206 6 0

Cam returned to the couch wearing a full set of Thomas the Tank Engine pajamas. He twirled around to show off his getup, and the viewers praised his look profusely. He sat down next to Andy and talked about how he was obsessed with the show growing up, how he got this set of pjs for his twelfth birthday, at which time they were too big on him but he grew into them. "Though I am not that much taller than at twelve unfortunately," he finished the story.

bigdaddy69 how much for a kiss

Cam blew a kiss towards the camera. "This one is for you bigdaddy."

bigdaddy69 kiss Andy

katie123456 id tip 200

littlebarnaby21 thats not enough

"Please don't start again," Cam pleaded scowling.

"Hold on for a second," Andy chimed in, "I'd like to know how much a kiss is worth." Cam looked at him incredulous "You gotto be kidding me." He threw a weak punch at Andy's shoulder. Andy pretended it hurt like hell "oh, come on, it's just a game." The commenters started debating the issue and they ended up with the figure of 2000.

"So you tip 2000 and I have to kiss Cam?" Andy inquired.

"What if I don't want to kiss you?" Cam countered.

"It's just a game, one kiss is not the end of the world," Andy argued this point nonchalantly.

Cam was silent for a second and finally turned to the camera. "All right, I will set a new goal and if you don't meet it in five minutes the broadcast is over." He started whispering to Andy, "it usually takes at least an hour to get that much together." He set the goal and started a timer for 5 minutes. Andy noticed that now they had over seven hundred users watching.

Andy kisses Cam 2000 tips remaining

They met the goal in one minute.

"All right," Andy looked at Cam with a twinkle in his eyes. "I guess I will have to kiss you now."

bigdaddy69 hold on we need rules

"What kind of rules?"

bigdaddy69 normal kiss not just a peck on the cheek thats cheating

katie123456 how long you kiss. say 5 min

"That's way too long," Cam intercepted the flow of comments. "I think we can do one minute," Andy cheekily added.

katie123456 we will agree to 1 but you have to set a repeating timer

"What's that?" Andy wondered.

"I set the timer for a minute to shut down the broadcast when it is done but if we get additional tips, more time is added to the clock automatically," Cam explained. "We can do that but if either of us wants to stop after a minute, you have to be satisfied with what you got," he told the viewers.

bigdaddy69 agreed

He started typing on his laptop setting the timer and selected the repeating option. The maximum amount for an additional ten seconds was fifty tips so he chose that.

"Whenever you are ready, if you press ENTER the timer starts" he said turning towards the older man.

Andy suddenly felt nervous for the first time that evening. He had his first kiss when he was thirteen in the attic of his parents' place with a girl who was a year older than him. He was definitely not this nervous back then. He turned towards the younger man pulling his right knee up on the couch so he would have easier access, took a deep breath and pressed the key.

He looked at Cam's beautiful, trusting expression for a second and he leaned in pressing his lips to his with no hesitation. Cam's eyes opened wide and his heartbeat sped up. Andy whispered into his mouth, "we can do better than this," and his tongue brushed along the young man's lower lip. Cam took a shocked breath that provided the access Andy needed and he slipped his tongue gently into the young man's mouth. Whatever his earlier apprehensions, this felt right. Cam tasted sweet, a hint of strawberries and fresh like the first warm spring day after a long winter. Andy took the boy's upper lip between his lips and delicately sucked on it, he added his tongue and ran it under the lip along Cam's upper teeth. He turned his attention to the young man's lower lip and heard a soft moan emanating from deep inside Cam's throat.

Cam started to reciprocate meeting Andy's tongue, he used his lips to capture it and lightly sucked on it and it was Andy's turn to moan. Their tongues met in the middle tentatively probing around each other, neither fighting for dominance, both eager for more. At one point Cam climbed onto Andy's lap embracing the older man tightly and extending his feet behind him which Andy appreciated as he did not have to lean down any longer to reach Cam's mouth. Andy ran out of breath first and gave the younger man soft kisses all around his face to regain a little bit of composure. He found a vein on Cam's neck just below his jawline and felt his rapid heartbeat. He started sucking on it that made Cam throw his head back and moan loudly. His emotions gradually overwhelmed Andy and he needed to stop for a minute. He held Cam's face in his hands and admired his blissful state quietly whimpering for more. He obliged and attacked the youngster's mouth with fervor. Andy was painfully aware of his erect penis stretching his briefs uncomfortably and he felt the young boy's hard-on on his stomach. He grabbed Cam's ass with both hands and pulled the boy even closer to him. Cam was writhing with pleasure in his hands and his buttocks rubbed on Andy's penis. They kept on kissing and grinding faster and faster for a long time both panting loudly and their hearts beating in the same feverish pace. Cam jerked violently and started to come in pulses soaking his pajama bottom through. His jerks provided the vital impetus for Andy and he came hard in his pants with a sharp cry. The boy was trembling in his hands and buried his face into Andy's shoulder sighing deeply and promptly falling asleep.

Andy held onto the boy and noticed that the broadcast was still going. He had no idea how long it had been since they started kissing, but suspected that it had to be more than a minute so they must have gotten more tips and they just ignored the soft dings accompanying each new donation. He decided that by now the users must have gotten what they paid for and slowly closed the laptop shutting down the app. He leaned back on the couch and lightly stroked Cam's hair. His mind started to wonder what this all meant, if he was gay now, the only thing he was certain of was that he did not have any regrets consenting to kiss the softly snoring boy in his arms. He did not want to let go but both their pants were soaked through and they needed to clean up so he tried to stir Cam awake gently but the boy just tightened his grip on him in response.

Standing up carefully with Cam sleeping on his shoulder, legs gripping his waist, Andy slowly made his way into the bathroom. He kneeled down onto the bathmat and situated Cam on the edge of the tub. He opened the taps and managed to extricate himself from the boy's clutches long enough to gently undress him supporting him with one hand all the way. He wiggled out of his own clothes as the tub was gradually filling up, their discarded garments lying in a heap mingled on the bathroom floor. He checked the temperature of the water and shut the taps off after pouring in some bath salts. He held the half comatose Cam in his arms, stood up and carefully climbed in the tub slowly lowering them both into the warm water. When he first rented the apartment, one of the selling points was the huge tub in the bigger bathroom which came in handy now as they both fit in the tub comfortably.

He settled Cam down between his legs, took a sponge and thoroughly washed every inch of the younger man. He admired his olive complexion, completely smooth chest and flat stomach, even his soft penis resting against his thigh. Andy was circumcised but Cam was uncut which looked intriguing and Andy made a mental note to investigate the difference later. The proximity of another man's penis would have weirded him out just a day before, but now he found it the most natural thing in the world. The water was cooling down and Andy lifted the youngster out of the water with some difficulty but managed not to slip or drop him. He dried the boy and himself with a towel and carried Cam out of the bathroom. He thought about taking the young man to his own room but the idea letting go was less and less appealing by the second and instead he turned towards his bedroom. He put Cam under the covers and climbed in after him not bothering to dress either of them. The boy immediately snuggled closer, Andy closed his eyes and fell asleep in a minute. 

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