Confession 3 (TomSka)

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Loud-Casa Group Chat: Confession 3 (TomSka)

Featuring: Rusty and Polly

Guests/Watchers: Ronnie, Stella, Jordan, Sid, Lincoln, Some Loud Sisters (esp. Lynn Jr) and surprise...

World: Loud-Verse Earth-LCGC1 (Loud-Casa Groupchat Prime)

Suggestion/Help with: Wattwayne123

AN: Before we begin, I'd like to say a few stuff out. I'd like to thank wattwayne123 for helping a bit on which characters to have in this new TomSka skit. I skipped Confession 2 because I don't have any character to use on that skit. It's been a while and I haven't done any Group Chat skits or Lyric Prank because I put thin in hiatus until the Holy Week/Passover Week and Election days are over (here in the Philippines). Now that it's over, I might regularly keep track on this Group-Chat fanfic whether I do it weekly or biweekly (sometimes monthly).

I know you'd expect me to rant about being jobless but I'm tired of doing that because I know this virus isn't going to vanish anyways so I just have to keep searching and never give up. Still, it's going to be a norm for me to complain quietly about this troubles I'm getting for this gosh-dang pandemic crisis.

Another thing is that I might do a reboot of Loud-Casa Music Covers into a new continuity... it'll be where Lincoln is going to create a Boy Band (or Boy Group) that do music and many other things that makes fans chase them (like a K-Pop Army Stan or something). It'll be like a revival of a musical fanfic from NakaR (His CD's)... it's still pending for approval but I hope I could do it. (Yes, this will be an Adopted Lincoln AU so expect some "Pseudo - Loudcest" ship along the way).

Without further ado, leave a vote, review/request, follow and I hope you enjoy. God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!!

Please Read AN below.

-Begin Conversation-

Lori: Lemme guess, another tape?

Lincoln: Rusty and Polly made the recording.

Luan: They said to share it first before watching them so we could all know the content.

Lincoln: Leni, Luna, the Twins, Lisa and Lily wont be here since they have their own thing to do for now. But some of my girlfriends will be here.

Lori: I'm literally slow in getting used to the arrangement, but whatever makes you happy, twerp.

[Few minutes later, the girls arrived, Lori also invited LJ and Lucy before beginning.]

LJ: So this is about Polly? Well, I wanna know what she and Rusty are up to.

Lincoln: How come Clyde hasn't joined yet?

LJ: Oh he's with his dads for a trip. He invited me but I declined for now since I have some things to take care of in my sports community. Besides, I'm still not used to the arrangement so it'll give time for the nerd with his two nerdy girlfriends as well.

Lincoln: Oh, so Chloe and Penelope joined?

LJ: With adult supervision, so they brought either their parent or older sibling.

Lucy: How come Haiku didn't join him?

Lincoln: Funny is that, she's still torn between picking over one of us so...

Lucy: It's like deciding between a werewolf and a vampire.

Luan: It's like Twilight all over again.

Lori: I swear, if you dare say something about that movie series.

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