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Andy woke up alone the next morning. It was Saturday and his thirtieth birthday. He dreaded this day for months. His rational mind knew that it was just another day and it was unreasonable to ascribe an elevated significance to this particular day, but even before the pandemic he felt his life was not going anywhere in particular. His girlfriend broke up with him, he loved his job but it wasn't his bar and he felt he may need meaningful changes in his life. And then Cam came along and his focus changed. He felt it deep down that as long as they were together, other parts of his life were way less important. He would figure everything out if he managed to convince Cam to stay with him. He always considered himself happy but he now started to understand what real happiness was. He was in love for the first time in his life.

He heard Cam rummage around outside his room and considered joining him but he decided he could stay in bed a little bit longer. It's his birthday after all. The door of his bedroom slowly opened and Cam appeared with a small cake in his hands singing 'Happy Birthday' off key from the top of his lungs.

Andy sat up astonished. "How? When?"

"You gave me your IDs when we registered you at the website. Plus your mom told me." He grinned mischievously. "And the cake?" Andy asked.

"I waited for you to fall asleep, got up and baked the cake last night. I asked your mother what your favorite was and she said that unless it's a red velvet cake you would eat anything."

"She didn't!" On his tenth birthday Andy ate a whole red velvet cake by himself and proceeded to vomit half-digested blood red liquid all over the carpet of their living room. They had to throw out the carpet. He couldn't look at another slice ever since without triggering an unfortunate flashback. His mom apparently told Cam the whole story judging how he was now laughing his ass off at his expense. "What kind is it then?"

"It is a banana-coconut milk rice cake my grandma taught me how to bake. I bought the ingredients when we went shopping the other day and managed to hide everything in the back of the fridge."

"Give it!" Andy demanded but Cam pulled the plate away. "No, presents first."

"Presents? How did you manage to get presents?"

Cam reached under the bed and pulled out a small box. "Present Number One." He gave it to Andy who tore off the wrapping paper. He opened the box and found the drawing of the sleeping Cam in a beautiful black metallic frame. "Cam..." he looked at the young man misty eyed.

"I went to the art shop next to the grocery store while you were at the bar yesterday and we found this frame that I thought complemented the drawing perfectly. She had to cut like half an inch off the edge so it can fit but I don't think you can notice that."

"I love it. It's beautiful." He pulled Cam and embraced him strongly giving him a long, deep kiss. He looked at the youngster inquisitively. "You said presents as in plural."

"Oh that. Give me a second." Cam cleared the bed from the remnants of the packaging and the cake. He instructed the birthday boy to sit against the headrest, he opened up his phone, connected it to the speaker on the dresser and found the song he chose for this particular occasion. He pressed play, stood up on the bed and started a slow, sensual striptease.

Andy always thought that he had a certain level of control over his penis. Even when he was a teenager and he got an erection from a small breeze opportunistically lifting the shirt of an unsuspecting girl revealing a mere two inches of skin, he usually managed to calm himself down with the 'think of baseball' method. Since he never cared enough for baseball to memorize the appropriate amount of statistics necessary to divert his mind from impure thoughts, his baseball was twelve slides of pictures depicting different forms of venereal disease his young mind was subjected to during the sex education lecture he had to endure as a freshman in high school. (The slides were intended to be used during the lectures for seniors and their mysterious appearance for the freshman class had always been attributed to a successful senior prank. Or a particularly cruel teacher. Andy firmly believed that by senior year, he would have been way too corrupted to care for the images, so they got him just in time.) The pictures burned into his mind and he made good use of them whenever he needed to cool down at inopportune moments. Fortunately, when he did need his pal, his penis never failed to stand at attention and at those moments the slides were the farthest things from his mind.

When Cam started his slow dance on the bed and Andy's penis was so hard he felt he could hammer a nail into a two by two with it, he feared that the slightest shift of the sheets covering his groin would surely cause him to erupt. His mind desperately searched for the imperative image to avoid the embarrassment. "Think of gonorrhea, think of syphilis," he kept repeating to himself, his lips almost moving to the frenzied rhythm of his thoughts. Alas, his mind betrayed him, the moment he needed it the most, and refused to provide the crucial imagery.

Thus, when Cam lifted his shirt to reveal a single nipple, Andy lost his battle with his erection and shot strings of his pearly white essence into his hitherto pristine sheets.

Cam was a good kid. You don't get into porn without at least contemplating the idea that you are there to provide entertainment and satisfaction and you can't allow any distraction to divert you from achieving this goal. It would have been impossible not to notice Andy's predicament, especially that the older man buried his face in his palms in embarrassment. Cam could have laughed further humiliating the birthday boy, he could have tried easing the situation with a joke, or he could have simply ignored the accidental release forever pretending it never happened. Instead, he walked over to the head of the bed, leaned down to Andy, removed his hands from his face and planted a hard kiss on his mouth. "Stop worrying!" he instructed the man and stood up above him to continue with his performance. He had two more minutes of the song and the well-planned choreography would have moved him there eventually, thus he provided Andy with the images that forever erased the 'baseball' slides from his mind. He never regretted the loss.

By the time Cam removed his briefs agonizingly slowly bending down in front of Andy's face to provide a perfect close up of his puckered hole, the erection was back roaring to previous heights. The song ended serving its purpose, Cam turned around and casually lowered himself on the bed next to Andy fully naked. On his way down he left a trail of kisses starting on the man's forehead, through his face and lips, pausing for a minute sucking on his neck, down to his pecs nibbling lightly on each nipple. Andy did not dare move a muscle letting Cam run the show. Arriving to his abdomen, Cam pulled the annoying wet sheets aside revealing Andy's throbbing penis slick with semen from the earlier release. The boy leaned down and took the head into his mouth enjoying the taste. Andy let out a deep guttural moan and banged his head against the padded headboard soft enough to prevent major head trauma. He was certain that this time he could hold on much longer even when the boy slowly started going up and down, lower and lower, his trajectory clearly aiming at the base of Andy' cock. After a couple of minutes Cam hit his goal and managed to deep throat the whole penis. Still, Andy held on strongly. But when the boy started humming triumphantly, the vibrations emanating from his vocal cords triggered a second ejaculation in just under ten minutes.

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