Wellerman Sea Shanty (Longest Johns)

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Lyric Prank: Wellerman Sea Shanty (Longest Johns, Covered by Caleb Hyles)

Pranksters: Lincoln, Clyde, Liam, Zach, and Rusty

Audience: Leni, Lisa, Lola, Lana, Lucy and more

World: Loud-Verse Earth-LCGC1 (Loud-Casa Groupchat Prime)

AN: It's been a while since I did one of these. This one had been popular in TikTok and a recurring song from pirates or sailors (Usually found in Assassin's Creed Black Flag, Pirates of the Caribbean, Spongebob Squarepants, etc.) and currently the popular Sea Shanty. This is the Wellerman's Shanty performed by Lincoln and his pals. Without further ado, leave a like, review/request, follow and I hope you enjoy. God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!

-Begin Conversation-

Lynn Jr: Leni, I wanna ask something.

Leni: Sure. What is it?

Lynn Jr: Why'd you made some pirate and sailor costume for Lincoln and his pals? What is that about?

Leni: Oh, Linky said he and his friends are gonna do a Sea Shanty and asked for costumes. I dunno what's a Sea Shanty but it sounds something seafood-y.

Lisa: Leni. A Sea Shanty isn't food. It's a song.

Leni: Really?

Luna: What kind of song are we talking about here?

Lisa: A Sea Shanty. Meaning Lincoln and his friends made a song that relates to a pirate's life or sailor's job.

Luan: Ahoy! Mateys! So Capt. Lincoln's crew is making a Shanty aye?

Lola: Pirates? You mean those mean bandits in the sea that rarely ever bathe? Ew, no thanks.

Lana: I wanna join!

Lola: Of course you would.

Lucy: I wanna hear the tales of the depths of the seas as well. Too bad, Lincoln isn't gonna let me join... yet.

Lisa: Speaking of whom, where is he?

Leni: They haven't said anything yet. Maybe they're rehearsing?

Luna: I wonder what Sea Shanty are they gonna do.

Lynn Jr: Hey, I think he logged in now! Let's see what's this about.

Lincoln: There once was a ship that put to sea. And the name of that ship was the Billy o' Tea.

Lana: That's a weird name for a boat.

Lola: I like the boat already. Something about tea makes it interesting.

Lisa: Hmm... I think I can recall what that ship is.

Leni: Why is it called like that?

Lisa: Because it's a ship that almost resembles a teapot. You know, the ones that was an old ship for cargo.

Leni: How will it sail though?

Lisa: It must have been a wind sailboat.

Lincoln: The winds blew hard, her bow dipped down. Blow, me bully boys, blow.

Lisa: I called it.

Luan: Heh, heh, blow.

Luna: Don't even think about making that joke Luan.

Lynn Jr: Bully boys?

Lisa: It can mean "Strong Crewmen" for the ship.

Zach: Soon may the Wellerman come

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