Loud-Casa Group Chat: Confession (TomSka)

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Loud-Casa Group Chat: Confession (TomSka)

Featuring: Lynn Jr (LJ), Clyde, Lincoln

Guests: Some other characters (Loud Sisters, Lincoln & Clyde Harem)

World: Loud-Verse Earth-LCGC1 (Loud-Casa Groupchat Prime)

AN: Before we begin, I'd like to say that I, once again, didn't get the job that I was aiming for. I'm really am unlucky and I can't fault the pandemic any further since society is slowly healing from this tragic event. But I will not give up. I may lose some hope and feel a bit desperate and worried but there will always be people trying to bring me back up and standing... for their sake, I will keep on going. I've failed and disappointed far too many times but I will keep on looking until I get something. It may not be the job I'm expecting but God knows it might be what I needed. I have to, it's all that I have left. A bit of faith and hope. So... I guess I'm ranting once more. Anyways, some of the Danplan skits aren't that good of a suggestion but I might still reconsider if I have the time. For now we have this TomSka skit. I might also do a family game night skit (TheOdd1Out or something).

Eventually, I might do more skits or Steven He "Asian" memes so you readers may have something to enjoy.

Without further ado, leave a vote, review/request, follow and I hope you enjoy. God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!!

Please Read AN below.

-Begin Conversation-

Lori: So... what is it that you literally want to show us? It better not be a waste of time.

Luan: It's not... I swear. Especially if involves our brother, sister and our resident African-American friend.

Leni: Like, Linky is involved but who's the sister and the African friend?

Lisa: Really?

Luna: Be a little patient, little dudette. You know how Leni is.

Lola: Specifically, it's Lynn.

Lana: And how do you know?

Lucy: Considering she's not here... and Lincoln is playing with Clyde for now... you can already guess.

Luan: I don't mind if any of you invite the girls involved in our Linky's life too.

Lori: I'm literally still not getting used to this Harem thing they're doing. But if it makes them happy, who am I to be against it.

Luna: I'm just hoping the little dude won't get an achy breaky heart since he's such a heart-rob.

-Some of the friends/Harem are invited-

Ronnie: So... what's going on today?

Luan: You're watching a clip that I got on footage on the house.

Lori: Before you question it, Lisa and Luan reinstalled some of the security cameras but not in the bathroom and Lisa makes sure to delete or keep private some stuff.

Lisa: Privacy rules... that includes anything racy or bold such as romance or intercourse.

Jordan: Well, thanks for that! We might not be ready for the adult stuff.

Sid: Wait, why invite us?

Luna: This involves you dudes... are the rest present?

Stella: Here!

Paige: Yo!

Haiku: I'm the only one here from the Sadie Hawkins dance. There's a reason for that.

Lucy: Still torn between the two?

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