Are You A Sociopath? (Danplan Skits)

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Loud-Casa Group Chat: Are You a Sociopath? (Danplan Skits)

Featuring: Lincoln, Clyde, Liam, and Rusty

Audience: Loud sisters (except Lily for reasons), Sam, Zach, Ronnie, Sid, Chloe, Stella, Jordan, Bobby

World: Loud-Verse Earth-LCGC1 (Loud-Casa Groupchat Prime)

AN: This will be an open conversation from the group chat about the contestants taking this quiz game from the Danplan skits. This is the second part of the two-part chapter. Lincoln will be joining the quiz game but there are twists in the story. Please subscribe to DanPlan from YouTube. Without further ado, leave a like, review/request, follow and I hope you enjoy. God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!


Clyde - Player 1

Rusty - Player 2

Lincoln - New Player/Player 3

Liam - Questioner/Host

Alright Let's begin.

-Begin Conversation-

Lori: This is literally boring!

Leni: Like, we should play a game to enjoy.

Sid: How? We're kinda in a lockdown since then.

Bobby: She's right. But it's not like we wanted it. We're not the one that made the resort manager mad.

Ronnie: Then who would it have been?

Lucy: If I remember correctly, it was Lynn's idea to-

Lynn Jr: It wasn't all my fault! All I did is swung the chandelier-

Stella: That made the decor fall-

Lana: Scared the pets and the room service-

Lucy: Causing them to come to Sam and Luna and made them scare the pets with a loud sound-

Chloe: Which irritated the other people and broke the glasses and made the services to lose focus, causing a chaos in their commands!

Lynn Jr: Excuse me!? It's not my fault everybody else doesn't have the thrill of the extreme.

Ronnie:... Really!? (angry)

Sid: What the heck!?

Lola: Don't blame them this time Lynn. First the pool senior swim, now this! You went too far this time.

Lana: The broken glasses crushed the butterfly that Adelaide and I are watching!

Sid: I've yet to made her stop crying from the trauma.

Lisa: Lynn, your recklessness caused a series of unfortunate events and a chain reaction of chaos. Because of that, our parental units and our friends' parental units have to pay for the damages which could have been a saving for another vacation for all of us. Now, we are in a "big time out" as our maternal unit calls it! At least Clyde has it easy.

Lynn Jr: Fine! Okay, I'm sorry. I just wanted to have fun!

Lori: Not everyone have fun to what you call fun.

Luan: If fun to you means breaking stuff, then you're just "crushing" our fun... geddit. But seriously, I've yet to make a eulogy and last rites for that crushed butterfly.

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