Loud Tweets & Shower Thoughts 3

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Loud-Casa Group Chat: Loud Tweets & Shower Thoughts 3

Featuring: Loud Family and Others

World: Loud-Verse Earth-LCGC1 (Loud-Casa Groupchat Prime)

AN: Before we begin, I'd like to say that I am not quite feeling well. No suggestions or anything ever came and I don't see any Danplan Skit that I should do for now. I'm having another depression and anxiety attack because even though my city is going back to normal and facilities are opening and allowing more people again, I have to find a job that is fitting for my degree or if I'm not lucky... I'll just take meager jobs such as fast-food/diner (dishwashing or costumer management). I'd really rather be in a school or tutoring center to teach mathematics. Or in a bank to serve costumers with their finances. But in this world, you can't always get what you want.

Mental health is just as important to both my hobbies in writing, gaming and sketching; and my future occupation. So right now, I have you these Loud Tweets with some shower thoughts for you guys.

Eventually, I might do a Danplan skits or Steven He "Asian" memes so you readers may have something to enjoy.

Without further ado, leave a vote, review/request, follow and I hope you enjoy. God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!!

Please Read AN below.

-Begin Chat-

Lincoln: A good romance starts with a good friendship.

Sid: True!

Ronnie: A bad romance starts with...

Luan: Ra ra ra ah ah! Roma-Roma-ma. Ga-ga ooh-la-la!

Stella: Want your bad romance!

Lincoln: Really?


Giggles: When my mom calls my name, I have to ignore the first call to see if she really needs me.


Paige: I hate it when people post pictures of themselves crying.

Polly: For real. Like what the heck are we suppose to do?! DM you a tissue?


Haiku: Sometimes I just talk to myself.

Lucy: Yeah, me too.

PiroBal: Ditto.

Maggie: You're brother does that often, Lucy.

Lincoln: No, I--

PiroBal: Shush... Don't tell them your secret, Lincoln.


Polly: Rusty used to look at me the way all women want to be looked at.

Stella: Awe...

Jordan: That's nice.

Polly: With fear in his eyes *devilish smirk*

Stella: ...

Jordan: That's Lincoln in my dodgeball challenges.


Luan: HELP!

Luna: What did you do?

Luan: I accidentally threw Lynn's Hot Sauce to Lincoln! Now both of them are mad! How long do you think I have to live?!

Luna: 10

Luan: 10 what?

Luna: 9, 8,...

Lisa: I suggest you to run

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