Lyric Prank: I Won't Say I'm in Love (Disney's Hercules)

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Lyric Prank: I Won't Say I'm in Love (Disney's Hercules)

Pranksters: Ronnie, Sid, Stella, Jordan, Paige

Audience: Lincoln, Loud Sisters (Spying Background but some might join during the prank)... and a surprise guest

World: Loud-Verse Earth-LCGC1 (Loud-Casa Groupchat Prime)

AN: Before we begin, I'd like to say Happy New Year and Welcome 2022 to all of you guys. It's been a while since I've done one of these. Although things are going back to normal, I should have never jinxed it in the first place. Why? Well, my homeland once again declared a nationwide Alert Level 3 Lockdown to combat the ongoing plague of the CoVID-19, which means 50% of the facilities (Dine-Ins, Schools, workspace, etc.) will be the capacity once again. This will render the place into another ghost-town, less people going out, less physical contact but slow management of some utilities and economic functions. Woe is me for being optimistic.

And what's worse is that... this story is a redo because the old file got deleted when I was writing this. Yup, my progress dropped back because my computer started to malfunction. I knew I should have created a backup just in case.

Anyways, enough rambling because here's another lyric prank. When I heard this song, it made me feel nostalgic of this golden oldies/classics. I miss the times where cartoons are simple as this and teaches morals and show us a compelling story without the corruption of politics. And this song reminds me of the old RonnieColn ship from season 1-2, before the moving out to Great Lakes. So I figured, why not?

Without further ado, leave a like, review/request, follow and I hope you enjoy. God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!!

Read AN Below!

-Begin Conversation-

Ronnie: Are we really doing this?

Sid: Yup, we're doing it alright!

Stella: Plus, this suit you so well.

Jordan: She's right! The role suits you well.

Paige: This song is really one of those "old gold" classics.

Ronnie: Fine, let me just invite Lame-O. And you're right, this movie is a good classic unlike the new ones.

-Lincoln has been invited-

Lincoln: Hey, girls. What are you all up to?

Ronnie: If there's a prize for rotten judgment. I guess I've already won that.

Lincoln: Okay... what's happening?

Lori: Well it's literally about time!

Luna: Well, someone's enthusiastic.

Lori: Sorry, it's just... there's literally so much pinning I could take.

Lucy: This is why I stay in my room. Reveling in the dark.

Ronnie: No man is worth the aggravation.

Luan: Oh she's fighting the cupid.

Ronnie: That's ancient history, been there, done that!

Lincoln: You've dated before?

Lori: Are you serious?

Leni: Aren't you two dating?

Lincoln: Not including me before we did and eventually had to LDR. Besides, I remember she got embarrassed when she got exposed that she dreamt of herself marrying Artemis from the Lucha Libre club.

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