Lyric Prank: KYS (Bo Burnham)

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Lyric Prank: Kill Yourself (Bo Burnham)

Pranksters: Lincoln

Audience: Loud sisters

World: Loud-Verse Earth-LCGC1 (Loud-Casa Groupchat Prime)

AN: This one is a bit serious and the maker of this song is a comedian that also experienced these mental symptoms. Please read with discretion or Parental Guidance. This will be a serious topic, trust me. I'm dealing with the same problem. As the title suggest, this is both comedic yet something sad to talk about. Without further ado, leave a like, review/request, follow and I hope you enjoy. God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!

-Begin Conversation-

Lori: Sibling meeting!

Luna: Yo! What's up?

Luan: The ceiling, the sky, clouds, the roof... There's a lot of things up, ya know. Hahahaha! Lol, geddit?

Lynn Jr: Not funny, Luan.

Leni: She's right though.

Lisa: For once, I agree. But I digress, what is it that the eldest sister wants to discuss?

Lori: Thank you, Lisa. So any plans on what to do to spend the weekend? Frankly, the mall had been too much and it's getting boring to do it over and over again.

Luna: I second that, sis. We've been going there so many times, it's getting too out of our rhythm.

Lucy: As much as I would want another book series for my Horror and poem collection, I agree that we'd been going to the mall far too much.

Lana: There's nothing really new on the animal store.

Lola: Nothing latest to the makeup department either. Hey... where's Lincoln?

Lucy: We've not noticed him yet he's here. How could we forget that?

Lori: He's probably thinking on having us go to comic book stores. Of that, we can't agree since we have different opinions about that.

Leni: Linky? Are you there?

Lori: Do you got something to say, twerp?

Lincoln: Have you ever felt sad or lonely?

Lucy: Yes.

Lynn Jr: Except for you, Lucy. You always feel that way.

Lola: I mean, sometimes yes. But doesn't everyone?

Lincoln: Have you ever felt two feet tall?

Luan: Like Lisa?

Lisa: Hey!

Lynn Jr: Pfffftttt, oh that's a classic.

Lincoln: Have you ever thought, "Man, if only I was anybody else at all"?

Luna: Bro, you good?

Lori: What's with you today, Lincoln?

Lincoln: They like to kick you when times get rough.

Leni: Lincoln... are you okay?


Lincoln: And you give your all but it's not enough

Leni: Don't say that. You're enough for us.

Luna: Yeah bro, we care about you.

Lincoln: And sticks and stones might break your bones. But words can break your heart.

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