The Hole (TomSka) and More

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Loud-Casa Group Chat: The Hole (TomSka) and More

Featuring: Lori, Luna & Luan

Audience: Leni, Lynn Jr (LJ), Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa. (Lily is also here but she will have few lines)

World: Loud-Verse Earth-LCGC1 (Loud-Casa Groupchat Prime)

AN: It's been a while since I've made another one of these. Again, I really am having little motivation to do this because of my own issues. Procrastinating a lot because I feel easily tired whenever. And since the government has now allowed outside activities once more, my attention on writing is diminishing since I also want to go back to my routine, go back on job-hunting, find someone to date and more. Don't get me wrong, I'm introverted but I'm attempting to break the stigma of being unable to socialize. Antisocial people like me aren't bad or unapproachable, we just limit our circles and keep things simple, along with refrain from unnecessary chats and only interact if it's something meaningful in a way or of importance. Anyways, here's another chapter and please support the original (TOMSKA). Without further ado, leave a like, review/request, follow and I hope you enjoy. God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!!

Please Read AN below.

It was morning time and everyone just finished breakfast. Luan then took a mug of coffee and went to the living room. SInce it was the weekend, they've decided to take this opportunity to watch a movie with their DVD player. What they didn't notice is that Lincoln's not with them and Luan found a hole and placed a rug over it, which also fell inside. Soon everyone came into the living room and saw Luan drinking coffee.

-Begin Conversation-

Lori: So, anyone want to watch a movie?

Luna: Sure... let's just wait for Sam. She's supposed to be here minutes ago.

Lori: Luan, have you seen the copy of the greatest movie of all time?

Luan: The Synder Cut?

Lori: Yeah.

LJ: We need more than one movie, like Infinity War or Endgame.

Lola: Or Disney Princess related!

Lana: Or anything with Dwayne Johnson!

Lisa: Or Sci-Fi movies!

Lucy: Or horror.

Leni: Or romance.

Luna: And musicals.

Lori: So, where is it?

Luan: I'm pretty sure it fell on the hole.

Lori: What hole? *looks down* OH MY GOD!!

-Dramatic Sting-

Lori: What is that!?

Luan: It's a hole.

Lori: Yeah, I can see that, what's doing there?

Lana: I'll go downstairs and see how it got there. *Leaves*

Lola: How we even get this hole?

Lisa: I'll go get my equipment. *leaves also*

LJ: Even I'm positive that I didn't do that.

Luan: I just woke up this morning *slurps* then there's a hole.

Luna: That looks deep, Lu!

Lori: What are you gonna do about it?

Luan: Well, I put a rug over it...

-Dramatic Sting-

Luan: Yeah, it fell in the hole.

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