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Fortunately, Billy was running late. As he was pulling up, Cam and Andy were just getting downstairs. It was colder than the day before and Andy had a baseball cap on. He offered one to Cam upstairs but the youngster declined it. Now of course he had to steal Andy's cap when the older man was distracted by the behemoth climbing out of his truck. Andy just smiled at the prankster and let him get away with his prize. Billy had a mask on and both boys put theirs on as well.

The giant ruffled the youngster's hair and offered a fist bump to Andy, "Hi, I am Billy, I have heard a lot about you from Sarah. Sorry for being late, I had to pick up a couple of bags of soil, she decided to do balcony gardening."

Andy was seriously worried how all three of them would fit into the cabin of the truck, but after some jostling and prodding they somehow managed with Cam squeezed between the other two giggling the whole way. They tried to utilize the middle seatbelt but gave up the hopeless efforts eventually. "I think the two of us will provide you with enough cushioning if we crash into a pole," Andy concluded which provoked another fit of laughter.

They arrived fifteen minutes later and Sarah was already waiting for them in front of the building. Billy got out first, hugged his girlfriend and whispered something in her ear. Cam was pushing Andy to get out faster, he ran to Sarah and hugged her tightly. Sarah was an inch shorter than Cam which would have automatically made her his favorite person regardless of anything else. They haven't seen each other in almost a month because of the pandemic and despite the masks, their reunion was sweet.

Sarah held Cam at arm's length and sized him up. "You look good, Cammie. Would you mind helping Billy carry up the soil?"

"I think he can manage," Cam snickered, but Sarah gave him a stern look and he immediately ran to help Billy without another word of protest.

As they disappeared into the building Sarah stood in front of Andy and gave him a fierce stare. Anybody who had ever crossed Sarah learned to fear that look. She could be savage and raving if she thought you did anything wrong to harm her or her loved ones.

"Billy says you two are together." Andy looked at her shocked. "He says it's obvious and if it is obvious to Billy, then it must be true. And you gave him a hickey, you idiot."

Andy's throat seized up and he could not manage to utter a single word. He nodded silently.

"Andrew Carmichael. I have known you for three years. I have seen you heartbroken. I have seen you with more girls than I care to remember. None of them came around twice. I understand that this lockdown is boring and makes people do crazy things but this boy is precious. You are a flirt and a playboy. If you think..."

"I love him." Andy stated it simply.

"What do you mean you love him? You have no idea what he has been through. You will hurt him and that will kill him. You and Billy will go back to your place and bring all his stuff back here this instant." She stomped a foot in emphasis.

"I would never hurt him. He told me everything Sam did to him."

That seemed to stymie Sarah's wrath. "He told you? He didn't even tell me... I had to put the pieces together." She leaned on the truck for support. "So, what are you, his boyfriend now?"

"If he lets me. Ask him yourself and if he wants to come back here, I won't stand in his way even if it kills me. What's taking them so long?"

"Billy knows to occupy him long enough until I am finished with you. Do you think you deserve him?"

"No. But I am working on it. Every time he enters the room, he takes my breath away. For the first time in my life, I don't really care what happens to me as long as he is happy. I want what's between you and Billy. I will forever be grateful to you two for what you have done for Cam. He idolizes both of you and talks about you all the time and I can see why. One look between you and Billy and you read each other's mind. The second I saw you two together I knew instantly that he is yours and you are his."

Sarah finally smiled. "All right, all right, lay off the schmaltz, you are invited to the wedding."

"Are you engaged?"

"Yeah, he proposed yesterday. Of course, the ring has to be resized and I will definitely not be wearing it at work, that would be bad for tips, but he is fine with that."

Andy didn't have the heart to tell her that they may both be soon out of a job. "Of course, he is. Congratulations!" he said earnestly happy for Sarah.

"Thank you. But if I see one drop of tear from Cammie, I will sic Billy on you."

Cam leaped out of the building and ran to Sarah. "Billy just showed me your engagement ring, it is amazing." He was jumping up and down in excitement. Andy couldn't help himself, he picked him up, twirled him around and planted a big kiss on his forehead above the mask. Cam glanced at Sarah and looked at Andy warily. 

"Relax, she knows. Apparently, we are very transparent."

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