on his lips and proceeded to lick the drops of sweat slowly rolling down his neck. "Take me now, caveman," he demanded.

"Your wish is my command, but I think I'll need a minute here or fifteen to catch my breath," he replied breathing heavily.

The youngster immediately released his fiancé and looked at him worrying. "Are you all right?"

"I'm perfectly fine, it's just been a while since I had this much exercise." He pulled Cam back to his lap. "Keep kissing me, that never hurts."

They took a long shower half an hour later thoroughly cleaning each other, Andy washed both of their hair and after they finished, they sat down on the couch draped in bath towels head to toe. Cam noticed the discarded gift on the floor, lifted it up and started to rip the packaging.

"Holy cow! The cheek of that girl" he yelled as he recognized the object.

Andy looked curiously at the offending L shaped gadget. "What is this?"

"It's an anal vibrator. I'm going to kill Sarah. Imagine if we opened this in front of our parents."

"That would have been a story for the ages." He turned the thing around examining it carefully. "Can we try it?"

Cam looked at his lover surprised by his adventurousness. "We can do more than that. Bedroom!" he commanded.

Andy's erection was standing half-mast by the time they made it to his bed excited for what was coming. Cam shoved him hard so the older man fell on his back and he took out the lube from the dresser. "I want you to fuck me while this is inside you," he explained and the older man was trembling in anticipation. Cam climbed on the bed, lubed up his fingers and started to stretch himself, he was just as eager as his fiancé and he went for broke starting with two fingers adding the third quickly. The sight of him moaning made Andy immediately hard, unsure of what to do he scooted down the bed a little, took Cam's penis into his mouth and started sucking on it enthusiastically. They changed into a sixty-nine position, Andy on his back resuming the blow job, while the youngster reached for the dildo, lubed it up thoroughly and turned his attention to Andy's entrance. He used more lube to lightly massage the anus sliding in a finger, then he took the vibrator and started to insert it into its intended location. It met some resistance at first, but the copious amount of lube Cam used helped it move along easily and its bulbous head entered the hole slowly. It was a curious, not unpleasant feeling for Andy, he tensed slightly as the youngster kept pushing it in and soon the whole dildo was inside him. It was significantly smaller and shorter than Cam's penis and while it felt unusual, he quickly got comfortable with the foreign object in his channel. The bottom part nestled along his scrotum, the segment inside him was settled against his prostate and while the sensations were interesting, Andy did not really get what the fuss was about at all.

Cam used the lube on Andy's rock hard member and sat down on it in one move. He started moving up and down supported by his lover's hands when he reached down behind him and turned on the vibrator. The gadget started with a barely audible buzz which grew in intensity as the vibrations got stronger. The outside part massaged Andy's perineum gently while the inside provided unfathomable sensations to his prostate. The older man buckled slightly surprised by the unexpected jolt but the contortion synched perfectly with Cam's bounce and buried his penis deeper into the youngster's channel who groaned loudly appreciating the penetration.

Andy was assaulted with pleasure on multiple fronts. The vibrations got gradually stronger stimulating his prostate; Andy flipped them around in a smooth practiced move which allowed him to control the tempo of his thrusts better. He kissed the youngster hungrily and came violently, harder than ever before, deep inside the boy. Cam was incredibly hard, he was watching the bliss of his lover with satisfaction. Andy slid out of the youngster and moved down to complete the job. His semen was seeping out of his lover's hole and he licked it up hungrily, sticking his tongue inside overstimulating his lover and causing him to erupt without either of them ever touching his penis.

They lay next to each other panting. Andy slowly removed the vibrating toy and turned it off. "This was incredible," he said.

"So we should use this again?" Cam asked wondering.

"Well, maybe not all the time. I couldn't concentrate on you as much as I like to, there were too many things going on at the same time. But, yeah, sometimes, definitely. I'd like to blow you once while this is inside you."

"That could be fun as well," the youngster conceded. "One thing, though. You must never talk to Sarah about using her gift ever, otherwise we will never hear the end of it. You pretend that you never saw it and I'll tell her I threw it out untouched."

"As you wish, my love."

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