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Andy took Cam directly to the bathroom. He silently undressed him and put him in the tub alone. He washed his hair, scrubbed him thoroughly, dried him with a towel and dressed him in pajamas he got from his room.

Cam embraced him strongly. "I am sorry for running away."

Andy looked him in the eye, kissed him and said "You are back, that's the only thing that matters. Let's make another deal. The first one worked out pretty well after all."


"Talk to me. All the time. If you are happy, if you are sad, if you find something nice or hideous or you just stubbed your toe and you hurt, talk to me especially when you are mad at me and I promise to talk to you as well."

"I will try." Cam promised.

"Let me make something to eat. I'm sure you are famished."

Cam stopped him. "That can wait."

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to you to have sex with me finally."

Andy raised his eyebrows. "What have we been doing lately?"

"I want you to fuck me." Cam took Andy's hand and led him into his bedroom.

To say that Andy was feeling nervous would be the understatement of the century. If you pressed him, he would readily admit that he had fantasized about this moment even though he was one hundred percent sexually satisfied every time he was intimate with the youngster. He would have been contented with getting an occasional hand-job till the end of times, though the possibility of that repeat business thing excited him as well. Yet, he was aware that the natural progression of their relationship might eventually lead to this instant and he had always let Cam direct the nature of their encounters on account of his vastly superior experience in the area.

His mind went into overdrive at warp speed. What if he comes too fast again? What if he can't satisfy the love of his life? God, what if he hurts him? Andy was always happy with the size of his penis and he got plenty of compliments from most of the girls he had slept with, but he had seen the boy's tiny hole and he found it mind-boggling to imagine how he would even fit in there. He was also very much aware that the last man to fuck Cam ended it with raping him, just thinking of that filled him with seething anger.

Thus, as they entered Cam's room and the boy made him sit down on the bed, he was prepared to stop the whole thing and ask him to let him blow the boy instead. Or maybe blow each other. Now there's an idea he could get behind – ugh, wrong choice of words. But Cam just took one look at his face, kissed him and said, "I told you to stop worrying."

And for an unfathomable reason those six words (or more likely the fact that he was in love with the boy and would trust him with his life) relaxed him. He watched it in fascination as Cam took out a bottle of lube and a condom (that he recognized as coming from his own stash, so the boy must have been thinking about this for a while) from his dresser, dimmed the lights in the bedroom by throwing a thin material over his bedside lamp (he was happy that they switched to halogen lights otherwise he might have been worried that it would catch fire) and started to undress him.

It took only a minute to get him naked as he only wore five pieces of clothing and two of those were socks (he knew he should have put an undershirt on that morning or, at a minimum, kept his hoodie on even though it would have gotten completely wet in the bathroom) and even less to remove Cam's pajamas. They lied down on the bed naked, kissing each other hungrily and Andy was wondering how to proceed, what position to take. Most girls preferred simple missionary sex though Andy was always eager to experiment if allowed, but he had never done it with another man. He cursed the fact that he failed to watch gay porn all his life which could have been possibly helpful at his point. Fortunately, Cam didn't allow his mind to spin out of control again.

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